Marcus whipped his head around at the origin of the loud 'whooshing' sound accompanied by a soft bang, the lapse in his monotonous patrol becoming the center of his attention. "What manner of foolishness is this?" He asked rhetorically of his Golem, walking at a fast pace toward the commotion. There would be hell to pay for the student who thought it a funny idea to display their contracted power in a manner like this, disturbing the peace and ultimately disturbing him. He rounded the corner and came to look upon the culprit. "Roland Wright" He said with a grimace, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. His fellow security team member was a lad one year his junior and as rambunctious as the flames he conjured, also somewhat delusional, yet Marcus believed his heart was in the right place. "Must I remind you that it's our job to prevent commotions like this from taking place Roland, you can't go lighting up half the bloody sky and begin challenging the entire island!" He said, his voice raising in volume as he went along. At that moment Frank, his Golem, rounded the corner, the disapproval it emitted contrasted well with Marcus's own.