[quote=@ArkmageddonCat] [@Sir Avita] What in the hell are you doing? You can't just get up and go somewhere you've never heard of, explaining that "some strange force" compelled you. Not to mention that [@TheDarkTemplar] and I are already standing at the door, with the door already being open. EDIT: I do like the improved post-size, though. But you've gotta make it realistic man. If you're gonna go, you gotta say it's like a temporary home. You can't just go places and change your mind to go across a city, especially in one post. If you wanted to go to the orphanage, you should've been more creative and referenced that maybe Cia told you she worked there. Get what I'm saying? You gotta have real reasons. [/quote] Hey, I'm pretty new to this. Sorry. So, do we just void that or what? Edit: Also, I love breaking the fourth wall.