Name: Erasmus Tormod Age: 55 Gender: Male Appearance: [url=]Hrmph.[/url] Personality: Erasmus is a (formerly) traditionalist mage who's coming to terms with the idea of his own mortality after the death of his wife of thirty years in a car accident. As such, he's decided to make the best of the time he has left, spending as much of it as he can with his grandkids and trying new things. He's gotten a crash course in the modern world, always trying to get more time for his grandkids and hobbies. As he likes to say: "50 is the new 30." Skills: While Erasmus is in far better shape than he has any right to be at his age, he's still a 55 year old man and tires out quickly. However, he's also a SCA enthusiast, wielding swords and rapiers with ease as part of his regular Renaissance Fair attendance. Abilities: Erasmus's family has been practicing Rune Magic since the days of the Vikings. He has a large number of mid-level magic circuits, meaning he can cast spells in rapid succession. As such, he knows how to draw the runes from memory and is capable of doing so in the heat of battle. Of course, one of the main issues with using Rune Magic in combat is finding a way around the range problem... which he claims to have done with help from his grandkids. Brief Backstory: Again, born to a long line of Runic mages dating back to the Vikings, Erasmus was raised in the traditions of magecraft. Eventually, he married, had kids, and then they had grandkids. His wife was killed returning from the airport to drop the children off for summer camp, which lead Erasmus to worry about what would happen to his grandchildren when he was gone. His plan is to use the Grail for something most Mages would find insultingly mundane- to ensure his grandchildren will be secure long after he passes.