Gender identity issues: The character [hider=Marinette][b]Username:[/b] Marinette Bwa'Chech [b]Title:[/b] "The Based" [b]Gender:[/b] [list][*][i]In-game:[/i] Female[/*][/list] [b]Race:[/b] Esquen [b]Class:[/b] Freelancer [b]Level:[/b] 5 [b]Stat Build:[/b] [list][*][i]STR:[/i] [b]1[/b], Considerably low.[/*] [*][i]FOC:[/i] [b]7[/b], Above average, on equal grounds with [i]AGI[/i]. The points taken out of [i]STR[/i] were put into this stat.[/*] [*][i]AGI:[/i] [b]7[/b], Above average, on equal grounds with [i]FOC[/i]. The points taken out of [i]STR[/i] were put into this stat.[/*][/list] [b]Skills:[/b] +Stealth +General Agility (acrobatics, gymnastics, free running, and parkour) +Basic Magical Telekinetic Combat +Survival +Poison Making [b]Equipment [i](Body)[/i]:[/b] [list][*][i]Head:[/i] (Keffiyeh, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Keffiyeh': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Can only be equipped in combat or in desert/desert-like environments. Increased perception in sandstorms.)[/*] [*][i]Face:[/i] (Make-up, Level 4, named 'La Máscara de la Muerte': Remain undetected by undead or unholy creatures.)[/*] [*][i]Ear:[/i] (Hair decoration, Level 1, named 'Rose's Axel': A non-stat boosting aesthetic item, allows the player to port their own music into Paradise. In game can serve as either headphones or a speaker.)[/*] [*][i]Neck:[/i] (Scarf, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's Spare': Always have a spare in case of emergency! Provides some protection against harsh desert sands.)[/*] [*][i]Chest:[/i] (Light armor, Level 4, named 'Desert Long Tunic': Great all purpose light armor that consists of a weave of leather straps and a light-colored long tunic. Protects chest and arms.)[/*] [*][i]Right Arm:[/i] (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Comedy': Increases STR)[/*] [*][i]Left Arm:[/i] (Pauldron, Level 4, named 'Tragedy': Increases AGI)[/*] [*][i]Left hand:[/i] (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC)[/*] [*][i]Right Hand:[/i] (Glove, Level 3, named 'Glove of the pharaoh': Slightly increase FOC)[/*] [*][i]Right Finger:[/i] (N/A) [/*] [*][i]Left Finger:[/i] (Ring, Level 5, named 'Friends on the Other Side': Once a day, summon an undead [skeleton, draught, zombie, ghost, or Frankensteinian abomination] creature at half your level to do your bidding for you. The creature will disappear if it survives until the end of the day or if it's killed in battle.)[/*] [*][i]Waist:[/i] (Belt, Level 2, named 'Mistal belt': Loot retrieved from a fallen, low level boss. It provides bonuses to AGI when health drops below 40%)[/*] [*][i]Legs:[/i] (Pants, Level 0, named 'Vagabond's trousers': Standard item for any Esquen, aids with survival in the desert. Slight bonus to running.) [/*] [*][i]Right ankle:[/i] (N/A)[/*] [*][i]Left Ankle:[/i] (N/A)[/*] [*][i]Feet:[/i] (Boots, Level 3, named 'Roc's boots': Leather boots with an exterior covered in a downy layer of Roc feathers. These boots enable the use of feather fall once a day. [i]"You got Roc's boots! You feel light as a feather!"[/i])[/*] [*][i]Misc.:[/i] (Bracelet, Level 0, named 'Serpent's bond': A bracelet in the style of a snake curling up the wearer's arm, it is metallic and appears to be digging into the wearer's arm and fusing with their flesh. Serpent's bond ties it's users soul and life force with an animal companion. In exchange for this, the wearer is given some abilities and bonuses of the creature (poison resistance, stealth).)[/*][/list] [b]Equipment [i](Weapons)[/i]:[/b] [list][*][i]Primary Weapon:[/i] (Magic, Level 0 - 5, 'Basic magic': -- )[/*] [*][i]Secondary Weapon:[/i] (Ranged, Level 3, 'Beginner's crossbow (foldable)': A very basic crossbow, it can folded down and hidden very easily. This ease of stealth significantly takes away from it's attacking power.)[/*] [*][i]Spare Weapon #1:[/i] (Dagger, Level 2, 'Poisoned Dagger': A low level dagger that has been coated in Esquen Cobra venom.)[/*] [*][i]Spare Weapon #1:[/i] (Mace, Level 1, 'Scorpio's tail': A lighter, more sharpened mace weapon, made from the carapace of a giant scorpion. While much faster to swing, it takes a penalty to raw attacking power.)[/*][/list] [b]Pet:[/b] An [url=]Esquen Cobra[/url] named 'Anima Sola.' --- [b]Character Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Body. [img][/img] Face.[/hider] [hider=Ness Lackyn][b]Real Name:[/b] Ernest 'Ness' Lackyn [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] [list][*][i]Biological:[/i]Assumed Male (Gender fluid)[/*][/list] [b]Personality:[/b] Ernesto is a secretive and quiet individual, preferring to talk about non-sense or others than of his own self, you would never know if he was doing poorly on a given day. A symptom of this is a tendency to lie to avoid the possibility of others feeling concern for him. His entire life Ness walked on eggshells, this gives the impression that he isn't particularly comfortable in his own skin, just being who he is. In Paradise, however, Ness, as Marinette is a much more open individual, while still prone to secrets and obfuscating the truth to avoid conflict, he finds sharing his own opinions and interests much more possible. As the avatar Ness has an easier way with people, and even develops something of a snarky sense of humor. Marinette acts more confident than Ness, and gives the impression of confidence and even cockiness. Ness' appreciation of mythology and vodou is much more pronounced when acting as Marinette, often using the Loa as descriptors for certain situations, items or enemies-- even going so far as to pray to them. [b]Background:[/b] An Afro-Mexican child born out of wedlock, Ernest was raised in southern California by a single mother and, surrounded by poverty and crime, Ness found himself very easily immersed in the culture and comfort of video games and false reality. School for Ness was less 'do your best' and more 'get by with whatever works so you can go home and play more video games.' While never being particularly isolationist or avoidant, his personality appeared on the surface to be standoffish and even arrogant, earning contempt from his peers that he perceived as no fault of his own. Ness didn't make any make any real friends until high school, when he was exposed to the anime and video game clubs of SoCal, through them he was able to vastly expand his tastes and options of games he could play. He would also go on to form the first long lasting non-familial relationships in his life. Finding pleasure in gaming and the companionship he found through gaming, Ness became inspired to begin animating through high school and eventually found himself going to art school through a scholarship, something his mother of little means never thought was possible. Now an intern at a small San Francisco game developing company, he has begun to work freelance in television and internet animation-- despite it all though, through working through the isolation of his youth and growth thanks to exposure to like minds, two things have remained consistent about him; his love of his Mother and all the things she taught him about Vodou and syncretic religions, and his childlike enjoyment of video games, especially mmorpgs. Paradise, then, soon became his new addiction after it's release. He was one of the first in line on launch and has practically based his life around having enough free time to play the game. Initially he started playing mostly solo or with his friends in real life, eventually however, he developed bonds with other players in the game, finding it easier to 'be open' with them. [b]Appearance:[/b][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Social Links] ☹ ("Enemies") ☺ ("Friends") ✧ ("BFFs") ♪ ("Neutral") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") --- ✧/♡ Prince: "Sleeps a little much, but he's one of the first people I met online here-- and he's pretty much always on to talk about whatever or just listen. A real bro." ✧ Cynthia: " ♪ Marinette: "I kind of am just neutral towards myself-- and the music note is most fitting when placed next to my name." ✧/♡ cattypea: "NO I'm not into furries that's weird, she just seems like an alright person is all.." ☺ Mantam: "A radical dame who likes to play games, we haven't really gotten to know each other though." ✧ Hazard: "Ayyy. True homie 4 Lyfe. We ride together we die together. Mythos represent." ☹/☺/♡ Grey: "Not in a bad way, we're more like... friendly rivals. We're both sneaky and non-conventional, just on opposite sides of the spectrum. Also his class is awful and I'm better than him in pretty much every way imaginable." ☺ Raijin: "Seems alright, haven't gotten much 1 on 1 time though." ☹ Deathedge: "2edgy4me" ✧ CherryLover: "She's like the little sister I never needed, but always wanted." --- How long has your character been playing the game? "Few days after release, it was the prize of a design contest they had at school-- and I happened to win" How long has this particular "character" been in the game? "Since I got the system itself." How long have they been a part of the group? "About a month?" Who invited them to the group? "Cynthia. Without knowing it we ended up co-oping on a quest, and it saved us both a few hours. She asked if I wanted to be part of a theoretical clan, I told her 'theoretically,' she said welcome aboard." Who, from the group, did they meet first? "Hazard, actually. Although Cynthia and Prince were the first people I had extended conversations with"[/hider] [hider=Other][b]Other:[/b]Marinette is almost always listening to music.[/hider]