[img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/c8d7a65ade6b644e13dd5f2fe8807cfd/tumblr_inline_niykt3Ckkf1rujz3w.gif[/img] [b][u]pre·di·lec·tion[/u][/b] ♡ After the death of his mother, Leif finds himself very alone, having to fend for himself. The twist is the fact that he lives in the forest, and unlike the other folk of Washington, [i]he has sprouted antlers, and owns the ears of a deer.[/i] He knows the simplicities of staying alive, like how to talk, and how to avoid human contact. Although, things get much more confusing for him when he comes face to face with a curious stranger who's original plans were to take a walk, not to run into whatever creature you would consider Leif. In an attempt to escape contact, the antlered boy twists his ankle, and ends up having to deal with socializing the quite astounded person. Eager to help Leif, he ends up taking him home to not only fix his ankle, but learn more about him, and what he is. The two engage in an unlikely friendship, before the orphaned sixteen year old ends up depending on him to teach him about modern day life, before something more unexpected brews between them, a bond more complicated than friendship. [hider=face claim for Leif] [img width=350 height=510]http://img06.deviantart.net/1f3c/i/2014/033/9/1/deer_boy_by_kurorime-d74s6sj.png[/img][/hider] etc: pls bear with me this is my first post on here and it was actually something I made a while ago on another pbp rp site that died out, ik the plot is kinda weak but ?? it's 7 am and I can't come up with anything better lol. It took forever to muster up the courage to post this since I'm not very used to this site and if I screwed something up pls let me know! if u join and don't reply for a long time without giving reason I might bother u a lil bit bc I have nothing better to do, so I make dumb rps to satisfy my boredom. also!!! it's mxm, idrc if there's smut tbh. I'm used to it. thank u [img]https://38.media.tumblr.com/17d2f2980699f841aa449e40817e9499/tumblr_inline_niykm3FFhC1rujz3w.gif[/img]