[@ArkmageddonCat][@TheDarkTemplar][@Smarty0114] The children of the orphanage already knew what to do when it came to the DMA most of them actually just went on with their day after all an orphanage with no children was very suspicious. "Go wash the dishes." Cia said hoping to send the children into the kitchen where there was also an underground tunnel that lead to the sewers and then another part of the city entirely. The older children could take care of the younger ones easily enough so they knew what to do when trouble came. Cia walked up behind Jessica. "Put down your gun, your only going to make the situation worse." Cia said as she walked up next to Jessica. Cia didn't really like people like Jessica who went straight to the gun before trying diplomacy first, after all the best way to take someone down was to kill them with kindness, at least that was her motto. Though thankfully Cia could protect herself enough against bullets, not having arms also helped as she was a much harder target to hit anyways. Cia opened the door again with her foot. "I'm sorry for my colleagues reaction, she's still a bit fussy after we almost got robbed last week." Cia said as she smiled at them. To many people a girl with no arms was Defenseless and hardly a threat.