{{YAY!!!! I FINALLY FINISHED DRAWING HER!! XD Appearance: [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/8804/f/2015/195/1/c/ace_by_askconniethewolf-d91cis4.jpg[/img] Name: Ace Age: 16 Eye Colors: Was originally born with blue eyes but her right eye turned red after her abilities awoke Personality: At first she seems cold and introverted but she quickly warms up to others if given the chance. she trusts others WAY too easily. She is often straight foreword about what's going on in her mind and isn't afraid of expressing her opinion. She values and cherishes her comrades and is overall a warm and gentile person. Type: 2 Abilities Physical:Fire manipulation aka pyrokinesis - basically she can control the shape and size of fire (as well as making it move) and used it as a weapon. However she cannot create fire; she needs a source such as a lighter (which she happens to always carry with her). Due this ability she doesn't burn easily. For example, the amount of fire that could severely burn or even kill normal people would only leave her with minor burns. Bio: Not much is to say about her past regarding her childhood. She lived a happy life with her parents up until the age of 10 when her abilities first awoke. At first she could only make the flame on a candle move or go out but her abilities quickly grew stronger. Ace's parents gradually caught on to her growing abilities and eventually disowned and abused her. After almost a half of a year of abuse from her parents; Ace decided run away grabbing a lighter and setting her room ablaze. Ever since that day she's been living on the streets. [hider=Post Example] Tucked away in a dark alley, Ace lit the flame from her lighter humming the "Happy Birthday" song quietly as she stared at the the lighter with a dull, glazed over look in her eyes. Today was going to be her 16th birthday as well as the 5th anniversery of the day she escaped from her parents. Ace stopped humming and smothered the flame with her thumb then sighed. she examined her extremely thin body scowling slightly. "jeez...five years can really change a person....I should eat more often...well regardless...Happy sweet 16 Ace...i should probably find myself a gift....i do need a new lighter...hmm..."Ace murmured to herself lost in thought as to what she was going to get herself. She made her way out of the alley and onto the street. She could feel then dozens of cold, disapproving eyes glare at her. Ace shivered, "woo! it's chilly today!" Ace grinned then laugh for a few minutes as she went on her merry way to the nearest gas station alley to find a lighter. [/hider] Other: She ALWAYS carries a lighter or a box of matches with her where ever she goes. Theme Song: [url=]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAD0BtEv6-Q[/url]