A young man in a white robe with staff strapped to his silently walked down the roads of Ylisstol he has garnered some sideway glances for people recognized him as an ex-priest of the church, his robes and staff are not helping. The young man sighed, how will he find the Champion? The church must already be hunting the champion down? Konrad is a healer not a tracker. He sighed deeper and run his gloved hand through his short brown hair. But he has to do something, even if to help the people who will be stuck in the middle if he doesn't find the champion on his own. Now that he started to think his plan though he relised how foolhardy it all was that he could even find the champion without any tracking skills or even assistance from others, Konrad groaned, this wasn't his best idea. While busy with his own thoughts Konrad is brought back to real life by the sounds of a scuffle down one of the side alleys of the city, Konrad sighed softly, he knew fights would happen since he heard the news by the church, he has to do his best to make sure people aren't hurt. Konrad grabbed his Heal Staff off his back and quietly walked into the alley, and he scanned all the members of the scuffle, there was quite a large number of people. He got nervous, he never liked combat and violence, it made sick and scary, but he has to do his best to make sure nobody who still left don't die. But will they attack him if they know of his ex-priesthood? or that he left the clergy? Konrad was visibly shaking now, he really has to make sure he doesn't die because of his choices. He has to be diplomatic and speak with the utmost care or else there might be severe consequences for his safety and most likely his life. [color=ed1c24]"Dear gods I'm dead."[/color]