[[@helltank]: You need power rivaling the gods before you can damage anything in the shrine, so Alison's tentacle can't have made a scratch on the medical pod.] [hr] [center][b][@akje] (Libé)[/b][/center] There doesn't seem to be anything resembling medical equipment anywhere in the shrine, at least not in the current room. However, there is still the big door leading outside, and the smaller door leading somewhere else. [hr] [OOC: I'm going to quote something I said in the OOC tab.] [quote=@JohnSolaris] Well, I think we can say that we've given [@Magnato] long enough to make a post, or at least tell us if s/he's busy. So now I'm going to have the plant bear knock Meredith out and take her away with it. If Magnato does come back, I'll make it so that Meredith's body is killed and eaten by the bear, and she reawakens at the shrine in a reconstructed copy of her body. If s/he doesn't come back, then I'll make it so that Meredith is never seen again; she presumably survives the bear encounter somehow, but never returns to any shrines and continues to live out the rest of her life in the Cradle like one of its native inhabitants. [/quote] [So yeah, I'm going to have to have the bear take Meredith for now. One of the two scenarios in the quote above will end up happening, depending on whether [@Magnato] comes back or not.] [center][b][@Magnato] (Meredith)[/b][/center] Ultimately, the vined bear's hunger wins the mental battle against its caution and fear. With as much strength and speed as it can muster, the bear snaps out with its vines toward Meredith, the only one among the humans who hasn't displayed any kind of dangerous magical ability; the vines' movements are too fast for the eyes to see. One vine strikes Meredith on the forehead with great force, knocking her unconscious in one blow. The rest of the vines wrap around her body and pull her toward the bear with almost equal speed. With Meredith in tow, the bear turns around, and begins sprinting away as quickly as its legs can carry it. However, Meredith can't be in any real danger, right...? After all, the goddess had said that dying will simply result in one reawakening back at the shrine...