[i]"FOR THE EMPEROR!" Erica yelled as she charged across the line, chainsaw bayonet brought to bare on the small Tau squad. Suddenly an object landed next to her foot, then white[/i] A red haired woman awoke on the shores of an unknown island. Mystery surrounded her as there was no sign of wreckage or means of how she even got there. Sitting up, she moaned and rubbed her aching head. "By the Emperor.... where am I?" she groaned aloud, glancing around. She picked up her over-charged las gun and helmet before moving inland. Erica crept through the forest, staying low and being vigilant. Suddenly she heard something and immediately hid. A human looking creature, with nearly black skin and red eyes made its way through the forest. "Could that be... a human tainted by chaos? Perhaps.... Well... the fact remains that its either a filthy xeno or a corrupted human. Right then!" she thought to herself, watching the creature. Suddenly she burst forth from the foliage, charging towards the creature, las gun blazing. "DIE YOU FOUL CREATURE!!!" she yelled as she ran.