[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmODkxZi5VMlYwYUNCQmJtUmxjbk52YmcsLC4w/fantaisieartistique.medium.png[/img] Tagged; [@TheDarkTemplar] - Cole, [@smarty0114] - Finn, [@PhoebeCarlisle] - Theo, [@Liocalset] - Car-tali He also noticed Theo fainting, and was surprised, becoming wide eyed, [color=#FF8000]"You never see that everyday."[/color] he muttered, getting up and placing her on the seat next to him as he continued to listen to the rather tense conversation. Theo reminded Seth of his sister, perhaps thats why. She soon got up and asked for food weakly, Seth got up and started walking to the kitchen. He cooked some extra eggs and some rice that was there from yesterday. After he was done, he placed the plate infront of Theo, [color=#FF8000]"Here."[/color] he said with a smile, before turning his head to the conversation. Seth sat there as Cole harshly questioned Car-tali who seemingly betrayed the DMA. Seth understood the need for cynicism and skepticism as the DMA have been getting more and more crafty- especially with the recent events, but he also believed in second chances, [color=#FF8000]"Cole, calm down- we haven't been raided as of yet."[/color] he said, glancing at his clenched fist. [color=#FF8000]"Though it is a bit sketchy, I agree with Cole that you have to prove yourself."[/color]