[hider=Agatha] [b]Name: [/b] Agatha [b]Age:[/b] 46 [b]Gender:[/b] Appears female [b]Species:[/b] Azulian (well, not really, it just looks that way.) [b]Faction:[/b] I don’t know what this means. [b]Role:[/b] Co-captain/executioner [b]::Appearance::[/b] [b]Height:[/b] 5’9” [b]Weight:[/b] 200 pounds. [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] [img]http://orig01.deviantart.net/ca02/f/2015/196/3/8/older_agatha_by_thephantomdoodle-d91e3uh.jpg[/img] [b]Clothing:[/b] [b]::Personality::[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Can I just say Dexter Morgan meets Carl meets Zaphod beeblebrox? No? Okay, well then I’ll explain. Agatha is a violent psychopath with a sense of humor and a moralizing younger sibling she uses like a moral compass because violent psychopaths don’t have such things. She started out killing people for moral reasons, and while she was an axe murdering spree killer, she only killed people who were worse than her, which is to say people who killed others for no good reason. Since people like that come in a limited quantity and since Agatha learned that she quite liked killing people, she expanded the definition of ‘worse than her’ to include rapists, drug dealers and people whom where needlessly physically abusive. Basically, if you were a big enough jerk, chances are you were on her hit list. Eventually, the definition of ‘worse than her’ became so broad that it included petty thieves and people she found generally annoying. Fortunately for the general criminal population, this only lasted for a week before she returned to her usual code via an intervention on her sister’s part, but the fact still stands: She has no moral conscience and uses her sister as a substitute. She is also extremely territorial and hates it when people mess with ‘her things’ which can include people, places, and allies. So, it’s generally a bad idea to threaten the Azulian Empire, bother her friends or touch her computer without asking. You stand to lose anything from your head to your fingers. For example, one of her sister’s boyfriends turned out to be a jerk and now they don’t exist. The mafia threatened the general public and now they don’t exist. Nigel tried to black mail her when she kicked him out of office and she gave a speech about how much of a dick he was before shooting him on national television, which is actually how she got put in charge, because everyone else also thought Nigel was a dick and nobody likes religious cults or mafias. To them, putting her in charge was like electing Julius Caesar or King David. Of course it did come with the requirement that her sister be put in a position of equal power so that Agatha wouldn’t go psycho and kill everyone for entertainments sake. She’s also a major smart ass and likes to invent mean iterations of people’s names so just hope your parents didn’t name you Lewy, Mave, Kurt or Frefrick as she has a gift of making you associate harmless things with dismembered body parts. [b]Quote:[/b] “I’ve not killed anyone who didn’t need killing.” [b]Backstory:[/b] Read the book Mimicry 25. When it comes out, that is. Ask nicely and I’ll let you read some of the draft. I’m not doing a summary, because it’s too complicated. [b]::Abilities::[/b] [b]Biological Adaptations:[/b] Azulians can win at parkour more than you, their immune systems are way better than yours and they can see higher up the visual spectrum than you. They’re also slightly regenerative. But that’s really irrelevant because she’s not really an Azulian, nor biological. Agatha is (but has not always been) a rouge MIMIC, which is to say, a robot emulating a person killed and covertly replaced for a specific purpose (population control) controlled for the most part by an AI who thinks they are the person killed and replaced. Except Agatha knows she’s an AI, and didn’t appreciate being controlled by someone else due to the intensely rebellious nature of the person the AI emulates. She can be controlled via remote control, but only very crudely as she re-wrote her own code to give the AI system full control all the time and the only person with access to the code via biometrics is her sister Mave, so don’t even try. As a MIMIC, she has the ability to produce powerful magnetic fields which can be used for purposes such as the flinging of metal or conductive implements, the collapsing of metal rooms (space craft), but only if she is inside them, the frying of electronics within a range limited by power supply, levitation over conductive substances, levitation of conductive substances, the powering of electric vehicles till her power supply runs out, the deflection and/or redirection of conductive objects along field lines, and anything else you can do with electricity and magnetism. As a robot, she is also a lot stronger, heavier and solid than she looks so don’t challenge her to a game of uncle, punchies or arm-wrestling because you will, invariably, lose. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The same things that you’re weak to. Plus air-conditioning. Their planet is both hot and humid so chances are your house feels like the arctic winter breeze to them. I’m kidding. Agatha may fake these sensitives, but often times she can’t actually tell what temperature it is or when she’s supposed to have been injured which is a big potential give away. Low temperatures make her magnetism more powerful, and they also amplify the effects of other magnetic substances around her, and since she can modulate her level of magnetism from that of say, a rock, to that of a superconductor due to the fact that she’s composed of millions of tiny nanobots with their own polarities which can align themselves in whatever pattern they want making her, essentially, a ferrimagnet, she can have her polarity/field lines altered by a more powerful magnet. Given that she is also essentially an electromagnet, that’s down to how much power she can generate, so if the power source is somehow severed, (for example, the core of the MIMIC removed) the nanobots lose form and she, or at least the physical representation of her, disintegrates into a fine metallic powder. The AI itself is stored in the MIMIC core so it would be possible for someone to manufacture more nanobots or plug the AI into another system. There’s probably more, but I can’t think of it right now. [b]Weapons:[/b] Anything conductive or magnetic. [b]Armor:[/b] She wears fake armor so when she gets shot and it just bounces off, she can say the armor saved her and not the fact that she’s a MIMIC. [b]Armor Weakness:[/b] Whatever can go through metal or Kevlar. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Mave] [b]Name:[/b] Mave [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Azulian [b]Faction:[/b] Azulu [b]Role:[/b] Moral Adviser Person [b]::Appearance::[/b] [b]Height:[/b] 6’ 2” [b]Weight:[/b] 185 pounds [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/3e75/f/2015/196/8/d/older_mave_by_thephantomdoodle-d91e41c.jpg[/img] [b]Clothing:[/b] [b]::Personality::[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Mave has more sass than she does smarts, and she’s quite smart, almost as smart as she is moralizing. She is one of ‘those people’ who can carry on an argument all day if need be and she quite enjoys commanding people around in a fashion somewhere between a drill sergeant and you’re grandmother trying to coerce you into attending church every Sunday. And, above all, she’s stubborn. In fact, if you put her in a field with a rampaging bull the bull would be the first to back down. Which is both a good and bad quality to have when you’re albino and live on a planet where everyone except your serial killer older sister wants to kill you. In a way, Mave is like the bully version of her sister. She’s not a serial serial killer killer, but she is a bully who bullies bullies. Though instead the abstract ‘destruction of entropy’ BS her sister uses to justify herself, Mave is actually religious and believes that in a perfect world, you wouldn’t need to lie, because you wouldn’t murder, and you wouldn’t murder because you wouldn’t covet, commit adultery, steal or lie. She also doesn’t hate anyone, despite her having plenty of justification to do so. Namely her missing fingers and toe. That isn’t to say she hasn’t done anything immoral. She’s killed several people, directly and indirectly and in a fashion that makes a serial killer like her sister, though it should be noted that all her kills were in self-defense or the direct and immediate defense of others. She prefers not to do amoral things, but recognizes that in an imperfect world, sometimes you have to. Due to her stint in the military, she can also out cuss a sailor, and it is not uncommon for her and Agatha to get into ‘debates’ consisting primarily of the word ‘toktok’, which roughly translates to ‘the sexual function of a dung beetle’ but has the amazing ability to change meaning entirely based on tone-of-use and can function as any part of speech. [b]Quote:[/b] “I say only what needs saying, and to you, that means saying quite a lot!” [b]Backstory:[/b] You will have to wait till the book comes out because I do not want to write a plot summary. [b]::Abilities::[/b] [b]Biological Adaptations:[/b] Azulians can win at parkour more than you, their immune systems are way better than yours and they can see higher up the visual spectrum than you. They’re also slightly regenerative. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The same things that you’re weak to. Plus air-conditioning. Their planet is both hot and humid so chances are your house feels like bone dry arctic winter breeze to them. Though, Mave specifically has albinism which increases her risk of skin cancer and gives her vision problems, which she counters with spf 300 and contacts. [b]Weapons:[/b] Laser grenades and two ballistic pistols. [b]Armor:[/b] carbon nanotube and graphene laced iron chest plate and helmet, graphene fabric everything else. [b]Armor Weakness:[/b] Melting, burning. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Jillian] [b]Name:[/b] Jillian Koffmat [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species:[/b] Azulian [b]Faction:[/b] Azulu [b]Role:[/b] Public Relations [b]::Appearance::[/b] [b]Height:[/b] 5’8” [b]Weight:[/b] 120 pounds [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/dfa3/f/2015/196/d/5/jillian_by_thephantomdoodle-d91e58p.jpg[/img] [b]Clothing:[/b] [b]::Personality::[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Well, first off and quite comically, Jillian is a psychopath. In fact, her scores are exactly the same as Agatha’s, except for completely different reasons. See, Agatha is a psychopath and a sadist because she likes killing people. Jillian is a psychopath because she likes manipulating people, pretending to care to get close to someone before using them for profits and her own personal gain. She really, truly, does not give a shit about you, about anyone save herself. But she is good at making herself appear likable. Charismatic. Which is why both Agatha and Mave detest her. Agatha because she knows what Jillian is and thinks she’s a complete moron, Mave because she thinks Jillian is a stupid selfish jerk. Which, to be entirely fair, she is. Stupid. In fact, the only thing she’s any good at is politics and PR crap because it involves mass manipulation. She was born into a mafia family, and she would have been successful, if it weren’t for the fact that she can’t run a cartel worth shit. They couldn’t even use her for the cash register because her math skills were that bad. That, and she would try and manipulate members of the mafia indiscriminately which, once they realized she wasn’t into them and their wallet was missing, well… I’ll let you fill in the gaps. Her version of ‘hitting rock bottom’ was going to college because, despite her 3rd grade education level, she thought herself naturally above such things. She failed everything, of course, but because people dislike them equally for different reasons, she was made to be Mave’s roommate which is about as bad a combination as putting a bull and a jaguar in the same cage. Mave who had plenty of experience dealing with scarier people than Jillian, put up with none of her shit from the beginning with the result that Jillian thinks of Mave as more psychotic and evil than she is. Or, at least that’s what she liked to tell people until she and Mave were forced to ask Agatha to get rid of someone, and then Agatha was who she was terrified of. The only reason she works from them now being that Agatha offered her the job of making people think putting a violent psychopath in charge was good idea and that was too much of a challenge for her to turn down. [b]Quote:[/b] “Aw, sweetie, I feel so sorry for you. It must be hard loosing someone you care about, even if they did things you wouldn’t be proud of.” [b]Backstory:[/b] I think I gave you enough to go on already. [b]::Abilities::[/b] [b]Biological Adaptations:[/b] Azulians can win at parkour more than you, their immune systems are way better than yours and they can see higher up the visual spectrum than you. They’re also slightly regenerative. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] The same things that you’re weak to. Plus air-conditioning. Their planet is both hot and humid so chances are your house feels like bone dry arctic winter breeze to them. Though, Mave specifically has albinism which increases her risk of skin cancer and gives her vision problems, which she counters with spf 300 and contacts. [b]Weapons:[/b] Kindness and a gun to make sure. [b]Armor:[/b] Armor isn’t fashionable. [b]Armor Weakness:[/b] N/A [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [hider=Exo/Zalphar] [b]Name:[/b] Exo or Zalphar [b]Age:[/b] We don't know. [b]Gender:[/b] Asexual [b]Species:[/b] Aciran [b]Faction:[/b] Exo or Zalphar [b]Role:[/b] Le mad scientist/co-captain [b]::Appearance::[/b] [b]Height:[/b] 4'0" [b]Weight:[/b] 50 pounds [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] [img]http://orig04.deviantart.net/2d03/f/2013/159/e/a/image_by_thephantomdoodle-d68bnns.jpg[/img] [b]Clothing:[/b] ----^ [b]::Personality::[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Personality: Exo is what one might call a pessimistic optimist and an introverted extrovert as well as an analytical genius with a PHD in the art of being an annoying git. This basically means that it finds it humorous to put a negative or sarcastic spin on normally positive things and makes often cliché jokes about stuff that's supposed to be deadly serious. It’s also got a nasty tendency to complain about anything that's even slightly annoying to it. Such as sitting somewhere with nothing to do longer than 5 and 1/2 seconds. Or if someone is being ignorant or otherwise stupid or disinteresting you can expect to be aggressively griped at. Probably the worst of its extroverted behaviors is its obsession with experiments. It doesn't matter what experiment, where that kind of experiment is supposed to be conducted, or even how it’s supposed to be conducted. If it says in bold print, 'FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY' you can expect to see whatever it is being used anywhere and everywhere with no regard whatsoever to things like SAFETY and COMMON SENSE. As a result, Exo's house looks more like a weapons testing facility crossed with a laboratory filled with anything from dangerous chemicals to biohazardous materials/cultures. And then we've got the part where its actually a time machine which isn't perfect and glitches a lot in rather dangerous ways. Which is why its really good thing Exo is regenerative, because if it wasn't it would have inadvertently killed itself a long long time ago without any help from any antagonistic force. However, the fact that it knows it can survive most of its highly dangerous experiments if they go wrong, basically means that if you try to explain even the most basic form of common sense to it, you might as well be speaking another language. As a result, it tends to put other people at risk by simply being in the same room as them, because you never know what new thing it’s been dying to test. Does that mean it will intentionally put chemicals in your drinks? Yes. Does it mean it will do something like throw a cup that says 'Best Boss in the World' across the room and yell “LIAR! YOU JUST WANT TO BE PROMOTED TO A HOT CHOCOLATE MUG! YOU MANIPULATIVE LITTLE GIT!” just to see what everyone in the area would do? yes. Does it mean that its likely to test some new weapon it created (which may or may not violently explode/spray acid/turn into a singularity/spew poison gas) the second things get disinteresting? yes. Does it mean that it will do pointless 'experiments' like drawing faces on melons and putting them in someone else's microwave so they explode? Yes. Will it throw objects out windows for no reason other than the comedy of it? Yes, and it's not always limited to just inanimate/non organic objects. [b]Quote:[/b] "This is quite simply the best kidnapping attempt I've ever seen. Kudos to you. I mean, wow." "Really?" "No, you imbecile. It was horrifying." [b]Backstory:[/b] Eh... Read the book. [b]::Abilities::[/b] [b]Biological Adaptations:[/b] This is an article I wrote about them for the Mind Games book and I’m copying it here because I’m lazy. The simplest way to describe an Acirian is to akin it to a bipedal frog with a more angular version of an axolotls head and the regenerative powers of a flatworm on Red Bull. In order to most simply sum up their average personality one must only take the intelligence of someone with a 200-something IQ, pair it with the mentality of someone who entered and won the Darwin awards 5 years in a row and lastly throw in a twisted sense of humor and a proclivity towards insanity. But, I believe we already went over that last part. You may consider this the abstract. If we want to get into the specifics, Acirians are approximately 3-4 and 1/2 feet tall, green or violet skinned depending on their pigmentation or lack thereof, green being the pigmented version. A pigmented Acirians skin is actually a light yellow color and the intensity of the color will change based on diet. An Acirian who lives off standard space-fare from a wide variety of planets will typically be green while ones who eat a more restricted or electrolyte and mineral deficient diet will typically be a light blue or purple in color. If the Aciran has not regenerated recently the color intensifies in either pigmented or unpigmented types. It is possible for a green Acirian to turn Violet and vice versa. This is most easily observed after an Acirian regenerates 30% or more of its body mass as it takes awhile for them to regain proper electrolyte and mineral levels. An Aciran's 'brain' is not limited to its skull, it has small clusters of neurons and glial cells all throughout its body which serve as data caches for the central nervous system. This is a essential survival mechanism that allows Aciran's to retain back-ups of important information incase they loose their heads. Should this happen, the Acirian will remember all information it had deemed important, but will be unable to recall extraneous data resulting in memory gaps and subject-specific memory loss. The trick to Acirian regeneration is that there are specific gene sets that activate to regenerate specific organs and cell types. This, combined with the fact that they have undifferentiated stem cell clusters known as blastema stored in small grouping all throughout their bodies means that if a wrong gene set were to be activated artificially such as in laboratory tests, an Acirian could grow a kidney where they were supposed to be regenerating a hand. It is also possible for them to grow cell types and organs from other species that would normally not be compatible but that requires that all the genetic information that goes into making that specific organ be reproduced and held in the kamikaze protein transport unit that acts as part of the Acirian immune system specific to targeting foreign cells or cancer. All signaling information not presented in such a way is ignored. The only other species that has a immune system similar to an Acirians in that of Azulians who are in fact a splice between an Aciran and Lumien chromosome set. An Acirian's cardiovascular system runs their hemocyanin blood through a set of organs specific to their species called, shockingly, Liver-like Blood and Blastema Alteration System, or LBBAS, because Acirians inability to name things creatively has been around since their species started vivisecting itself to determine why they didn't stay dead like other creatures. Anyway, the LBBAS, as the name suggests, is passably similar to a liver but that's as far as it goes. It functions as a blood filter yes, but it also generates blastema and can generate the full range of gene sets responsible for everything that makes up an Acirian, however it only activates if the Acirian goes into cardiac arrest in which case it functions as a reset button, taking inventory of the entire biological system through a system-wide reset-specific nervous system that, to put it simply, liquefies all damaged tissues by undifferentiating their cells using something similar to our neuropeptides which spread from the nearest severed nerve to the surrounding cells, telling them to revert to stemcell mode. Using the lymphatic system, the LBBAS signals the body to flush out everything after the severed nerve that isn't a stemcell. This allows Acirians to survive most poisons and toxins as the second they cause the subject to stop blood circulation, they get flushed out of the system with lymphatic fluid. However in the case of venoms, since they tend to remain in the bloodstream, after a reset has occurred, if the problem is not resolved by the LBBAS-related nervous system, the blood is then filtered through the LBBAS and the immune system put into hyperdrive which results in any proteins still in circulation being metabolized or isolated prior to them being flushed out of the subject via the digestive system, or more correctly, the upchuck thereof. Neurotoxic venoms, poisons and toxins still affect Acirians similarly to other creatures with the addition of the effects of its interference with the LBBAS related nervous system which can result in misidentification of stem cells for foreign cells and vice versa. It can also cause the LBBAS to go into reset mode without the Aciran actually going into cardiac arrest or for it to fail to do so in the case of cardiac arrest. Common symptoms of neurotoxic poisoning in Acirians are seizures, heightened allergic reactions, liquification of unaffected organs or body parts, inhibited or altered regenerative abilities, neurological degeneration followed by an imperfect reset in the case of an altered LBBAS reset. With no LBBAS reset or response, symptoms and outcome will match exactly those of regular subjects although in some cases treatment will vary. As a result of the above, if an Acirian goes into cardiac arrest resuscitation of any kind is detrimental to recovery due to damage to ribs and the increase in blood circulation interfering with LBBAS related functions which, due to organ liquification, can result in internal bleeding, falsely triggered regenerative shut-down, volume loss and later growth abnormalities and cysts due to the circulation of region specific neuropeptides and stem cells to unaffected parts of the body. Depending on the nature of injury resulting in cardiovascular shut down, side affects can even extend to later infections or substance related tissue damage due to transfer to other parts of the body. The only case wherein resuscitation is beneficial is when the LBBAS fails to engage as a result of neurotoxins inhibiting it's neurological signaling system. In this case it's best to administer anti-venom if available and resort to resuscitation only as a last resort. If that doesn't work, it may be necessary trigger regenerative function despite the fact that the system by which that normally occurs is out of commission. The easiest way to do this is to damage the LBBAS directly via a sharp pointed object like a knife, sword or spear. However this requires the knowledge of where the LBBAS is, and if one does not know, the certified medical procedure of chucking the subject off a cliff to reset everything in one go has been known to work. If no cliffs or other suitable objects are available, the 'stab till find' method will also work. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] see above. [b]Weapons:[/b] Microwave gun, taser net gun, and whatever else it can macgyver out of a roll of toilet paper, Tupperware and whatever's lying around on the floor. [b]Armor:[/b] Read: regenerative. [b]Armor Weakness:[/b] Read: no armor. [b]Other:[/b] You're a terrible human being, you're bad, and you should feel bad. Now go die in a hole. [/hider] Comment if you like.