[b]Name[/b]: Jordan Smith [b]Age[/b]: 17 (12-70) [b]Occupation[/b]: Student [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://imc.ulximg.com/image/src/artist/1346353449_4159240d68a922ee4ecdfd8e85d179c6.jpg/84f55d75423f0d45560b73228c0aeec8/1346353449_eminem.jpg[/img] [b]Personallity[/b]: Jordan Smith was once a cute A+ student who couldn't hurt a fly, that was up until his brother went AWOL. now hes a D- Student who looks like he could kill you just for looking at him wrong. despite that Jordan has a large and ongrowing memory and obsession with aliens and the paranormal. [b]Biography[/b]: Jordan was Jack Smiths brother, Jordan's life was good up until jack disappeared, Jordan thought that it would be aliens who tooken his brother, So Jordan devoted the next 3 years of his life to searching wearabouts to his brother Jack. Because of this his grades are plummeting and the only way Jordan is coping with his loss is by taking it out on other students. [b]Name[/b]: Sierra Brown [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Occupation[/b]: Student. [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://i.gyazo.com/b23f31c53dddf70363936a737c6c6749.png[/img] [b]Personallity[/b]: Sierra brown on the outside is a suspicious girl who has a bad habit of stalking people. She is also highly devoted to religion and spends most of her free time in church or praying about something. She can be a little bit crazy and is very moral bound. which often conflicts with her everyday life. Sierra is also very tough, and will often stand up and "Honorably" Dual a bully, or someone who just plain wastes food. She really hates people who waste food. However Sierra is also very free and none-caring. she can often say the wrong things at the wrong times to the wrong people. she can also be very kleptomaniac. [b]Biography[/b]: Sierra Brown had a nice family, until debt problems started happening and less food started appearing for dinner. eventually She outright went bankrupt. Her family quickly had their house taken away and all their possessions. leaving them homeless. this forced Sierra to rob grocery stores just to eat something for dinner. Sierra spent a lot of time in church. in which her uncle owned. Sierra pretty much lived in the church. Life continued for Sierra. she kept on going to school, the only difference was that she spent most of her time in church. on the day that Jack disappeared the last person Jack ever talked too was Sierra, causing Jordan and many other people to suspect Sierra of kidnapping him. [hider=the alien. (SPOILERS)][b]Name[/b]: Moria Von Geneta [b]Age[/b]: 1000 years old. [b]Occupation[/b]: She disguises herself as Jordan but however her job is to kidnap students and feed them to the "Generator" to generate power for her entire species. [b]Appearance[/b]: (True form) [img]http://i.imgur.com/WC9zPrN.png?1[/img] (Image or description) [b]Personallity[/b]: Moria is a complete sociopath, Morals simply are just a small luxury to her. Infact she could step on a puppy and claim "I was putting it out of its misery" Also Moria has no regard for human life, infact she sometimes insults it. But however Moria always seems to think she has the upperhand. and Moria also perfers stealth and friendship over Violence. and infact hates violence and war, and even shuns mankind for their violent actions however Moria is also very religious. and will go out of her way to target those who aren't religious. [b]Biography[/b]: Moria is part of the Geneta caste of her alien race the Eternal. She is a notorious Geneta, Who had single-handedly responsible for the death of thousands of alien species. all just to keep on powering a holy machine known as the generator and keep the lights on for her race. And now the Geneta caste was assigned to earth. Mission?. sacrifice the inhabitants to keep the lights running. Weakness: Has a bad allergy to peanut butter, like. death by peanut butter. Moria will try her best to absolutely stay away from peanut butter. the reason why she targeted the highschool is because of its nut-free policy[/hider]