[@Cuccoruler] [color=00aeef]"Yeah...okay."[/color] John said and followed Cia inside only to be swarmed by children. The box of chocolates he was holding on to was taken right out of his hands by the kids, and he didn't even see it happen. Then the abrupt sound of yelling followed soon after as the kids started debating over what fudge they should make, and John's head began to spin. [i]How the hell does she manage these children without any arms?![/i] He thought, just as Cia got in between the arguing children and asked him his name and what kind of fudge to make. [color=00aeef]"Well...I didn't say my name...but it's-"[/color] John started just before a child knocked Cia into him and cut him off. John put his arms around her to keep her from falling, but almost lost his own balance in the process. He opened his mouth to speak, realizing only then that her boobs were pressing on him. He then swallowed hard and laughed nervously. [color=00aeef]"S-Sorry...are you okay?"[/color] He asked, making sure she had regained her balance before his hands retreated to his sides. [color=00aeef]"Oh...uh...my name is John..."[/color] He added, scratching the back of his head. [i]This feels so awkward...I think I just died inside...[/i]