The second the door closed Pariah turned to John with a look of disbelief on her face, [color=fff200][b]"Fuckin' really John? Chocolates? I'm leading this, you can follow or wait in the car"[/b][/color] her words were rushed as Pariah could hear someone approach the door. To her surprise another girl opened it...but without hands. "I'm sorry for my colleagues reaction, she's still a bit fussy after we almost got robbed last week", the girl apologized for Jessica's reaction but it was of little importance to Pariah as they'd get to know each other much better real soon. [color=fff200][b]"It's fine, we need to talk to Jessica. We're with the Conclave"[/b][/color], Pariah spoke in a rushed tone to give the illusion that Jessica was needed urgently. [hr] Back at the bar Cole listened to what Car-tali was saying but he paid no mind to it. They'd gotten past pleasantries already, it was time to get to business. [color=ed1c24][b]"Just take a seat, as I said before you told me you were ex-DMA. Why? What happened that you're no longer with them? What did you do while you were with them?"[/b][/color], Cole dug hard into Car-tali trying to get as much information as he could out of him. With Seth and Finn with him the need to be coy was no longer necessary. This guy would either spill his guts or they'd do it for him.