[hider=Henry Olin] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Henry J. Olin[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Agent Olin. Call sign: Dragonfly. Captain Olin. Various other nicknames he is aware of and embraces.[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]HE can be be either.[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]29[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]9'4[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]2100~ lbs[/INDENT] [b]Home District:[/b] [INDENT]NEST Headquarters[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]N/A[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]His eyes are yellow, but he has no irises.[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]He's Asian by decent but there's no way you'd know that.[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]At full height, he is visibly huge. He’s about as tall as the average polar bear at the shoulder when walking on all fours to give some perspective. He is in the same heavyweight category for even a bear or a horse as well, going to show he is far from a stick. Henry is still humanoid when standing upright, having a thick muscular torso but no belly button mark is left. Assuming he's completely naked (normally he wears some special clothing that was designed for him) the animal influence of his body becomes even more apparent. Henry's scales are a black coloration. He also has black splotches that liter his body scales giving him a very interesting, almost Gila Monster like coloration. Even his weakest scales are thick, armored, leathery in one direction, and rough like sandpaper and sharp in the other, his skin being like that of a shark's- made of tiny teeth (or spikes!). His arms and legs are thick and hulking: every inch of Henry's frame is taut with muscle; he is visibly the strongest person around- if you were to call him a person at this point. If I had to compare his body to anyone's it would be Bane's from the recent batman movie. Henry's mouth and jaw have extended outwards as his head has become a snout with his transformation, his nose and face broadening outwards into a very saurian snout, with his ears and nose and other cartilage structures degrading away. Upon his snout two small boney horns have protruded like that of a Rhino iguana's. He is entirely unrecognizable as the man once known as Henry Olin; now, he just looks like some freakish thing that crawled up out of Jurassic Park. He has a fairly long, thick tail, which is extremely strong and powerful. It's covered in some of the thickest armor on his body and is covered in huge segmented spikes like that of a Uromastyx lizard. Henry's hands have mutated heavily, his fingers elongating and growing huge three-inch claws. With one, his pinky, becoming a rough nub, is degraded away leaving him with only four usable fingers. His feet have already fully morphed into three-toed Raptor like feet. Each of the claws he has are thick and relatively dull, but easily over four inches long. His legs themselves look like a force of nature's. They are huge and thick like sauropod dinosaur's and covered in armor. His back and body is covered in spines that look like a cross between a Thorny devil's and a giant sungazer lizard's. Henry's attire… due to his abilities normal clothes become a hindrance over anything else, and he is usually outfitted with his exosuite if he plans to use this ability to the maximum efficiency. However, in times of emergency, he is very happy to shred his clothing and haul ass out, as he can do so and still keep it PG. His genitalia, much like that of a reptile’s, is not readily viewed unless he wants them to be. (picture coming soon)[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Usually NEST gear of some kind. He works a lot.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Henry is, despite what you might expect from him, and pretty cool guy. He's really laid back and will often share a good laugh if he can with anything or one, really. He has tried to be the change he wishes to see for the animal Meta humans. He's not overtly smart (around average), but he is witty and uses that at every appropriate chance. He is hurt when people don't give him the time of day for anything, but one of his character flaws or errors is that he is stubborn and will try to get everyone to like him. It's also this bull headed stubbornness that has gotten him into trouble before in doing things he shouldn't be. He allows himself to trust most anyone in the organization, and this can lead to pitfalls later on. He has an innate love for teaching and often acts as a drill Sergeant for some of the training regarding new Meta recruits from time to time. Hell, he just loves to help people. For back of a better description, he is a nerd, but he is somewhat cool nerd/king of the nerds. He will happily throw himself on the live grenade if it meant saving others. As an officer he often plays good cop, giving people breaks and even helping them get out of trouble if need be. This is the Henry that most people see in NEST. But when he’s on a mission… that is another story. Henry is a powerful Meta human, capable of widespread destruction and loss of life. If he weren’t already with NEST, he’d be one of their prime targets. He has shown he is in complete control of his mentality, and has shown intellect and physical properties, which are both, superhuman. When on a mission it has been documented that he is different. He has described it as feeling innately on edge about everything. He is less talkative, less like a big teddy-lizard. He becomes more… predatory. He FUNCTIONED more often than not as a spec-ops agent who uses his abilities to survey persons of interest once their power has been confirmed. But over the past year or so things have changed. When on a ‘Neutralization’ or ‘capture and contain’ missions, he tends to use the same strategy, but with different altercations. More often than not he is one of, if not the only Meta human in the group. His favorite strategy is to have his group drive the Meta human or target into a place where he waits, and then when they are there, he springs the trap and usually overwhelms them with his size, power, and durability. [/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Mostly eating and sleeping, as well as conversing with other members. He is one hell of a Mario kart player (he always chooses Yoshi), and he loves playing pool of chess from time to time. He has been trying to get his whole NEST squad to go to a local sports bar for a while. No one is sure why. He's got a mean poker face. A skill that he has learned from a friend.[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]He is in excellent control of his body and has excellent awareness of where he is and how strong he is, as well as him limits. Henry has also gone through basic and somewhat advanced military training. He is not a good shot, but he is a capable of wielding, building, and loading most forms of firearms well enough to pass boot camp. He is fairly good at handling delicate situations with diplomacy or with a careful hand (breaking up with your girlfriend or disarming a bomb with only basic instructions on how). Henry is a seasoned veteran when it comes to Meta human combat and diplomacy. He’s also really fucking good at eating competitions. He once ate all of his own, as well as his opponent’s food in a hot dog eating contest and won NEST 3000$.[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]N/A[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT]"You see the world with your eyes. Imagine being able to see it with your ears, or with your nose. What about with all three? This is how I experience day to day life. And my, is it a beautiful world."[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT]Henry J. Olin was born in May, 1988. When he was born, he was average weight, and had a full head of hair and looked like a little old man. He did nothing but scream and shit for three days after that. And for a while, Henry was a normal boy. He attended normal school, was normal height, and looked like a normal half Japanese boy from a normal upper middle class Canadian family. Then, when he turned twelve in 7th grade, puberty hit him like a freight train. Unlike most his awkward phase was extremely short. Also unlike most he turned into a huge ass lizard monster. Yes you read that right. Within the span of a week he had literally eaten all the food in the house, undergone excruciating pain, and became literally the most pissed off kid you will ever meet. Brooding teenagers have nothing on him. He quite literally nearly took his sister's hand off for trying to swipe away a spare meatball. If this was Oregon trail everyone's diets were set to bare bones for about eights for sheer survival purposes as he literally ate everything (bite makes on the dinner table for evidence). Henry's mother took him to the hospital, and to many forms of therapists and none of which had ever seen something like him before. Henry was taken out of school, and as he regained control over himself and his body calmed down, he wasn't anywhere near what he was when the transformation began eight days before. Standing at a staggering 6'5 from his previous 4'11, and weighing in at a gaunt 210lbs, Henry was unhealthy, and overall sick, but still much larger and stronger than his own father (Who was about 5'10, 170lbs). His body was still suffering the effects of the chemical changes and metabolism shift from warm blooded to lukewarm. His awkward stage continued for another week or so as his body adapted, and gained weight. He ate as much as before, but he wasn't as violent in doing so. Eventually he calmed down over the next two weeks, being a solid 401 lbs. At the weight of 411, he was actually capable of passing urine and passed his first stool since he began the change two and a half weeks before. When school started up again he did online school, and when the 8th grade year ended, Henry was placed on NEST's list after displaying superhuman abilities in terms of feats of strength, speed, stamina, and intelligence. Henry began to become smarter and excelling at work even more so than what his already intelligent parents thought he ever would normally. At the age of eighteen he was classified as a level eight Meta human, and was contacted by NEST at the age of eighteen. When the time came, after many conversations with his family and with himself, Henry admitted himself into the training regime. He's seen some shit, and he's pretty damned hardened because of it. He would by lying if he said hadn't seen people explode, or kill others in fits of rage or fear. He's been in lot disasters too; he survived them and helped others push through it. He's experienced loss, but he's also experienced some of the most beautiful things the world has to offer. He acts as one of the most powerful Enforcer’s of NEST’s civilian action and military operations (that most don’t see). The bite the backs up the bark. Henry is one of the best there is at what he does. He has been sent in for several investigations of Meta Human crime and has taken part in many missions that he can't tell you about without having to kill you. He is also one of the few and only animal Meta humans in NEST to have been determined safe enough to be taken out of the Box that also works for their organization. He was initially stationed in the largest Metahuman hotspot in the world- Black Fall, Pennsylvania. But was called in, among other elite NEST enforcers two years ago to deal with a threat that had arisen regarding a small splinter cell from the Tyrants that had organized themselves in the middle of Death Valley, California. Over the past two years his body has changed and adapted from it's previous form to be better adapted to arid and dry environments. Well suited for California. When the mission was completed he was awarded three months of R&R time, but Henry has never been one for spending much of his bank account. He has a few people who need him, after all.[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Mi A. Olin - Mother Noah R. Olin - Father Samantha J. Olin- Older sister Joy V. Olin - Younger sister[/INDENT] [b]Dynamics:[/b] [indent][b][/b] | [b][/b] | [b][/b] | [i]""[/i] |[/indent] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Super-System (Animal)[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT]Henry is big. Like, way big. In more ways than one. His powers themselves draw from and enhance the genetics we all share with birds, reptiles, and amphibians. However instead of manifesting themselves in the form of a power, they turned him into the power. Standing at a gargantuan 9'4, and weighing in at over 2000lbs he is quite literally a monster. At one point he was a more tropical variant of his normal self, but many months of enduring the desert has changed his body's appearance. Shedding light on his long term adaptive abilities and granting him new strengths and weaknesses altogether. I'll start off really basic and work my way up to the more complex stuff after that. Henry is really big, and really, REALLY strong. Every part of his body is both armored and spiked, with a thick layer of skin to protect the even thicker layer of muscle underneath it. His bones are thick and reenforced to bear his weight. But how strong is he, you ask? Well, he can pick up and throw the average sedan's weight (which is 3221 - 4009lbs) about ten to fifteen feet. So dont go picking any arm wrestles with him. His tail is also a weapon of destruction, and can be used to really fuck up your day (along with anything else it happens to hit along the way). How durable is he? Well, every part of his body is armored and covered with protection. If there were two of him, he'd probably be able to catch the car he threw at himself (or at least absorb it enough to not be killed on impact). He doesnt even feel punches. Low caliber firearms are often absorbed with some pain, but the larger the bullet, the more damage. Although as I have state it's not nearly as effective as it is on normal people, often not digging down deep enough to do fatal damage. All the extra padding also gives him heavy resistance to elemental abilities as well. Fire and heat based abilities especially so. Henry has most of the abilities of amphibians, lizards, snakes, and birds. A bacteria infested bite, powerful claws, a nasty set of triple rowed teeth (some shark like, others more crocodilian), regenerative properties (able to regenerate whole limbs after a while),, and some other weird things thrown in there. It has been said that he potentially has the ability to shift to the female gender and then back to male, although this is largely unknown as nobody wants to go up to him and say "Hey, become a girl!" because he probably doesn't know how exactly to do that (and it's not like they know what he looks like besides hearing his voice). Henry has an extremely powerful set of senses (hearing, sight, and smell, etc). Especially smell. He has two ways of smelling the air, which is through his nose and then through his tongue like a snake. Also like a snake, he has two pits right in front of his eyes that allow him to heatseek like a viper. Along his snout there are tiny pores that allow him to actually sense mild electrical pulses that come from muscle movement and the heart beating. His blood also has displayed a much lower pH than that of regular blood, making it un-survivable for most diseases, and will denature protein based compounds such as venom to the point where they function at a less potent effect, or simply do not function at all depending on the lethality. Speaking of venom, Henry has two large fangs like that of a rattlesnake’s that can spring out and are attached to the same muscles that allow him to retract his teeth. These fangs are not quite as thick as his crocodilian teeth, but are curved and about four inches in length, making them the largest teeth in his mouth. They fold back into the roof of his mouth most of the time. Because he is so large, the venom is relatively weak and acts more as a sedative over an actual Neurotoxins or Cytotoxin's. His jaws also have the ability to unhinge from his skull, and extend where his chin would be, allowing him to swallow things much larger than his skull whole if need be. Henry is a survivor. In times of trial and dire need for food and sustenance Henry has shown that he has ‘lukewarm blood’. His body temperature normally hovers around 76-81 F at any given time, as he is warm blooded. However, he can change his metabolism style to cold blooded, and can hibernate in this stage for a very long time, to the point where liver failure is the cause of death before he actually starves or dehydrates to death. Finally, Henry's body has taken a page out of the Horned lizard's book. He has the ability to projectile launch blood right from his fucking [i]eyes[/i] and nail you about ten to fifteen feet away. This blood, when exposed to air, becomes gunky and black. Due to his blood's acidic nature it's also caustic as hell and can be itchy, irritating, and if it gets int an exposed wound or eyes, really fucking painful. And he tends to let out a pretty good amount. [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT] Henry is a very big creature. Big creatures eat a lot. Henry consumes about eight or nine pounds of food a day. To give you an idea of how much he eats, he will eat about three whole chickens every two days, ten in a week, about five hundred and twenty a year. That’s about 3,740~lbs, give or take, of food a year. The average American eats about 1,996lbs of food a year. He eats very close to twice as much as a human eats. Henry has thick, strong, reinforced bones. While MUCH stronger than a human’s, they are very heavy. This gives Henry’s body a natural lack of speed and agility. He, as a creature, is build for long periods of relaxed movement. He is not built for chases, and most definitely not for distance running or a constant level of high activity over even a short period of time. Also, that amount of armor tends to make people inflexible. Henry is not excluded from this. That blood from his eyes? It comes from his blood supply and special glands in his mouth (connected to the venom sacks). He's only good for maybe one or two shots before he's out. After that he's just about squirting blood at you and while he can do that relatively easily doing it too much isn't a good idea. [/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT] Because his blood is acidic, internal bleeding is a problem for him. The insides of his organs are resistant. The outsides? Not so much. While he can and has recovered from this, it is the best way to put him out of a fight. The reason behind this is because his blood can cause serious inflammation and swelling in the area of the wound. Because he is so big, Henry also has a hard time fitting into some spaces. This also works against him if he’s crawling on certain things. Most objects aren’t built to support things of his weight and he will break them. He has literally warped fire escapes in the past going down them from being on them, chairs collapse under his weight, you get the gist. His size makes him a larger target, and while he may be hard to hit, if you catch him by surprise you can hurt him. Blunt force weapons and bladed weapons (such as knives) are not very affective when dealing with him (a stab wound would seal within the hour, most likely. If it even breaks the surface). And flat out punching him, you’re more likely to hurt your hand over hurt him. A baseball bat is a better bet, but honestly, the best way to fight him is to literally come at him with a firearm or with something he has trouble flat-out absorbing. Unlike other parts of his body, his legs are a weak point. Not because they're not as armored, but because they bear so much weight. His joints, if injured, render him to a crawling speed (if he can even walk). I mean, his running speed is OUR jogging speed. He cant sprint, and he definitely cant jump. Because his senses are so powerful sensory overload can be a big problem for him. He literally cant handle large amounts of bright light and colors can cause him a lot of pain and confusion. Like, for him, without his exosuit, driving during the night or being near a busy street would probably render him in the fetal position with all the loud noises and bright lights from the car’s headlights. His vision also gets fucked up when he shoots blood from his eyes. It renders him partially blind. His eyes themselves need to be cleared manually. And if they get into the heat sensing pits, he's COMPLETELY blind. If he goes into a hibernation like state to last as long as he does, he will most likely do nothing but breathe once and hour for a very long time. It is an emergency thing to do and it really isn’t good for his body to do it for long. I’d also like to point out that Henry’s regenerative ability is NOT like that of Wolverine’s. It’s about four times as fast as a human’s. He will NOT bounce back from any wound unless it’s minor, much like a normal human. It can take him months to grow back a limb, and weeks to recover from various other injuries (The average stab wound recovery time is the two to three weeks. Henry would recover over the course of a better part of a week).[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Henry also has the ability to adapt to his environments over time (he looked vastly different on the East coast), but it takes years to occur. So it's not something worth noting in his powers because it's not relevant.[/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Insert Henry vs Dr. Donut here.[/INDENT] [/hider]