Diego made his way in the direction that Bliss pointed, trusting that she had found the best match for them. It seemed the majority of the people who had shown up that day had already claimed their Pokemon and were leaving. He could only wonder where his mother had wandered off to. He looked around as he got closer to the area his Aipom had pointed to, noticing that there did seem to be a higher concentration of Bug type Pokemon in this area. He spotted a Caterpie that inched along the ground nearby. Up above he spotted what looked like a Yanma. And suddenly he found himself face to face with... What was that? "What the hell?!" He jumped back, startled by the Pokemon. And yet it looked familiar. He'd seen something similar to it, hadn't he? An incredibly quick bug type absolutely destroying his Scyther in the Pokeathlon Dome. It had moved so fast they hadn't even seen it until the competition was over. Was this related to that Pokemon, Ninjask? He moved forward to take a closer look, when the Pokemon's apparent trainer suddenly appeared and spoke up. [i][color=8493ca] "Don't mind my friend. He's too curious for his own good. Aren't you, mon petit? "I'm Placide, and this here is Agne. He can be a little unruly, but I promise he's a real sweetheart once you get to know him."[/color][/i] Agne. Diego stared at Agne. It was an eerie thing, but it was unmistakenly a bug. He grinned. This was possibly the most interesting thing he'd seen in his life and hadn't even started on his journey. Hopefully it didn't just go downhill from here. [i][color=8493ca]"Anyways, we got lost. Big city, you know? So tell me what I missed, will ya?" [/color] [/i] Turning his attention to the girl, a little older than him it seemed. [color=1a7b30]"Well, it's nice to meet you both. I'm Diego, and this is Bliss." [/color] The Aipom climbed down form his head to stand on his shoulder, leaning out forward to get a good look at them both, then waved its hands in greeting. [color=1a7b30] "You didn't really miss much. The Professor giving a speech on loving Pokemon, cause you know, none of here know anything about that. After that it was basically fair game. [i]'Go out and find your Pokemon to adopt. There's a box over there somewhere with some equipment.'[/i]"[/color] He gestured in the general direction he believed the crates to be in. [color=1a7b30] "So now bliss here's leading me to some Pokemon she found. She won't tell me what she found, but from the looks of this part of the sanctuary, it's probably some sort of bug Pokemon. She knows me pretty well." [/color] He laughed, then looking at Bliss he added, [color=1a7b30]"Not that you're any less awesome than a bug... Well maybe a little." [/color] There was a quick slap of the tail at the side of his head, and then he and the Pokemon were full of laughter. He took notice of the quickly dwindling crowd then looked once more to the trees.[color=1a7b30] "But yeah, I better get to that. It's looking like they want to close up for the day. Good luck finding your Pokemon."[/color] He nodded in acknowledgment to both Placide and Agne then began to walk off.