Libé had stared out the window for a little while, then calmly regarded the little girl as she got out of the pod and let the envirenment sink in as he had. She reminded him of his little cousins. Although, as they where as he remembered them. They should be in varying stages of high school at this point, but he hadn't seen them in a while. He grimaced at the thought of them being smack in the middle of the #yolo generation, he dreaded the thought of phrases like 'swag' and 'yolo' coming from their cute little faces. [i] "A-are you here to kidnap me?"[/i] Oh no! Was he scaring her? This was why he had wondered how the goddess chose her 'players'. His face of disgust swiftly replaced with a warm smile Libé tried to calm the girl. "Don't worry. I didn't bring you here. And I'm not here to-" But as he spoke the girl suddenly ran off crying and hid behind a medical pod. Libé followed, he caught a glimpse of some black snake shooting out of the girls sleeve and attacking her. Libé had no idea where the creature came from, of course it was stupid to assume there would be no animals in this room. Just because the room looked like a futuristic medical dock didn't mean it was sealed and sterile. [i] "AHHH! HELP ME!"[/i] Libé rushed over and knelled in front of her, swift but carefully grabbing her left hand by the tip of her fingers and turned her wrist up. The snake thing was embedded into her palm. He wanted to try and remove the thing, but he hesitated on the sight of sharp edges and lightning fast, unpredictable movement. It wasn't a snake. Maybe it wasn't a creature. It was clearly magical in any case. Not that he technically had seen 'real' magic ever before. But if magic here was anything like the worlds of fantasy he was so familiar with, this was it. On some level he could even feel a cold energy slightly tingle on his skin like warmth from a nearby campfire would slightly burn. "Shh.. Calm down." Libé said as reassuringly as possible. "This world is magic. This thing is magic. But we have magic too. So we can figure this out. Stay calm and move slowly." Since this looked like a medical lab, there might be equipment that could help. Libé quickly scanned the room for anything he might use to dig the leech looking thing out of her before it could do more harm.