Pariah's questioning served to make John more nervous, and when the girl with no arms opened the door to the orphanage John extended the box of chocolate instinctively, she was a fairly pretty girl...then he realized she had no arms. [color=00aeef]"Oh, uh, oops...I'll just...hold on to these...a little longer..."[/color] He muttered and trailed off, relaxing his arms to hold the box at his waist, listening as Pariah spoke. [color=fff200][i]"It's fine, we need to talk with Jessica. We're with the Conclave."[/i][/color] John picked up on Pariah's plan and joined in. [color=00aeef]"Yeah, I'm here to replace her...she's needed pretty urgently, but I insisted we stop so I could pick up these chocolates for the kids."[/color] He said with a slightly nervous smile, then looked down at the chocolates. [color=00aeef]"Truth is...I'm new to the Conclave...I just wanted to make a good first impression...but...well I'm honestly nervous about meeting new people, y'know?"[/color]