Tagged; [@TheDarkTemplar] - Cole, [@smarty0114] - Finn, [@PhoebeCarlisle] - Theo, [@Inertia]-Seth Car-Tali heard Seth and Cole. This plan was insane; he had been tracking Mallory, she was his ultimate goal. Mallory had answers about him and the warden program, but the amount of resources it would take. [b]“Thank you Seth for the hand ,and I plan to prove myself to the best of my ability. Now you miss understand the Wardens are there for delicate operations; they receive their orders and carry them out. Yes she created us but that does not mean they are her children, and they are not supposed to know her location. They are soldiers to her loyal soldiers there to do her bidding, nothing more nothing less. I had learned that the hard way."[/b]Car-tali had re-assessed his mindset as he felt it was getting to personal. [b]"Killing Mallory won't be a cake walk and we are not going to be able to eliminate her with a small group of five. Well we could but it would be extremely hard to say the least. Anyway, yes I could find her or rather I have been trying to find her. But so far I have been only able to get an approximate location in upstate New York." [/b]