[@Weepingliberty] [hider=Jackson Arrowsmith]Name:Jackson Arrowsmith Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: Jackson is a 5'9 caucasian male with short red hair and brownish green eyes one is synthetic. He usually wears a black suit vest with shirt,a deep purple tie, black dress pants and wingtip shoes. Personality: Jack is a fun guy, usually the one who turns gatherings into Parties, the guy that teases and jokes about and with his team mates and enemies, even in the worst of situations. Though he is a bit of a womanizer, not as much anymore since signing up but he will flirt with any females he finds attactive, whether they are on his side, and if they aren't he knows exactly what to say to get them on his side, and sometimes more than that,That goes for either sex. Jackson is also a more quiet operative, since he is not powerd in the way of his team mates he prefers a more safe way of fighting. But he can 'drop the hammer' as he puts it when he is told to and when he thinks he needs too. Motive:Jack was the kid in his room reading comic books, always wanting to be a hero to the people, to be loved and save lives. And during that massive crime wave he became the vigilante "Temptest" for about three weeks until he was apprehanded by local police services. Though was aquited under 'lost evidance'. After the crime wave he volentterd immediatly, hoping to get extra ordinary powers. THo9ugh thye were not what he was expecting, he is pleased with his results. Ability: Memory Manipulation: Jack can manipulate the memories of others through touch, he can do anything from absorb memories of other people to creating whole new memories for people.Being able to manipulate the very reality of that one memory. But all of this requries focus and allot of visions. Knowledge bestowel/destruction/replication: Jack can give,take or destroy skills from either himself or others by manipulating the physical memory or muscle memory. Psychic visions: when intercepting or creating/editing a new memory his consiousness is actually there, able to manipulate the very foundations of his or someone else memory, he can even simulate death and harm. Restrictions (weakness'): May lose control in times of stress or if rushed. May get overwhelmed with memories of others. May be an accidental side effect of Life-Force Absorption. May confuse memories with someone else's. need's to make physical contact with his targets to activate more advanced abilities. can be difficult in discerning manipulated memories with normal ones. Memories must be well defined or else targets may suspect that it's not their own. Users of Psychic Shield are either resistant or immune. Users of Retrocognition can perceive the difference between history and memory. Team: (I will give you this) Extras: In his youth Jack spent his late teen years as a male courtsean, for both male and female clients. He loves spiders. He spends allot of time in the slumy area's of the city even though owning a nice condo Downtown.[/hider]