If you could give someone a script to work with, we could probably salvage something without being overly depended. But, that script should go to someone like a co-GM. Buuut... You don't seem like you're ready to send anyone an arc script or three to work with. You left us in a really tight spot at that. Something only minor improv could fix. And seeing as you were on in the last 14 hours, my guess is you have some sort of a plan to put in place. My question is what it is, and who is going to carry it out. Simply usurping what is left isn't enough either. So help us help ourselves. ______________________________________________________________ @Reaper Approach the Inquisitor. He quite literally can identify any type of magic. That can help us take this off. Again, only can do so much in a group effort. _______________________________________________________________ Updated Looks in the CS. But also check the bottom.