[h1]Injae Park[/H1] [@Mr Allen J] [@Maxx] [hr] Ratchet followed Meifeng and Jen on foot; she made a mental note to return to where she parked her aunt's moped. She glanced back at the beach and scratched her head. "Man," she remarked, "are all west-coast Meta-humans this confrontational? Or is it just the heat and the thing that happened yesterday?" Ratchet rolled her eyes as Taylor walked up, upon mention of Aiden's little stunt. "If the cops want to snap him up, let 'em," she declared. "I just hope I don't have to see his Garchomp-ass again." Kate texted Ratchet. [i]Who won?[/i] Ratchet typed back. [i]No fight. Awwww. Lame :([/i] Ratchet then turned her attention back to Taylor. "So... a party?" To be honest, Ratchet thought it somewhat odd to ask about a party right after a near scrape with THA FUZZ, but she decided to humor Taylor anyway. "Where do you live?" she asked, pulling up the Notes app on her iPhone. "I'll have to ask my dad if we're doing anything tonight. My brother brought his laptop with him, so I know that [i]he'll[/i] be occupied with League..." Ratchet wondered if Kate also wanted to watch [i]Inside Out[/i] with her tonight, or if not tonight, definitely tomorrow. (Most certainly not the day after due to the bore-fest—I mean, [i]wedding,[/i] that day. Though she gets to meet her other cousins that day, as well, so that's a plus.)