His name was Judgement, and he was the Sword of God. The man clad in formidable looking plate-mail in an almost decorative style looked like he could have been a statue considering the stillness he maintained standing in the courtyard of the Castle, despite wind buffeting his large seven foot form. He had a huge two handed sword in his right hand which rested over his right shoulder, but no other discernible weapons despite his huge gauntleted fists. He was standing stock still in the centre of the outer courtyard, his back to the outer gate, facing the front entrance into the fortress which lay up a number of steps. He was in what looked like a one hundred feet space, with forty feet separating him from the steps, he seemed to be waiting for something. There was something about the man, he did not have the innocent look of one usually considered a good person on a cursory glance, rather his purity burned from him to the point of almost being painful. There was something unnatural about that purity, something which would make the average man distrust Judgement despite the Divine he claimed to serve and the clarity of his actions. Regardless, Judgement had a job to do, a task set for him by the Almighty himself, and he had no plans of stopping to second guess himself now, if ever. He was expecting an ally in the coming confrontation, someone else who was as committed to their cause of Justice as he was of Judgement. They would make a fitting pair for the coming conflict, he had no doubts there. He was waiting in what he felt was the perfect place to regroup their force, at the entrance to the Fortress itself.