[color=1a7b30][I]Boy, the boss is pretty touchy. Big words coming from a guy who comes from a race that killed their planet and had to become the hanars’ serfs and playthings in exchange for surviving. Easy to complain about people being scared to lose power when you come from a race that only exists because a group of obnoxious jellyfish got bored of the regular zoo offerings.[/I][/color] Ardan thought, keeping pace in the formation. Nik had an overly simplified way of looking at things, and that was fine. Didn’t make him right, but the man had a point about them picking a pretty stupid time to argue politics. Ah, growing pains. The team would figure each other out, somehow. Nik was also probably bitter about having lost a few men. Ardan never had a chance to meet them, but the day was apparently quite taxing on the lot. He picked a bad day to enlist. [color=1a7b30][I]Listen to yourself, is there ever a good day? Man’s probably a bucket of fucking sunshine like this all the time. Probably needs to get laid before the tension makes him lose his mind.[/I][/color] After several moments of awkward silence, Ardan decided to break the tension. [color=1a7b30]“So, about the Ardat-Yakshi being unfuckable… Anyone ever try anal?”[/color] he asked. Twenty minutes in a combat zone was an eternity, and it was impossible not to feel the tension and uncertainty hound every step. Stopping in front of the Import – Export building, Ardan took note of the casualties. It was remarkable the Crimson Fist managed to keep in power if they kept bleeding off manpower like this. He tried to come up with a satisfactory estimate of the value of the equipment just laying around, discarded like their owners, and nothing came to mind other than a shitload. "Ardan, in case our fearless leader has forgotten that you're just as ex-military as I am, he wants the two of us to cover the rear." Haze explained, sarcasm dripping from his voice like a leaky faucet. [color=1a7b30]"Always the fun job. Think we'll have time to visit the gift shop?" [/color]Ardan replied dryly. Ardan picked up the formation quickly enough, the mercenaries running off their own variation of a fairly standard tactical formation. Ardan took up the rear, walking backwards to cover the group and relying on the IFF beacons of his team to keep himself oriented behind them. His Vindicator was shouldered and the fire-selector set to automatic, room to room fighting about the only time it was a viable option. Things were quiet as the team moved in silence through the battle-ravaged building, passing bodies from both attackers and defenders, their armour telling who was who. Gunshots filled the air, muffled from being in a separate room, and Ardan kept his position in the rear, watching for flankers. He changed a look at the sudden thump of a dropping body and noticed the turian with the severe impalement and wondered if Daro was trying to think of ways to save the dumb, unlucky bastard’s life. As far as fatalities went, that one was at least different. Soon, the team entered a room that looked like a slasher vid with bodies and blood sprayed all over the damn place. Ardan’s face, concealed behind his helmet, grimaced as he immediately gave up trying to figure out what organs were splattered over the table nearest him. He swivelled gracefully to face the batarian and his men torturing the krogan, deciding to look elsewhere at the other men as the batarian tore off the Crimson Fist soldier’s crest. Ardan wasn’t a squeamish guy, but shit like that was pretty uncomfortable to look at. He watched the volume of his ear pieces diminish on his hud as the screaming was drowned out. Tonight was definitely a drinking night. As soon as he heard the batarian speak, Ardan returned the volume to normal. Not helping his race’s reputation, the batarian looked like a cannibalistic serial killer. When he discovered that this piece of work was Jek, Ardan groaned over the private line to the squad communications. [color=1a7b30]“So, he seems nice.”[/color] He said sarcastically. [color=1a7b30]“If you were looking for blood transfusion supplies, Daro, I’ll go grab a few buckets.”[/color]