[i]Donna found herself not sleeping on the crates anymore and on a comfortable bed with pastel coloured blankets. She looked around the room to find where she was but it looked like her room in the Lindemann estate. She went out and the corridor familiar with her brother’s bedrooms and the staircase to the atrium. The light from the glass ceiling was shining on her as she was taking the stairs down. She found the living room and gasped at what she saw. Her mother was there as if she wasn’t shot and aged since the photograph she held. Her father was there also looking much happier than she remembered with his beard shaven. “Hi, mother?” She started the conversation awkwardly. Lady Lindemann looked at her daughter. “Donna you must have had a long night if you slept that much.” She responded. “It’s already 10am in the morning.” Donna saw how her father was laughing it off. She was surprised that her father was lenient at all. A radio broadcasted news from the world with nothing on the war. The closest thing to a bad news would be an industrial accident in Singapore. “Isn’t there anything on the war?” She asked curiously. Lord Lindemann laughed with what his daughter said. “Nonsense.” He shrugged off. “We haven’t had a war since the Mariemeia Rebellion. You must’ve been dreaming.” Donna walked to her apparently alive mother. “And I thought you died.” She began. “And your death made our family miserable.” Her mother smiled. “It’s okay.” She replied. “I’ll always be watching over you.”[/i] Milou found Donna asleep. He would want to leave her alone but leaving for their next mission forced him to wake her up. “You need to wake up Donna.” He said as he shook her reluctantly. Donna woke up and realised she was either dreaming of a world never achieved or a nightmare on what could’ve happened. When she got off the crates, she realised she had a sore back but managed to hide her expression of it from Milou. “Sorry for waking you up that way.” He apologised. “But we will have to sortie out soon.” Donna hid her emotions. “Okay.” She responded back. “I’ll get ready then.” They both got out of the dark part of the hanger to get prepared. Lord Lindemann listened to what Blare said. “I was fooled into believing that the Coalition was responsible for my wife’s death.” He replied. “Turned out it was a way to make me loyal and contribute to the war.” He thought for a moment. “For my wife death indirectly allowed for the construction of the Gundams however, they may become the avatars of her vengeance when we see Kecker again.” He returned to Blare. “I hope for our unity to last long unlike the Falsons.” He expressed. *** From what McNeil was able to salvage there were the double barrel beam gatling from a Sol Thero, improved sensors and a more powerful fusion reactor. It seems like something Oleg would want to upgrade with if he will fight the same enemy again. “Tsubarov, we’ve got some junk for yer’ Mobile Suit.” He announced. “It’ll be the best to take them anyway with how an entire battalion was annihilated with them. Tano sortied with the survivors to follow the Sol Thero units. “I have seen those units on Luna before.” He said to the squad. “They were able to combat two fleets with small numbers and fared much better than the Panthers.”