Thrum. Each step, each lingering moment gave Skallagrim a clearer picture of what he had to do to finish this fight without killing Scion in the process. It varied little from his original thoughts, the outcome however did. Step and feint; Scion had decided to close the distance between them with a feint. Three feet, killing distance, had the move come a few second earlier Scion would be dead, but now he would live. The diffusion of light, the obfuscation by the orbiting, glowing balls of silver-blue energy with attendant dark streamers crackled and hummed as the magnetic field increased, fueled by the induction field. The plasma balls creating the field increased their speed as the field they generated increased in strength. Amethyst energies glared brightly, as if the noonday sun had turned a purplish hue. Providence occasionally smiled upon the Dreamers. As Scion stepped forward with his left, shifting the staff long enough to change hand positions and staff position, Skallagrim passed guard, not trying to cut off the man, but rather stepping into him with his right leg. Thrusting the energy laced war sword straight for the upper right thigh of Scion. The blade, unless by some miracle was intercepted, would shoot past the vertical staff toward the fleshy right thigh of Scion. The intent was simple enough, Skallagrim wanted to puncture and bury the tip deep into the meat of Scion’s leg. Each movement in the plan carefully analyzed to ensure that death would not result from the actions that were to unfold, the Dreamers agreed. Scion should survive the sword thrust and subsequent actions; if he died, it would not be through the action of the Dreamer. Of course, with the closing of the distance between the warriors, Scion was now within Skallagrim’s powerful magnetic field. The distinct hum would clearly be an auditory clue, but the fact that his hair would stand on end once he crossed the orbit of the outer most plasma balls would be a telltale sign. It would also grant Scion a second before the four outer orbiting balls would make their circuit and intersect with Scion’s body. Two came around the left of Skallagrim and two from the right, trailing the darkness with them.