"Are you a fuckin' Warden?!" these words ringed in Car-tali’s mind.He had to pick his words carefully. [b]“Am I a Warden no, was I a Warden yes. By your tone you think I’m still working for the DMA and I wouldn’t blame you, but think. If I were with them then I would have called hunters in by now.[/b]”Car-tali had seen that things were getting bad but he kept his cool and continued. [b]“I am here as a courtesy. If you don’t believe me that is just hunky-dory, good for you. But I also hate the DMA, they broke my mind and I am struggling to put it back together. Everything I have done thus far has been atonement for the things that they have made me do. So Cole calm down and do what you asked me to come back here for and talk. I had no reason to attack you and I still don’t.”[/b]