[quote=@Willy Vereb] Your first idea is likely impossible with a Polish-Hungarian union and Khazaria around. Especially since half the countries you mention didn't exist and/or were part of the above mentioned two nations. The second idea can work albeit I don't even have the faintest idea how the hell the Swiss are coming into the picture. They're literally at the other end of Europe.[/quote] If your Poland-Hungary extends from Russia to Greece, it's probably going to be declining power. Big nations tend towards decadence and decay, and you're talking about a nation bigger than any European one since the Romans. (Oh, and I think you mistook Swiss for Swedes!) [quote=@Willy Vereb] Maximum date sounds convenient at first but the fact is some changes alter history in a grand way while others are less relevant. If you set the cutoff date to before Constantinople then theoretically somebody can prevent Christianity wideaspread in the Roman Empire thus dictating the religion of Europe in the future.[/quote] You misunderstand me, I think. The maximum date is more of a minimum date. If I say that it's the year 450, then nobody can change anything that happened before that year, including the rise of christianity, or the fall of Rome.