[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/v8a1rG4.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/7k2i5cg.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][h3][i][color=Goldenrod]The Dust: This land is your land[/color][/i][/h3][/b][/center][center][color=00aeef]By Aeonumbra[/color][/center][center][color=ec008c]GM'd by Mono and Darcs[/color][/center] [hider=This Dust is Your Dust][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N27p41Lk58M[/youtube][/center] [i]This land is your land, this land is my land From Wintergold to scorched Forsaken bone-fields, From the Dead-End's glass yard, to the Aqueous stream waters, This land was made for you and me.[/i] [i]As I went walking that broken highway And saw above me that endless skyway, And saw below me the golden sand lay, I said: This land was made for you and me.[/i] [i]I roamed and rambled and followed my footsteps To the sparkling sands of her bloody deserts, And all around me, a voice was sounding: This land was made for you and me.[/i] [i]As I went walking I saw a sign there And on the sign it said "No Trespassing." But on the other side it didn't say nothing, That side was made for you and me.[/i] [i]When the sun come scorching, then I was strolling In Gaen wheat fields waving and dust clouds rolling; The voice was chanting as the mirage was lifting: This land was made for you and me.[/i] [i]Nobody living can ever stop me, As I go walking that freedom highway; Nobody living or Hollow can ever make me turn back This land was made for you and me.[/i] [i]In the squares of the city, In the shadow of Eternity; By the Immortal relief place, I'd seen my people. As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking, Is this land made for you and me?[/i] [/hider] [hr] [b]Synopsis[/b] [indent]The Dust is a Post-Apocalyptic roleplay which has already been going for a few months now. The World is divided up with different factions, on an island continent with no foreseeable way off. This is explained vaguely in the lore. In fact, mostly everything is explained because I have it all written down. The factions, some history, many of the "cities and towns" have a resume style information sheet, while still leaving some undone for player interpretation. Mostly everything is readily available. I'm planning to pick up where I left off, as this is a relaunch intended to gain a fresh start. So currently, there are a couple things going on. All in all though, you can basically do anything you want in this world.[/indent] [b]The World[/b] [indent]Dust, a post-apocalyptic desert island filled with mysteries from the Old World and constant reminders that the New is a bloody struggle for survival. Cities infested with gangs, corruption and sin dot the sandy horizons filled with mutated creatures, roving bands of killers, and wild, hollow men and women, with skin as hard as stone and black as night. The past year has shaken the island to its core, and great nations have risen and fallen on Dust. Battles are fought daily, either between individuals for survival, or between nations and factions for something as flimsy as ideologies. For those adventure seekers sick of Dust's relative safety and political bureaucracy, the advent of new shipping technology and bridges both above and underwater, have opened up completely unexplored, untamed islands and lands-- new horizons exist for those curious-- or suicidal-- enough to make the journey.[/indent] [b]Current Events[/b] [indent]Approximately one year has passed since the Fall of Motum Diversum. A massive man-made horde of hollow spiders decimated their military force, and gave the joint forces of The Castalia Family Mafia and the paramilitary group Moscow Echo to take most of their holdings and create the Wintergold Republic. Wintergold is an empire based on near feudal standards, with their monarchs being criminals and mercenaries, their armies are hired, their wealth is vast, and they control an economic zone where barter is replaced by a gold standard, and banking and credit have been revived after a near 300 year slumber. The Hedons to the south rose up and now control the island's main source of power. In the west the Forsaken have begun a conquest to consume the east with near infinite manpower. The island's main source of fresh water, the Aqueous have been suffering internal problems and are beginning to show weakness and internal instability as regions split off and declare independence, the same is happening to Gaen controlled lands. Mutated men and women cloaked in white claiming to be the mysterious Edenites are appearing Wolfwater. Outside of political drama, gangs and factions fight for control of the streets of cities and towns. Various religious institutions have been given more power than ever. Slavers continue to prey on the defenseless. Areas find themselves vulnerable to increasing numbers of Hollow that prey on those outsides of cities, with organizations now cropping up to fight back the threat. The instability caused by the wars, as well as the games being played by the leaders of the land has driven more people than ever to take up a life of banditry and crime. Dust is a land of struggles.[/indent] [b]Players[/b] [indent]Always at the center of these struggles, perhaps tipping the scales of these Manichean conflicts seem to be the Immortals. The individuals seemingly chosen at random, brought back from death's call and gifted with abilities and appearances beyond that of a regular human. Perhaps this is who you are? Or perhaps you're just a regular human-- maybe you've even bought into all the anti-Immortal propaganda that some factions love to spew? You can be anyone you want here-- doing anything you want you want. You can be an Immortal or someone normal, you can be the vice president of your own country, a bum looking for love, or a merchant just trying to live his life. The world exists because of the creative efforts of [@Aeonumbra] AND all the players, it continues to be malleable, and your actions change the world, for better or for worse. Just remember, as you change the world, the world too, will change you. [@Monochromatic Rainbow] and I will be playing close attention to your actions. And each sub-plot you weave will have implications for the world as a whole.[/indent] [hr] Did any of that make sense? I hope so! This is a reboot of the now [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/81648-the-dust-relaunch/ooc]twice[/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75889-the-dust/ooc]attempted[/url] Dust RP! Our first thread ended due to inactivity, our second due to personal issues the creator of 90% of this amazing world, and original GM, [@Aeonumbra]'s life. This world is his creation, so I'll be using a lot of quotes from him to describe exactly what it is you're getting yourselves into (I hope you join!) [hider=From Aeon][quote] I've definitely spent some time refining this idea, and I'd really prefer that it not die due to people disappearing or due to lack of free time. So let me start off by saying a few things; If you're looking for hordes of undead vying for your ripe and supple brains, then this is the wrong place. If you're not wholeheartedly interested in this, then ask yourself if you're likely to quit or vanish, because I would like to get some stable players for a change. If you're expecting school / homelife / work, and/or other roleplays to consume most of your free time then please steer away from this. No more "if I have time", "I'm too busy with other roleplays", I'm done with that. You're either in or you're out. Now having said that, I fully understand that life does get in the way, I also understand that people's interests change. If anything is to occur to keep you from continuing, please just PM myself, or even say it in the OOC if you want, any kind of heads up. I won't pressure you into staying, Hell I won't even try to make you feel bad, it happens, and I just want to know about it. If you wish I won't even reply back to your PM. Now, if it's a constant issue I may ask you to leave voluntarily, kill off your character, retire them into being a hermit, etc. This is usually only the case if delays are upsetting other players. I myself have a life to contend with too, so I understand. Now, about Dust. The Idea I have here is that we've got this open, evolving world to explore. Over the past few months of failed roleplays, mostly due to the guild's instability, I've refined a certain idea. Let me explain. I like to lean less towards the "boom here's a world jump in it" and more towards "here's what you can expect." During the course of the roleplay I'll be reading player's posts closely, so perhaps something as simple as feeding a bum turns out to be an outcast politician whom you just saved, who is know starting a rebellion, etc. Taking pieces of character action and using that to affect the world; something I find many roleplays lacking. Later down the road you may find out that an intended action has greater effects than first realized. So take this evolving world, where you're characters a free to do as they please. I plan to have a database in place, over time, with the important things coming first. Things like what the world's problems are, (and where) , a list of insane weather phenomena , a list and brief explanation of the factions, and so forth. For instance, I hand-made a map for this world, and at the very top of it there is a city marker without a name. At any point and time anyone can travel up there and try to settle "the debate". At anytime a character finds themselves in a major event It is possible that I will have some details PM'd to them, in order for them to get a better understanding on the situation; This doesn't include "cheats" "hints" or "clues".[/quote][/hider] Plot-wise will follow the events of the original two threads, after a one year timeskip. For any of you maniacs who want to real the novella that area the 50ish posts of the last two threads, I applaud you. For people who want something more concise, Mono and I are working on something of a summary for days 1 - 4, as well as a timeline for everything that happened during the skip, for those who might be interested. Since the world is evolving, we can't ever have [i]all[/i] the faction information, but up to date information on most major factions, as well as an updated map will be available in the OOC. Here is the current history of the world, as well as information on the Immortals and Hollows. [hider=LORE] [hider=The Fall] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=khaki] 1/1/2035 [/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=red] <#%$)_(!@#$?>[/color] [color=lime]From:[/color][color=khaki] ISCE [/color] [color=lime]To: [/color][color=red]<%@#)$>[/color] [color=khaki]It wasn't our fault this time. This record exists for the sole purpose of shedding light on the unfortunate event that is about to befall us, should anybody remain hereafter; if you are reading this, then you are all that's left. But this was not our fault, humankind did not do this. Maybe it was fate, destiny. The work of god, trying to wipe the slate clean, to see if the little germ in his great cosmic experiment was worth nurturing, is worthy of survival. Some speculate that this... this thing, was sent by another race somewhere from deep within the universe, known or not. But it was not, our, fault. This testimony alone serves to provide trial and judgment for humanity. Perhaps indirectly we caused this, through our multitudes of radio waves echoing out into what many feel is empty space. Maybe our constructs, our satellites, rockets, or debris caused some kind of... involvement. But I swear on my final moments; We are not guilty. January 1st, 2035: International Space Communications and Exploration had revealed findings previously hidden from the public to media stations across the globe; simultaneously broadcasting on every channel, in every country with the capability of seeing it. Classified Subject, The Orb, was on a collision course with Earth. Previous attempts to shatter the object, minimize planetary damage, proved completely ineffective. This could be just an unfortunate coincidence of the universe, but the object consisted of a material impervious to everything that had been thrown at it. It is perfectly round, and dark as night, without an imperfection to be seen upon its surface. We don't know what it is, we don't know why it's come to end us; but worst of all, we don't know how to stop it. In roughly a month's time, The Orb will cause a total eclipse as it slingshots around the sun, picking up enough speed to shift mercury out of orbital alignment as it passes. Roughly twenty minutes later, the object will collide with earth, ending humankind as we know it. The object is projected to impact in central Canada, evacuations are already in place. There is a chance that the earth won't break apart, but even that isn't enough to have hope. Should the small chance of the Earth remaining intact come to pass, global devastation will still occur through natural phenomena. The entire continent of North America will break apart, Tsunamis will wash the earth [/color][color=red]<#@$_#$)>[/color][color=lightcyan][Clean of our Sins][/color][color=red]<)_#@>[/color],[color=khaki] An ice age will begin[/color][color=red] [/color][color=lightcyan][Freezing the Demons of Society][/color][color=red]<#%#@> <<3xc::Error::Document Corrupted.>>[/color] [color=lime]<> >...5% >...33% >...67% <> <>[/color] [color=khaki]And when the Earth thaws there will be nothing left but a wasteland, of desert, rock, and salt water. There is a small glimmer of light, we could survive that. We are the hardiest, most adaptable creatures on the face of this planet. We could survive. I refuse to believe this is how we end, our legacy cannot die here. Preparations have been in place for years, bunkers that could save thousands of us. The supplies could hold, we could emerge into a new world to rebuild, a world of [/color][color=red]<#@$_=)+>[/color][color=lightcyan][Dust][/color][color=red]<#$_7#$) <<^#$=+{}2!#$Critical Error>>[/color] [color=lime]<> >...4% <>[/color] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=khaki] 1/22/2035[/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=red] <#{#$}>[/color] [color=lime]From:[/color][color=khaki] ISCE[/color] [color=lime]To: [/color][color=red]<-#_$%[&^}>[/color] [color=khaki]We are scared, panic is sweeping through the very streets as I write this. My neighbor was dragged from his home by masked thugs, they shot him and his daughter out in the front yard. Christ... she was only six. I'll be relocating soon, but I had to document this just in case something happens to me. I have a gun, by God I've never felt the need to use it until now. I don't have much time, the cars will be here soon. I'm being relocated to a shelter, specifically for important people. I would let as many in as our supplies would support, but unfortunately that's not my decision. The underground bunkers exist only in the wealthier countries, and they are filling up quickly with... specific individuals. Engineers, scientists, athletes, superstars. There is no room for the common man, only those with status and money apparently. There is widespread looting and violence. Reports from the United Kingdom came in, armed farmers took a bunker by force and closed it. It was a massacre. There are ten days left, it will be a day when all of the Earth stands still, to watch, as we die. Every hour the object continues to increase dramatically in speed, it seems so far that the predicted calculations are correct. In a few days it will enter our system, passing by us harmlessly until it reaches the Sun, where it will come back for us. There is a cult forming, calling themselves the Edenites, they preach of The Orb as if it were a god come to deliver us from sin. They're crazy, the lot of them. Ironic though, they choose to dress in all white, instead of black. The orb is black, why would they pick white? What compels them to worship this object of destruction? Can they not see reason? Some are rumoring they are moving to take a bunker of there own, though they are tight lipped. Nobody will talk, they all have this glassy-eyed look in there eye, like hopeful children waiting for their father. They're [/color][color=red]<@#%_{&>[/color][color=lightcyan][The Chosen][/color][color=red]<@#$&*>[/color][color=khaki]. Pure Madness! How can the hope to be[/color][color=red]<#!@_-+$#^>[/color][color=lightcyan][Brought Forth Into the Light][/color][color=red]<#@%_?><@#$%!?> <<^&Error::Document Corrupted%>>[/color] [color=lime] …[/color][color=red]<#$%?>[/color] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=red] [/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=red] <%&^_}?> [/color] [color=lime]From: [/color][color=khaki]IS[/color][color=red][/color] [color=lime]To:[/color][color=red] <&@!(^>[/color] [color=khaki]Time is drawing near. God, it's so cramped in here. It's musty, and it smells like sweat. If the plumbing fails I may just hang myself. So many are missing, or haven't arrived yet. We number just over a hundred, and this place was built for so many more, a thousand at least. We wait for others, but there is talk of closing the door. A new force as rising up in this wake of catastrophe, taking advantage of the situation. For however many days are left, anyways. Cities burn across the world, and they have the audacity to make promises of a better life! But the blind like kind words, hopeful words, as long as they do not have to deal with the problems themselves. It's almost like another cult. But this one is much deadlier. Just yesterday this new faction, Calling themselves The Forsaken, arose up out of nowhere, claiming six bunkers for themselves. These[/color][color=red] <@#%_>[/color][color=lightcyan][Devils][/color][color=red]<#@$..?>[/color][color=khaki] have us scared, but the guards assure us there are lookouts. They are the only ones with guns. Where did they take my gun?[/color][color=red] <@%?%^&*+_@$#%?> <@#$[/color][color=lightcyan][And in the light of the new dawn, as the fire washes over our bodies and cleanses us of sin, our soul shall shine with the purity of The Mother, we shall ascend up into the heavens, free or mortal shackles, to join our beloved Father..][/color][color=red]#_#@%?> [/color] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=khaki] 2/1/2035[/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=red] [/color] [color=lime]From:[/color][color=khaki] ISCE[/color] [color=lime]To:[/color][color=red] <#@%^>[/color] [color=lime] >...17% >...42% >...86% [/color] [color=khaki]This is [/color][color=red][?][/color][color=khaki] it. The [/color][color=red][?][/color][color=khaki] End is near. We watched on the monitors as[/color][color=red] [?][/color][color=khaki] The Orb veiled the Earth in darkness. Less than half an hour to live, and somebody tried to hack us. They were trying to unlock the door, it's open now, only by a few inches. Those [/color][color=red][?][/color][color=khaki]massive doors can no longer save us, the crack of light radiating in from the outside lamps is blinding. Somebody tried to pry it open, the vehicle is still parked there, but the [/color][color=red][?][/color][color=khaki] guards shot them. We have the facility under control again but the door is wedged open, we can't move the vehicle. The lights are also off, the whole system has gone corrupt, something off in the distance is on fire. [/color][color=red][?][/color][color=khaki] What are these symbols? Who are the Edenites? The Mother? [/color][color=red][?] [/color] [color=khaki]I hope somebody finds this, someday. The words of a dead man. God P... I miss you so much.[/color] [color=red][?][?][/color] [color=khaki]Sincerely;[/color] [color=red]<@#%_>[/color] [color=khaki]P.S[/color][color=red] [/color] [color=lime][/color] [/hider][hider=Aftermath] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=khaki] 3/6/2235[/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=khaki] Aftermath[/color] [color=lime]From:[/color][color=khaki] The Watcher[/color] [color=lime]To:[/color][color=khaki] ARK[/color] [color=khaki]To; The Associates of Record Keeping A hundred years, how time flies. February 1st, 3035. The object approached final velocity as it slingshot around the sun. What the scientists of old did not predict though; as the object passed by Saturn it shifted course erratically, passing through Saturn's rings. As a result, chunks of debris collided with our moon with such velocity that it actually slowed down. Coastal counties experience tidal phenomena but with focus turned towards The Orb, the reports were not widely known. Anyways. The total eclipse caused was not from the object itself, but from the moon. Rather, the object collided with the moon. Whether the object itself is sentient, or the reason for it's presence is or not, the moon was not a calculated factor. This may be the sole reason the Earth did not shatter, though it did affect us dramatically, almost as dramatic as the object itself. All these unnatural forces created an entirely new world, Old Earth will forever be but a memory. This explains why there is no moon in the night sky. The frequent meteor rains are from debris orbiting our planet and being pulled in. This debris does contain some of the same properties as the object, but for unknown reasons. As The Orb crashed into most of central Canada, the immense force of it entering our atmosphere wreaked havoc on our Ozone Layer. That, and coupled with the plethora of natural disasters, the following wave of fire, the ice age induced by thick clouds of dust shrouding our planet; are all plausible events that have lead up to the world today. Rock, desert, barren wastelands. Most of the Earth was covered in trees and greenery, hard to believe right? The Northern United States broke a part broke a part as a result of the collision, you are located on one of these fragments. The World is entirely reformed, even the fault lines appear to be shifted, but that may be faulty equipment. I wouldn't attempt to weld a boat together, ocean sensors are picking up a lot of activity. Sonar blasts are systematically destroying my aquatic equipment, whatever is down there is highly intelligent. You have your warning. The state of things still needs much explaining, but I can tell you this. For Unknown reasons the object as diminished greatly in size, it probably has the circumference of a large island now, though it exists at the bottom of the ocean floor. That's where my sensors first were destroyed by the way, coincidence? Anyways, this thing contains a host of unknown elements. This is the reason for all the modern day monsters, the adapting and failing genetic lines. The new diseases and viruses, everything that can't be explained by modern science. There is something else too.. but I must do more research before I try to explain the unfathomable. With all the disruptions caused by the object hitting us, our ice age was short lived thankfully, maybe a few years, ten at most. The world thawed just in time for you lot to crawl from your little holes in the ground and start again. I understand it was a rough process, I myself was a part of it. Though we did not have so many deadly creatures as we do now, though that's how it goes in a desert wilderness; Not much use for a herbivore. I'm surprised we made it at all, let alone were able to make a home out of this hostile little island. Get used to it, with whatever those are in the ocean, it's unlikely that we'll receive contact for some time. Sincerely, The Watcher[/color] [color=lime][/color][/hider][hider=The Hollow] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=khaki] 2/14/2236[/color] [color=lime]Subject: [/color][color=khaki]The Hollow[/color] [color=lime]From: [/color][color=khaki]The Watcher[/color] [color=lime]To:[/color] [color=khaki]ARK[/color] [color=khaki]Dear Associates of Record Keeping; I've been doing a lot this past year, but I have an important discovery. It seems that the object brought something with it, I'm unsure what it should be classified as; Disease? Virus? Bacteria? Any of those will do. I call it The Sickness, a fitting name really. It hits its victim through their blood. I haven't been able to figure out where it comes from, or how it infects us, but I know it comes from The Orb. It has to, let me explain. The Subject will begin to show symptoms of a normal cold. Runny or Stuffy nose, Itchy or Sore throat, Cough, Congestion, Slight body aches or a mild headache, Sneezing, Watery eyes, Low-grade Fever, and mild fatigue. This is what makes it so hard to catch in time. These colds symptoms can last anywhere from a few days, to a week before the subject moves into stage two. Luckily for us is it not transmittable between the infected and the uninfected. Stage two consists of only a handful of symptoms, this is what you want to look for, this is how you know somebody has The Sickness. The area around the eyes will become dramatically darker, resembling bruising around the eyes. The victim's eyes will become spider webbed with dark lines, like an allergic irritation, but black in color. Failure of any, or in rare cases; all, of the five sense can fail during stage two. This stage can range anywhere from a day, to a week. Typically depending on how strong and healthy the victim is, the stronger and healthier, the worse the final outcome it going to be. It should be noted that once a victim is confirmed stage two, death is inevitable. There is no way to stop what it going to happen. Stage Three results in death of the host, by mutation. The Sickness is like an organic, microscopic oil. Once in the body, it travels to the heart and begins replicating. Rather than attack anything specifically, it kind of oozes across the body, traveling along veins until it coats all of the proper inner workings of the human body. Upon dissection it should be noted that all organic tissue inside the host is black; The blood remains unaffected. Stage Three never lasts more than a day or two, causing extreme weakness and fatigue. The victim will suffer a heart attack, dying human. What comes next is why I feel this can only come from The Orb. The victim's body will begin to twitch, then spasm widely; the whole process takes only a few moments. The Sickness will then move to the exterior nearly instantaneously, spreading in the blink of an eye until the victim's flesh is as black as the night. It will then evolve the host's body into a mutation, I've found that no two are every the same. The specimen I had hear proved incredibly difficult to kill, and I was prepared. During the process of the awakening, the creature is fully aware, and is highly intelligent. This specific variation had something akin to a scorpion's tale, and two enormous, incredibly hardened shields on the arms, which it used to take cover behind as it attacked with it's tail. It also appears to have had the ability to fire acidic liquids from it's mouth in a steady stream. The results of this experiment were unfortunate, and I will no longer continue my research on live subjects. I've dubbed these unfortunate individuals the Hollow, based off an old novel I read once. Sincerely, The Watcher[/color] [color=lime][/color] [/hider][hider=The Immortals] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=khaki] 9/24/2237[/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=khaki] The Immortal[/color] [color=lime]From:[/color][color=khaki] The Watcher[/color] [color=lime]To:[/color][color=khaki] ARK[/color] [color=khaki]Dear Associates of Record Keeping; Further research into The Sickness has led me to a new discovery concerning stage one. According to my findings some of us can adapt. I don't know what the original purpose of this illness is, to weed out the weaker human beings and let a race of superiors reign over the new world, or as a way of eradicating all of us. Regardless, some our bodies can adapt to and utilize this foreign bio-agent in advantageous ways. These people I've been referring to as The Immortals, though I have not come across any specimens that actually are immortal, it was just a fitting name. The subject in question will experience all the symptoms of stage one, but that's where it stops. Instead of contaminating the organic tissue of the body, this foreign agent for some reason will attach itself to the productive area of the heart, forming a bond with the blood cells, unlike those who contract the lethal version of this. Once the Stage One symptoms pass the host of this mutated version of The Sickness will experience a way to cause unnatural phenomena willingly. I call this alternate version of The Sickness, The Spark. It acts like a catalyst that allows The Immortals to cause specific phenomena at will, without it these feats would be impossible. I actually had two subjects to analyze this time. Subject A was able to manipulate organic plant matter within a mile radius, subjecting the plants to his will in such a way that he could cause them to sprout roots of varying sizes, with can span a length itself of one mile. He was unable to change the atomic properties of the flower, into anything other than what it was. This phenomena seems specifically focused on the grow and control of these vines. Subject B was able to manipulate ink of any variation. We tested will both common writing ink, and an organic ink compound found within specific species of aquatic animals. She was able to manipulate this material wholly, but was unable to materialize it such as Subject A could. She was able to however make it move to her will, including hovering in the air, and way able to make it obtain any dimension of shape, down to the finest of details. It can be of no coincidence that this particular subject enjoyed painting, her works of art typically made using ink. These Immortals are astounding, but also incredibly dangerous. Subject A had a mental breakdown and was easily able to rip a hole through the facility, even though his participation was completely voluntarily. Subject B is capable of tracking ink she has previously manipulated, and we are going to do our best to apprehend Subject A before he hurts anybody, but caution is advised. It is still quite unclear what causes this whole process, but the results can vary widely. Though, this is just speculation, two people could share the same phenomena inducing powers. I would like to study that. Sincerely, The Watcher[/color] [color=lime][/color][/hider][hider=The Spark] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=red] [/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=khaki] The Spark[/color] [color=lime]From:[/color][color=khaki] The Watcher[/color] [color=lime]To:[/color][color=khaki] ARK[/color] [color=khaki]Dear Associates of Record Keeping; Prolonged studies have shown something incredibly astounding about these Immortals, about their drive, their Spark. Within each host, we know, resides a variant strain of The Sickness. What we didn't know, something we couldn't comprehend at the time, is this is not just a virus. It's a sentient, living creature. It seems impossible, but let me explain. When contracted, The Spark is nothing more than a virus in likeness. But, as it finds a host and develops, it becomes intelligent. It doesn't replicate itself through Mitosis within the bloodstream, those fragments are actually pieces of its body. Not only that, but it doesn't just attach to the blood, it latches onto everything. Every atomic building block that makes up an Immortal, also shares space with the Spark. The nature of this relationship is symbiotic, however I have been unable to discern why the Spark is unable to separate itself from its host. Small gene splicing experiments proved successful, but only for a short while. Without the host, the Spark will die. Additionally, the separated atoms have an atomic attract with one another, meaning if they come in too close of a proximity they will merge. The Spark's atoms seem to actively seek out it's former counterpart. Putting the Spark's atom, with one other than it's host will not start the merging process. However, when applying an extreme situation, the Spark will join. It will choose to live. Somehow the phenomena the Immortals possess is linked to this process. Merging with a new host, under certain circumstances, will evolve a new phenomena. Without such stipulations, the Spark will not merge with anything other than its host. I have been unsuccessful in trying to decrypt this genetic algorithm. What is the link between the three? I've had many subjects to analyze, and I've come to the conclusion that each Spark has a personality as well. Some subjects seemed able to converse with a voice in their head. Preliminary results showed Dissociative Identity Disorder. However, recent findings bring to light proof of the Dual-Soul Theory. Two souls inhabiting one body. Some subjects are able to hold a mental conversation with the spark, but they seem unable to change conscious places. It should also be noted that the Sparks name themselves. They are fully aware, sentient beings, that can learn and experience emotion just as we do. Though, each different spark seems to be strongly associated with a different emotion like Sorrow, or Haughtiness.[/color] [color=lime][/color][/hider][hider=The Awakening] [color=lime]Entry Date:[/color][color=red][/color] [color=lime]Subject:[/color][color=khaki] The Awakening[/color] [color=lime]From:[/color][color=khaki] Th? W?tch?r[/color] [color=lime]To:[/color][color=khaki] ARK[/color] A video of poor quality and reception plays. A man's face appears on the screen, although it is pixelated and no detail can be made out. The visual cuts out for a moment, replaced by slowly ascending black lines and static, before cutting back in. A fire rages in the background, and beastial howl, followed by gunfire and explosions obscure the man's voice. [color=Navajowhite]"I don't know if I'm going to live through this,"[/color] he begins. An explosion jars the camera, throwing the man forward as he turns to look behind him. His face appears back on the camera a moment later as he straightens is. [color=navajowhite]"These findings must be reported!"[/color] He shouts, covering his head from falling debris as a large explosion shakes the facility once more. A terrifying screech resounds throughout the speakers of the terminal. [color=navajowhite]"My god.. do you hear it?"[/color] As if to emphasise his point the screech came again, so powerful this time the camera's image freezes and distorts.[color=navajowhite]"If you are researching these monsters, Stop!"[/color] He shouts desperately, looking around him in a panic. [color=navajowhite]"These.. These people are not human! They are here only to destroy us!"[/color] Gunfire fills the speakers as the screen lights up with bright light. The scientist whips around quickly, the sounds of something enormous crashing through a wall are audible as the camera topples from its position onto the floor. The new image shows a better angle of the destruction wreaked upon the lab, although this room looks far more intact than those farther off in the image. Small rubble litters the floor, as do overturned gurney's surrounded by smashed glass. Paper lies everywhere, and off towards the left a bloodied hand is visible, without the rest of its body. [color=Khaki]"Doctor-"[/color] The creature's scream drowns out the voice of the new arrival, followed by a hail of gunfire. The image warps again and a white static emits. When the image comes back the pixeled doctor is back. He is on the floor, staring into the camera. [color=navajowhite]"Kill them.. YOU MUST KILL TH-"[/color] The figure is dragged away screaming in agony. The partial image of a soldier steps into view, their weapon's muzzle ablaze as they fire on the large shadowy mass dragging the doctor away. He screams for what seems an Eternity as he is dragged down the hall. The camera is shaking too much, and the resolution is too poor to make out any identifying qualities of the monster disappearing around a corner. [color=Khaki]"GO GO GO!"[/color] The soldier shouts. Her footsteps are joined by many others as they charge through the room, some of them seem to be carrying very heavy weapons. The reach the hallway, [color=khaki]"FIRE!"[/color] The soldier screams as she charges down the hallway, a fresh magazine in her weapon. Two the soldiers take a knee, firing large tube like weapons. A metallic screech emits from their weapon, leaving a trail of smoke. A split second later two explosions jar the facility, and the camera. But the image persists. A black armored figure mottled with red blood soars down the hallway, crossing the visible, adjoining hallway, and continuing further down out of site. The soldiers begin to backup slowly, as the rocketiers reload. A blackened blur pierces through one of the rocket soldiers. His screams fade quickly as he is whipped out of sight, towards the direction of the creature. The second rocket soldier manages to reload, but is stabbed faster than the video can capture, and whipped away. [color=Khaki]"Retreat! Retreat! Run for your lives!"[/color] One of the soldiers yells, running down the hallway. The beast appears back into view with a snarl. It's tail rips through the fleeing soldier with such speed that the corpse doesn't stop moving as the soldier's blood sprays out in a mist in front of them. The body loses its velocity as it falls into two halves, cut diagonally across the torso. Suddenly the camera moves, upwards and away from the creature. Through the rapid motion and blurred images a battalion of soldiers moving towards the creature are barely visible. A new wave of gunfire emits through the speakers of the terminal, accompanied by familiar explosions. The camera jostles as the person carrying it flees. The person trips, and the camera spins as it slows to a stop. The image falls onto a white robed figure, with an auto-pixelated face. The last sounds played through the video are those of footsteps pounding closer, and the crunch of the camera being crushed. [color=lime]