[@Mokley] [h1] Pandora Jones [/h1] [hider= Pandora Jones] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/47/f6/93/47f69329160c018b3ca27fa3cc0370b5.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Abstract[/b]: Loving, daring, can make you think you losing your mind. [b]Detail[/b]: Has great intuition. When she touches an object that belongs to someone or touches someone, she can be inside there mind looking through their eyes and she can also see whats in their future. She can talk inside your head and sometimes makes you think your losing your mind. Is loving, caring and over-protective. She is pretty new to the group and is 16 years of age. Her job is to tell people what their future lies. It can be a great job at times but sometimes its hard to tell someone the truth. She is very lonely but doesn't show it. She is extremely flirty and hopes to get a boyfriend. [b]How do you know Nora:[/b] Through her pet Corgi. Her pet Corgi called Dragon went on the loose and ran into her leg. She picked the Corgi up and looked around for the owner. She saw this woman looking around frantic for something and she decided to go see if it was her Corgi. They quickly became friends and she told her about the Circus, and she decided to join. (is this long enough?)