Jessica breathed in deeply. The woman wanted to get her in that car. She knew what would happen then. They'd take her to some D.M.A. holding facility where she'd be executed or forced to hunt other Gifted. [i]Neither of those options are really that appealing[/i], Jessica thought. She knew that they'd be taking her hostage anyways. Two against one didn't seem like very even odds. Even if it was only Jessica against this woman, Jessica's training was limited. She'd never been formally taught. Everything she learned she had picked up trying to survive. But if she made a scene, maybe Cia could warn someone. [i]Finn is going to kill me for being so stupid. No screw that. When he finds me alive he'll be to frickin' overjoyed at my presence to be mad. Well here it goes.[/i] The woman had asked her if she was armed. "Actually yes I am. Jessica reached her hand into her coat and pulled out the pistol from earlier, leveling it at the woman. "Some might also say dangerous as well." Pariah didn't hesitate, the second Jessica pulled out her pistol Pariah had already begun to draw hers. There was a split second as she contemplated what to do. A fatal shot would have made the trip here worthless but a non lethal ran the chance of her being able to fire back. [i]"John better get his ass out here"[/i], Pariah didn't doubt her ability to disarm Jessica but what worried her was that she didn't know what type of meta she was. [i]"Time to find out"[/i], she though to herself before firing a shot close to Jessica's head. Merely to distract her target as she began to sprint towards Jessica with smoke eminating from her hands. Jessia heard the gun go off and she rolled left, watching the bullet flash by where her head had been. She got back to her feet as the D.M.A. agent began sprinting at her, smoke puring from her hands. [i]Of course I was just given the ability to track Gifted. God couldn't have given me something to knock 'em on their asses or anything,[/i] Jessica thought. She raised her gun and fired three times, loud bangs that caused a ringing in her eardrums. She missed each time, and as the woman gained ground, Jessica lowered her shoulder and began to charge to meet the sprinting D.M.A. agent. Pariah barely flinched as the shots rang past her. One came so close as that she felt the wind pass by her arm. What surprised her though is that Jessica, instead of running as most did, she charged straight for her. [i]"Interesting"[/i], she thought as she continued on her approach. It was only at the last possible moment did she side step Jessica and with her free hand grabbed her by the hair. [b]"You should have come quietly!"[/b], Pariah yelled before bringing her smoke hand around. If the punch connected then Jessica's face would be surrounded by the noxious fumes. Pariah's objective was still to capture, the obly difference was that she'd lose some blood. Jessica realized that she had missed only too late. Before she could even turn around, she felt a sharp tug as her hair was pulled back. Jessica listened to Pariah's shout and smirked. "Oh you guys obviously don't have my file because I haven't done anything quietly since I was in the womb." Witty remarks aside, the punch that came afterward hurt like hell. Better, she was inhaling a ton of smoke. She coughed and wrenched her hair free, adrenaline masking the pain. She turned back to her opponent, who was now obscured slightly by smoke and asked, "That all you got?" spitting out some blood to punctuate the sentence. [b]"You got spunk, kid. Remind me of myself when I was your age"[/b], Pariah fired off a few smoke shots towards Jessica before charging one and firing it at the ground. The area was filled with a thick smoke where only silhouettes could be seen. [b]"I got another power too, perk of being a Type 3 but I'll show you that one later"[/b]. Pariah lunged forward from hiding in the smoke to strike at Jessica this time she was aiming for her legs as she came forward with a powerful kick. Jessica laughed at the woman's statement. "Isn't that sweet. Would you like to mentor me and teach me how to walk the road of life?" Jessica retorted as the smoke closed in around her. She could hear her opponent's boots as they hit the asphalt, although the sound was quiet. Suddenly, the woman lunged out with a kick. Jessica sumped back, then quickly got to the side of her opponent and aimed a quick jab at the side of the woman's head. Pariah somewhat expected the kick to miss, what she didn't expect was the sudden jab to the side of the head. She raised her hand to feel the impact sight and felt blood. Her ear had been cut, [b]"Not bad but you gotta do better than that"[/b]. Pariah siphoned the smoke in the air back to her and in one swift motion fired a barrage at Jessica. [b]"Time for the gloves to come off!"[/b], she said upon finishing her smoke volley. Next came the physical aspect of her attack, Pariah charged again this time in a serpentine motion until she closed the gap between herself and Jessica. Once in range Pariah locked her sights on Jessica's weakpoints: her throat, sternum, kidney, limb joints, and heart. Before were single strikes to test Jessica's resolve, now it was all or nothing as Pariah made a quick leg sweep then a chop to her side. Without pause she came with a powerful jab at the center of Jessica's ribcage and finally ending with another chop to the throat. Jessica coughed as the smoke invaded her lungs. [i]God damn this chick is good[/i] Jessica was coughing to much to notice as her opponent closed the gap. A jab to the throat sent her reeling and the jabs to her sternum, kidney, and heart took her breath away. Suddenly she was falling, her legs having been stolen out from under her. He head hit the ground with a crak and she groaned. A groan that was cut short by a chop to the throat. Jessica sputtered as her breath was taken away once again, but as her vision grew fuzzy and dark she found it in her to smile. "My friend will come for you. And he'll bring back up. You might be better than me but you haven't seen him. He's lost too much to you people. You take me and you'll just be setting the storm in motion," she sputtered before finally closing her eyes, her breathing settling as she fell unconscious. Pariah gave a sinister smile as she heard Jessica's last words. Not that they were impressive she had heard this sort of thing before, [b]"I'm counting on it"[/b]. As soon as Jessica went unconscious Pariah opened the passenger seat of her SUV to bring out her duffle bag. Upon opening it she found a black head bag, plastic cuffs, and a gag. Of course before she did anything she first had to search the girl. Looking through her pockets she found Jessica's car keys which she walked over to put in the coffe holder of her car. Coming back she discovered something curious, a photo of what Pariah would guess as being of Jessica's family. She paused anstared at it, her curiosity getting the better of her until she pocketed the photo and began to prep Jessica for transport. First came the cuffs which she put on Jessica's hands and feet. Then the gag, just a simple cloth Pariah tied around her mouth before putting the bag over her head. Once everything was ready she loaded Jessica in the backseat of the SUV speeding off to the black site. It was a bit of a drive but they finally arrived at the black site. Entering the garage she parked the SUV where it had previously been and opened the passenger door. [b]"Shit I forgot I gotta carry you"[/b], Pariah groaned before hoisting Jessica over her shoulder and carrying her over to the elevator. Once they arrived on their floor, Agent Noore turned to see Pariah carrying Jessica and her eyes widened, "Jesus, isn't she heavy?" [b]"No she's light as a fucking feather, what do you think?! Just bring me the rope"[/b], Pariah barked her orders to Noore who nervously ran over to get the rope and bring it to Pariah. Once she had it Pariah got to work on tying Jessica to a chair. Once it was done Pariah pulled up a chair and relaxed in front of Jessica. [b]"When she wakes we'll begin. Noore you don't want to be here when she does"[/b].