[quote=@DocTachyon] Of course. But, do you mean Batman like [url=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/365/5/b/zero_year_by_niyoarts-d8byqij.jpg]this[/url] or Batman like [url=http://images.eurogamer.net/2015/usgamer/Arkham-Knight-Shot-01.jpg]this[/url]? Either one is fine, though I'd prefer the first one. The second one is still perfectly okay, but if you rely that heavily on tech, have fun trying to take care of it. So, it seems that it has been closer to a year since the event of world-ending proportion has happened. What sort of apocalypse would you guys prefer? Options being: 1- Nuclear apocalypse. IMO this would be the most generic 2- Some kind of hyper deadly virus. The only people left are the ones who happened to have a immunity in thier genes. This would allow for enough people to be dead to convey the "holy shit, its the apocalypse" but leave enough alive that we could still form a cohesive story about civilizations battling each other. 3- Totally catastrophic super villain attack of world ending proportions. Of the three, which would you all most like? If you feel as though you have a better idea for it, feel free to bring it up, but please still say which of these three is most preferable to you. [/quote] 3 or alternatively world ending Asteroid, that way we can have the cold weather (similar to a nuclear fallout thanks to dustcloud), there'll be a mass00v hole somewhere, earth quakes woulda taken out a lot of people (As well as the actual meteor hit and shockwave), plus tsunamis and then the crater and any residue can be a fun plot devices. Plus while a lot of people are dead, not every country would instantly fail quite a lot of them would just erupt into chaos (unless you want multiple meteor hits) and with the damage to infrastructure, lack of sunlight and dropping tempratures everything else would begin to fall apart.