Cia already knew that this was rather suspicious, but she decided she could at least put this man to work. And make him work hard at that. "Great to have more help!" Cia said with a smile to the man as she motioned with her head to come inside with her. "Since you have all that chocolate why don't we bake something with it!" Cia said with a rather large smile on her face. "Hey kids this guy is gonna make some fudge come and help!" Cia added with a smile. Many of the children came rushing out and grabbed the box of chocolates, some of them went to find a recipe book. They then started to argue about what kind of Fudge to make. After awhile Cia got inbetween then and then turned towards John. "Mister, what was your name again? Anyways what kind of fudge do you think we should make?" Cia added. She was soon bumped into from behind by one of the children. She started to fall towards John only to have her rather large chest hit him. It was quite squishy.