John ducked down at the sound of the gunshots, and he knew what it entailed. [i]God damn it Pariah...[/i] He thought, then turned to see that Cia was now looking at him with very distrustful eyes. She was obviously angry, and John started to slowly back off. [color=00aeef]"Wait, no! I didn't come with her! I lied! I had no idea she was coming!"[/color] He cried out, then stopped retreating and took a deep breath. [color=00aeef]"But I do know her...and I am an agent...but I'm not-!"[/color] Suddenly his explanation was cut off by the loud smack of the frying pan hitting him in the back of the head, and he fell to the ground. The pain he felt in his head was tremendous, his skull screaming as waves of pain washed over his head and down his spine. [color=00aeef]"FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUCK! SWEET FUCKING TITTIES OF JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THAT SHIT HURTS LIKE A MOTHERFUCKING BITCH! GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO FUCKING BE MY DUMB ASS THAT PAYS FOR EVERY GOD DAMN THING SHE DOES?!"[/color] John exploded as he writhed around on the floor holding his head. Soon enough he actually took to crying as he started to kick the wall, still holding his head. [color=00aeef]"I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS SHIT!"[/color] He screamed, a throbbing bump forming on the back of his head. [color=00aeef]"God fucking hell this huuuurts! Just kill me! Just fucking kill me! You'd be saving me a whole shitload of trouble, you know that?! Cause I'm fucking tired of this bullshit!"[/color] [@Cuccoruler]