"Oh that's right my replacement. They told me about you", Pariah was immediately put on edge. [color=fff200][i]"Playing along, she knows. Need to sell it better"[/i][/color], Pariah thought as she watched Jessica walked over to her car. [color=fff200][b]"You could tell me in the car, we're kind of on a tight schedule and the sooner I can get this over with the better"[/b][/color], Pariah walked over to her car and opened the driver's seat to where she had left her side arm and holstered it at her waist. [color=fff200][b]"Don't worry, John'll take care of them. You armed? There's a good chance we'll be facing Hunters"[/b][/color], the only reason Pariah asked was so she'd know where Jessica's gun was. The second she showed it Pariah would hit her with the terror stare. [hr] Car-tali was obviously dodging the question and Cole had no patience for it, [color=ed1c24][b]"What did you do in the DMA? You said you were with them for a long time then what did-"[/b][/color], it hit Cole what this guy was. Cole jumped out of his chair with his arms already blackened by the veins. [color=ed1c24][b]"Are you a fuckin' Warden?!"[/b][/color], at this point Cole was less inclined to working with Car-tali. After what had happened this guy had better have a damn good excuse or there was going to be one less Warden in the world.