[center][img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111031055148/marveldatabase/images/d/d3/Jean_Grey_School_for_Higher_Learning_from_Wolverine_and_the_X-Men_Vol_1_1_page_--.jpg][/center] [center]Jean Grey's School For Higher Learning, more commonly referred to as, the X-Mansion, is a boarding school that educates youngsters on the safe and practical uses of their mutant abilities, as well as, how to remain integrated with society, despite being different. The School is known for actively seeking out young mutants, and inviting them into the institute. However, invitation is not the only way into the school, any young mutant looking for a home, a chance to be apart of society, or even just a place to feel safe and welcome are encouraged to join the school. [indent][*] Please Note that none of the already existing X-Men (current/past) are acceptable characters. [/*][/indent] [/center] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]For the entirety of your student experience you are expected to:[/b][/u] [indent] [list] [*] Attend Classes Monday-Friday.(Only A Post Depicting Classwork Required)[/*] [*] Restrain From Unauthorized Fighting Between Peers.(Unless In The Danger Room)[/*] [*] Be Inside Dorms Before Curfew.(Just Be Mindful That Curfews Are In Place)[/*] [*] Respect Each Other And The Staff.[/*] [/list] [/indent] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Currently, these are the roles available:[/b][/u] (Updated As Needed) [indent][list] [*]Headmaster/Headmistress[/*] [*][s] Teacher/Staff 1[/s] [/*] [*][s] Teacher/Staff 2[/s] [/*] [*] Teacher/Staff 3 [/*] [*] Students (20) [/*] [/indent][/list]