[center][color=8882be]~Friend to the Creepy and Crawly~[/color] [hider=WIP, please don't judge too quickly. I need to fix a lot. Posting it as is just for you to get an idea of how she looks.] [img]http://i.imgur.com/m6pXTRr.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Placide Dubois [b]Age: [/b]Twenty two. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5'1, 134lb [b]Personality:[/b] One can easily know Placide for years and yet have no idea how to describe her. This is due to two different reasons. The first of which being that Placide isn't one to speak without first being spoken to, and her awkward and quirky nature often makes these first (and oftentimes last) conversations brief due to the other party being unsure of how to respond. The second of which, the reason why she herself finds it difficult to describe herself, is that the few who do stick around will soon come to learn that Placide lives in extremes. For her, there is no middle ground. Can you describe Placide as brave? Yes, immensely so. Can you describe Placide as cowardly? Again, yes, incredibly so. Yet to describe her as something in-between would be incredibly inaccurate. Her emotions and traits are a constantly occupied teeter-totter, tipping from one end to another in what might seem like a consistent rate until one person invariably leaves, leaving it still for a while, before someone inevitably comes back to form a pair, thus continuing the cycle. It's impossible to tell when someone will leave or join, or how fast it'll tip from one side to another, leaving others -including herself- quite confused as to how to feel about herself. There are, however, some defined and consistent traits. For one thing, Placide has never been one to draw much attention to herself, being one to prefer working backstage rather than be in the spotlight. This meekness should not be mistaken for a lack of confidence, for she possesses an easy sense of self-assurance and is a firm believer than everything will ultimately work out for the best in the grand scheme of things, regardless of whether one likes the outcome or not. This makes her quite the optimist, perhaps naively so at times, and with this optimism comes her carefree, cheerful, and fun-poking nature, a lover of jokes. Another is that she's quite the protector of the underdog, probably due to having been one herself in the past. Sweet and caring by nature, she's always willing to lend out a helping hand to those who need it, and sympathizes and empathizes quite easily with others. Patience is something she prides herself in, though she also knows that nothing comes easy without getting up and going for it, and with her endless perseverance she's not willing to give up on something once she's set her mind on. However, what she prides herself most in is her acceptance towards others, beliving in second (and third, and fourth) chances, and that everyone should be given a chance to change, as she believes everyone is capable of such. Though not the most adventurous sort, she's always ready to try something new as she is fueled by curiosity and the urge to learn and understand more. There isn't just good news to her, however. Said sympathy and empathy can lead to her being quite uncertain with her judgement, as she tends to see good and reason in things and people she really ought to not. Her kindness can lead to naivety at times. Pathos can sway her very easily. Loyal to a foolishl extreme, and quick to cross the line between perseverance and stubbornness. She can be incredibly rude (though she rarely intends to be) and sometimes inappropriately blithe, needing a harsh dose of reality to bring her to common sense. Her booksmarts seriously outweigh her nearly non-existent street smarts. Honesty on her end is brutal. She has an awful habit of following her instincts over what's logical. Despite her optimistic nature, she can be a little wary of people due to her past experiences. Some of her jokes simply go too far. Being a curious cat, she'll probably get herself killed. And, of course, there's just her absolute awkwardness around people and her general strange and erratic nature. Nonetheless, despite this all, the one thing that can be said for certain is that regardless of how you view her, you'll keep on guessing as long as you're in her company. [b]History:[/b] Having grown up on a family-run berry farm in a rural area close to Coumarine City, Placide was the second child to the old fashioned and superstitious Dubois family, the first being her older sister and role model, Léonide, the third being Jocelyn, and the third being Jocelyn, her coddled and much younger brother. Due to her sister's equally eccentric nature and her mostly isolated childhood, it was only natural that she'd end up a bit strange herself, as well as become a bit socially awkward and naive in the process. School would have been a place she loved (the sheer amount of things she didn't know of blew her mind so to speak and left her hungry to learn as much as she could) if not for the few children she did interact with often picking on her for a few years of life, which she mostly kept to herself, until the effects of said bullying began to show in her demeanour, and her family began questioning what was wrong. It was her older sister, who eventually found out about it and stuck up for her, slowly helping to restore her confidence and trust in others. The bullying did eventually cease, but no one really did give her a chance, ignoring her. And, by extension, she learned to cope with being ignored, eventually learning to ignore others unless approached. Perhaps because of her own rough treatment, she soon began to view the bugs she once thought of as pests as something more than that, and began to learn to build traps for them in order to be carried off to other locations rather than have her parents' Talonflame deal with them. When Léonide decided to become a Pokémon Coordinator in Hoenn, Placide stayed behind to help on the farm, letting her sister chase her dreams in her place. With her gone, she learned to work twice as hard on the farm, and with her gone, waiting for the day in which her younger brother would be old enough to take her place on the farm and let her chase her dream of becoming a Pokémon researcher. Four months before she would set off on her own journey, Léonide returned from her own journey, unsuccessful in the Grande Festival but eager to give it another shot. Learning that her younger sister would soon be a trainer herself, she decided to show her some of the ropes in advance, and, during a demonstration battle, something happened. Her newly caught Nincada split off into two beings. Being more supersticious than her younger sister, Léonide wanted nothing to do with the Shedinja, and reluctantly let her keep it under her wing rather than release it, only giving in after her insistent pleading was becoming far too much of an annoyance. Shocked by how her own rolemodel could so easily deny the chance to this Pokémon simply because of the mythos behind it changed her dream and how she viewed Pokémon. She now sought to learn and understand the feared and unloved Pokémon, wanting to give them the second chance that she herself had never been given by her peers, and show the world a sweeter side to them. Though both they and she were hard to understand, she wanted to show the world that it wasn't impossible to. [b]Dream/Goal:[/b] To better understand and change the perspective of others on Pokémon generally viewed as scary, gross, or dangerous, particularly ghost, bug, and dark types. [b]Preferred Starter:[/b] [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140811194244/pokemon/images/0/02/Venipede_XY.gif[/img] [b]Rooster: [/b] [img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/shedinja.gif[/img] [center]Agne~ Genderless (referred to as a 'he' by Placide) ~ Level 20 ~ Lonely~ Highly Curious[/center] Kept under her care after being threatened to release it into the wild, Ange is the empty shell left behind her much more superstitious sister's Nincada. He has no battle experience and Placide herself does not at all like the idea of sending him out into battle, due to his fragility and disobediance, as he is far too high leveled for a trainer of her current skill level, and thus acts more of a travel companion than anything. Like all Shedinja, he never moves and never speaks, which can be quite unnerving to others due to his natural curiousity and downright boldness, approaching both people and Pokémon without respecting a little something called 'personal space'. Having been abandoned the moment he was formed and feeling disconnected to most other beings due to some obvious communication issues, Agne is pretty lonely in nature and clings desperately to whoever dares give it a chance. Despite this, Agne hasn't given up on his sense of dignity, (or rather, he had it restored by Placide), and thus one must earn his respect. His pride often breaches into overconfidence, which gets him into quite a bit of trouble. For reasons unknown, he seems to harbour hatred towards being kept in a Pokéball, and is thus almost always found perched on Placide's head. Other: [hider=Themes] Normal Theme: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waT9QskY_kA[/youtube] Battle Theme: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfHKUd29UPA&feature=youtu.be[/youtube] [/hider] [hider=Future Party] [center][img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/shedinja.gif[/img] Agne the Shedinja [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140811194244/pokemon/images/0/02/Venipede_XY.gif[/img] [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140811194246/pokemon/images/9/91/Whirlipede_XY.gif[/img] [img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/scolipede.gif[/img] Chouchou the Venipede/Whirlipede/Scolipede [img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/murkrow.gif[/img] [img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/honchkrow.gif[/img] Chéri the Murkrow/Honchkrow [img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150131025902/pokemon/images/8/8a/Drowzee_XY.gif[/img] [img]http://cdn.staticneo.com/w/pokemon/6/66/097.gif[/img] Mie the Drowzee/Hypno [img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/banette.gif[/img] [img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/banette-mega.gif[/img] Princesse the (mega) Banette [img]http://www.smogon.com/dex/media/sprites/xy/sneasel.gif[/img] Fifille the Sneasel[/center] [/hider] [/center]