Things were indeed starting to settle down outside the decrepit tavern. Despite the skeletons being as versatile as they were, they seemed to be on the losing side. They weren’t easily put down, but with the backup of the mayor and his guards and the citizens that raised up arms along with them, the fires of the forbidden realm were put out this day. Huffs and puffs were heard throughout the streets as people were finally able to catch their breath. Soon, cheers of victory could be heard as the last few skeletons were disposed of. “This wasn’t like any other attack we’ve seen so far” the captain grumbled as he slowly pulled himself up to lean on a barricade wall. “They hit us on several points today, with a magic that was far superior to all the previous attacks. It’s going to take a while for us to recoup, sir. We’ve lost so many men today, I don’t think we can take another attack like that.” he pleaded with the mayor. “We took a heavy loss today, but we can’t give in to this madness, Davik. Pull yourself together!” His doubt wasn’t exactly silenced there, but it crept no further into his mind. He’d spend the next couple of days gathering a list of casualties. It was the last thing he wanted to think about, but the mayor was right. Might as well not dwell on it now, when the time comes, they’d figure it out. Besides, it had seemed that the main fight was taken care of by a small group of citizens. “After you’ve had yourself tended to, make sure ‘they’ are taken care of, captain. We need good men and women to fight on our side. ‘We’ might not be able to handle this, but with them here, we may just have a chance.” The captain merely nodded. He had never seen such a force before. And the large man armored man, that sword- it actually damaged the demon when he hit it before they went into the inn. “Incredible!” he thought. He’d have to find out what it was made from. Perhaps they did have a chance after all. The town itself was in such disarray. The skeletons had nearly made their way up to the capital district, the north end of town that housed the mayor and his family, the barracks and military headquarters. Their flames had nearly destroyed the docks, many sections in the market district were completely in ruin, even the residential area had seen a lot of damage. It was still early in the evening, but the sun had disappeared for the day, and the stars had been hidden by the blanket of smoke that covered the sky. The smell of death lingered in the air, though if it was a stench emitted from the demons and the portals that had been opened, or their many losses of that day, no one knows. But no one will ever forget that smell. There was a healer in town, her name was Kayleth. The captain had been to see her a few times with numerous injuries over the years. She wasn’t too far from the group of them. He’d head there first before addressing the warriors in the tavern. [center]~~*~~[/center] Izzy was growing annoyed with the gentleman. She couldn’t help it if they ruined his favorite bar. It’s not like she chose it for their fight. But she sighed heavily, nodding to Katia and then to Tirarrian before directing her attention to Robert.[color=darkcyan]”I’m not sure how you missed it all out there, but there was a demon attack on the town. The three of us followed the lead demon in here. It seems you just missed all the action, so I can’t really blame you for your ignorance, your stupidity, well, that’s yet to be seen. I managed to slow him down … we nearly had him too … damn coward.”[/color] she said, frustration and defeat hung over her words and she shook her head then chugged down the last of what was left in the bottle. She looked over to the gnome again and smirked [color=darkcyan]”Glad to see that you made it out of this alive, would’ve been a damn shame if we lost you.”[/color]. She gradually made her way to the door, avoiding the mess around her. Stretching her arms out to the side, she braced the door frame and leaned her body through the entranceway, vacant of it’s door. Her eyes lingered over the mess outside. [color=darkcyan]”It looks almost as bad out there as it does in here”[/color], she chuckled. But then she saw him, the dwarf from earlier. He was injured, and looked way worse than the rest of them. [color=darkcyan]”My dear little friend, I think your salves and poultices could be put to better use on him”[/color] her sentence was directed towards Tirarrian as she pointed out towards Durin. [@Dragoknighte] [@ElitestPotato] [@boomlover] [@The Fated Fallen] [@Tabitha Jade] [@WanderingRebel]