[color=8dc73f]"I- I don't know! I don't even know the guy!"[/color] The man's heartbeat was off the charts, he was afraid... and lying. The man was holding a fully loaded AK-74, but no amount of weaponry would make him feel safe from what was about to come... and he knows it. [color=ed1c24]"Oh... you don't know anything, huh?"[/color] Her voice bounced around the alleyway, hidden in the shadows--hidden from sight. Daredevil had been tracking down a crime boss--and this just happened to be his top lieutenant. This man was afraid, but who could blame him? He had heard the stories of "[i]The Devil of Hell's Kitchen[/i]", how this one woman could take down five bouncers to a hospital within minutes. Daredevil was fear personified, she struck fear into the hearts of criminals all around Hell's Kitchen as she stalked the streets at night. It's to the point when if you mention "Devil" to a crime-lord, they would shit themselves. Daredevil, this single woman, was why criminals breathed easier when the sun rose every morning. [color=8dc73f]"Th- that's right! And you ain't gonna see the light of day! 'Cause I'ma be the guy to kill ya'!"[/color] He readied his AK-47 and smirked, [color=8dc73f]"They say you're not human... but I don't believe that shit--you're just some pissed off girl on her period!"[/color] Daredevil broke into a laugh, her laugh bounced all around the alley. [color=ed1c24]"I like you Kyle. I bet Nancy would like you too."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"Who the hell's Nancy?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"The one who has to work overtime in the hospital to make sure poor thugs like yourself don't end up choking on their own blood after I beat them senselessly."[/color] It was then, right then, she rushed from the shadows towards him. She was light on her feet yet running at the speed of an Olympic athlete. Daredevil tossed her billy club at the lieutenant's AK-47, knocking it out of his hands and sent skidding across the concrete. His heartbeat escalated quickly, no adjective able to describe the immense fear he felt at that very moment. Within the same four seconds, Daredevil delivered a spinning wheel kick to his skull--instantly incapacitating him and sending him collapsing to the ground. [color=ed1c24]"Anti-climatic. Mmmph."[/color] Daredevil tilted her head upwards, she heard somebody was coming this way--no, two people. Both armed with a... she could smell the type of bullet but she couldn't place the name. But she knew that for sure those were military grade weaponry they were armed with. They were both behind her, staring at her. She could tell one of them was supposed to say something but was hesitating, so she took the initiative and spoke for them without even turning her head in their direction. [color=ed1c24]"You're with SHIELD, aren't you? I'm surprised you all came down from your flying fortress just for me."[/color] She heard one of the agent's heartbeat fasten, not expecting her to know about SHIELD. [color=6ecff6]"Y- yes. We're here with an invitation. However, might I ask how you know about SHIELD?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"That's..."[/color] She turned around closed her useless eyes and smiled, [color=ed1c24]"...classified."[/color] [hr] [color=ed1c24]"It's louder than I predicted."[/color] Daredevil spoke as she stepped off the helicopter and onto the helicarrier. She was in-costume and ready to fight, just as she always was. Deep in her heart, Daredevil is her real self, Madelyn Murdock is simply a mask. She demonstrated this by showing up to the helicarrier in costume. Not to mention the agents found it nearly impossible to discover her identity, so they gave up with that approach and actually captured the lieutenant last night and set him right in the heart of Hell's Kitchen. All so they could get in contact with her. She was led into the auditorium and spoke to no one, and instead just took a seat. She examined the others with her senses, but decided not to initiate any form of conversation with them. SHIELD is obviously forming some type of team... a "suicide squad" almost. Who can blame them? The other "people" could be used for things that SHIELD--or the government--couldn't accomplish on their own. Hell, they could just blame these individuals if the mission turns out for the worse. Luckily for her, she had done a little homework on this roster before she came in this morning. These people were all unique and they all had abilities--well, except one of them. However, his intellect and fear toxin made up for this. The only reason Daredevil accepted the invitation to the team was because if these other individuals were to undergo mind control or turned on humanity, she would need more information on their abilities so she could come up with a plan to neutralize them if necessary. She wasn't here to fight monsters, she was [i]really[/i] here to observe the others.