UNDER CONSTRUCTION [IMG]http://i58.tinypic.com/2h80nyf.jpg[/IMG] Welcome to the OOC for Fairy Tail: Golden Dragoon. All those that know Fairy tail or those that dont but feel like joining (I can explain when questions are asked) are welcome to join. This rp will play in a makeshift wizard Guild called Golden Dragoon (hence the name of the rp) Also the world we play in is an alternate kingdom in an alternate universe, meaning all original casts members will not show but all magics in the series are possible, though lost/ ancient magics are still lost/ ancient. Only one known cast member will show: Acnologia! the upside to this is, no spoilers and all lost magics, such as for example lightning dragon slayer and celestial gate keys have no known users yet and can be used by those that wish to use them. Other summoning magics may be created but each should have their limits or difficulties with finding a fitted spirit or making a contract. (see Summoning magics and Slayer magic settings) [b][i][u]The Guild[/u][/i][/b] The guild itself is rather new, perhaps just a few weeks to 2 months old at most. It has its own rules to follow (outside the general rp rules) which are burned into a wooden board and hanging in the guild, its written by the guildmaster. [hider=The Guild's IC rules] -The rules are rather simple, were all part of a family, respect each other, have fun with each other and while your free to leave at any time, when your part of Dragoon, NEVER betray your family. -There is a back room where only those approved by the guild master can enter, the S-class room, dont go in there unless your allowed to. -your all free to do what you want, to follow your own path, no one, not even your family (meaning both real and guild) can force you to go in a path you dont want to, this is the way to make your magic grow. -Keep in touch if you dont enter the guild itself for a while, we get worried. -dont have sex on the guild floor (all other stuff can be tolerated I guess) -respect me and our little blacksmith, I grant you all jobs and keep you out of trouble and the smith is useful as well, like buying his stuff -pay for the booze, I am not rich you know! -if you damage the guild you pay for it and fix it yourself. -Your free to form any type of teams for jobs, just write down the team name and members somewhere and give me the note so I can keep up. -Have fun ^^ Love you, your Guildmaster ;) [/hider] The building is shaped as a dragon skull where you enter the mouth and walk down a set of stairs into the basement. There are multiple skylights though. The front room is pretty much the same as with Fairytails first guild, though instead of a set of stairs to the second floor, there is a door into the back room and an other door for storage (where the booze is kept), which also go's into the guildmasters personal room. There is also a sub-basement for those that dont have a home for themself to sleep (few rooms, some very large for entire groups, some for a few individuals like a couple of lovers, and a public shower) there is one final basement floor under it split in 2, a library and a mixed sex hotspring (bathing clothes allowed but not required). Behind the skull is an open field for mock battles and training (though if you damage the skull you have to pay for repairs and repair it yourself as well) some architectural side notes: the skylights dont have windows and are not a direct path but have been made to magically deflect the light down to the guild, this prevents rain from falling in the guild and allows those that know to enter by it IF they have the guilds emblem (otherwise there is a magic barrier in place to block out intruders) The staircase going to the living area actually has a near perfect straight ceiling giving it a high ceiling when all the way below. In the largest section of the living rooms there is a hole in the ground with a fence around it, this hole gives instant access to the deepest part of the hotspring. [hider=crude guild map] [IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/ziqa0z.jpg[/IMG] [/hider] The guildmaster: Chizuru Oppai. [u][i][b]for the rp's rules[/b][/i][/u] [hider=rp rules] -you can play with a max of 3 chars each (exceptions are possible but ask and report why you wish a 4e or 5e, I may ask for some more info about the case if I have a question for it, but that is not a no or something, just stuff to see how and why) -slayer magic and summoning magic have their own rules, especially slayer magic types, please see those! -the rp will be using real world mechanics when nothing is said to break away from it due to the magic stuff, so remember, you can die, you can get hurt, if your hit by anything your clothes will likely get destroyed fitted with the attack (example, if a flamethrower is used to a fire immune mage it will still destroy the clothes regardless if its a male or female) -romance and even more (soft) adult stuff is in general accepted unless players join who request this to be lessened somewhat BUT real adult matters go in PM, admitted I do wish to read it but thats just a side matter XD this is due to the site's rules not wanting any real s*xual activity -the basic rules such as: -no godmodding, metagaming or OP stuff (trough I doubt much of that stuff will show, I still find it important to report) -dont insult people and respect other people, if any arguments come up report to me please -rules may be changed if there is need for it but in general I am pretty accepting so this wont happen unless something happens that forces me to do so for all our sake (which I hope never happens and that we all can just get alone) -when players get in a fight between each other for any reason, the attacker only reports what he uses to attack, the defender has to see if he/ she can find a way to avoid it (be honest in this, if you really cant find a way to avoid it without breaking limits, rules or anything, just get hit) off course this depends on the situation, a first blow, lifting someone above you or a simple slap cause someone did something wrong, can be posted as a hit and this has to be respected, just dont go overboard with that and if push comes to shove follow the above stated rule. [/hider] [hider=Slayer magic settings] There are multiple slayer magic types, some are canon, others I have added for fun and to show you too can make your own slayer type: most of these are lost magic, with the exception of the final 2. -Dragon slayer -God Slayer -Demon slayer -Angel Slayer -Spirit Slayer -Beast Slayer -Weapon Slayer (more info on each will be listed lower) Slayer magic tends to come in elements, these can be anything in general but there is a rule that 1 slayer can only sport 1 element in this rp. meaning there can only be 1 water dragon slayer, but you can be a water god slayer as well. also pure element names as water wont limit other options such as swamp dragon slayer, focusing more on swamp water then general water but still has water dragon slayer magic. It is a general rule (though some exceptions can be made) that we all just use a general/ pure element, like simple fire or earth slayers instead of going straight for the sub's. Weapon slayers have their own rules on this though but follow the base path. All Slayer types seem to have 4 fixed spells, though names can be a little different, but also secret spells, the exact rules changes from slayer to slayer, see the respective sections of each slayer type for this. Note, at the start of the rp, each slayer will have a amount of spell slots you have to follow, no more (though less could be allowed but not preferred, see the respective section for the slots) [hider=Dragon Slayer] IMPORTANT: for this rp I only accept starting with generation 1 or 2 (I personally advice generation 1 as that can grow into a generation 3) Please refrain from making half dragon characters, there may already be one and that will likely be the only one, if you really need one you can ask but I will be stern on this so dont get your hopes up too much! Dragon slayers, where a human can harness the power of a dragon, by changing their body's traits to that of a dragon of their respective element. Dragon slayers possess elemental magic based on the origin they learned the magic from. its an ancient lost magic used and taught originally by dragons to humans and meant to kill dragons. -A dragon slayer is generally immune to his own respective element, though sub groups such as a swamp dragon slayer would be immune to water in general. -They can eat their respective element (though not their own created one) to restore energy and or increase their strength. -Dragon Slayers possess a very strong sense of smell and hearing. -Dragon slayers are naturally better at many physical traits, though the exact value depends on the slayer and training (such as a wind one is more agile, a iron one has much higher physical endurance and fire more strength) -Dragon slayer magic tends to be stronger when used against a dragon (or dragon based magical objects such as a dragon shaped mech) [hider=origins] -First generation dragon slayers are taught their magic by a real dragon, though these all disappeared a few years ago at the same time. most if not all dragon slayers have no other family other then the dragon. Do note, dont use an already canon existing dragon, want to learn fire dragon slayer, then create a new fire dragon. the dragons have their own ranking where the pure element (such as water or fire) are the king of their element, meaning those of swamp or hellfire would be subjects of the pure dragon, though this has nothing to do with dragon slayers, it may be useful to know. with this, if you dont have the main pure element, the spells name change according such as, pure: water dragon roar sub: swamp dragon roar. -Second generation have gotten their dragon slayer magic by implanting Lacrima crystals bound with dragon slayer magic in their body. they tend to be a little stronger then first generation though have limited growth ability. -third generation has both, taught by a dragon and later on implanted a dragon slayer lacrima crystal in their body. [/hider] [hider=spell rules] A dragon slayer has 4 fixed spell type slots, 6 free slots, 2 secret slots and 1 hidden dragon force only slot (more spells can be created later) -A dragon slayer base spells: Dragon's Roar (breathing out their respective element from their mouth) Dragon's Claw (A kick enhanced with the respective element) Dragon's Fist (A punch enhanced with the respective element) Dragon's Wing Attack (wrapping both hands with the respective element where it spreads out like wings and charge at the target, knocking the target hard or cross the arms as wings) Note: the specifics of each attack changes by the element and the dragon/ lacrima they learned the magic from. -each dragon has (originally) 6 other spells, these can be off all kinds as long as they fit to the element. all of them are names by: Dragon's -each dragon has 2 secret arts they can only use after feeding their own element and drain more magic then normal these spells start with a fixed marker (changes from dragon/ lacrima) and are followed by the specific name such as with Natsu: Crimson Lotus spells and Gajeels: Karma Demon spells -Each Dragon also has an hidden art they can only use during Dragon Force mode. This is the dragon slayers ultimate move and also are named as the secret arts by initial naming (Crimson Lotus for natsu once more) [/hider] [hider=dragon force] -Dragon slayers have a unique ability called Dragon force. This stage is the strongest stage a dragon slayer can get, though the way to get to it changes by generation level: First generation can only activate it by consuming a special source of energy, such as a golden lost type of their element and other special ones. it shows by the skin becoming more scaly, the scale pattern changes based on the slayer. Second generation activate it the moment they start using dragon slayer magic. it shows by changing the body in some way, this various from slayer, some can gain claws, some gain giant muscles, all gain scales on the mutated parts third generation can activate it on will. it shows by changing the body by quite a bit, scales or other traits show up and tend to effect the entire body while keeping the human body shape generally. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=God Slayer] Note: God slayers are much rarer then Dragon slayers. Please refrain from making demi-gods, though a rare few can be made if asked first, but I will be stern with it. NOTE: demi-gods dont have to be God slayers as God slayer magic is not taught by the gods normally (only a handful of the more evil gods would teach it) God slayers, where a human can harness a power fitted to kill a god. God slayers possess elemental magic based on the origin they learned the magic from. its an ancient lost magic used and learned normally though ancient lost books and is made to kill gods. -A God slayer element is always tinted black. -They can eat their respective element (though not their own created one) to restore energy and or increase their strength. -Other slayers can not eat god slayer elements unless they have fully emptied their own magic first (though this would pose them in a dangerous situation) -If an other slayer type eat a god particle element they temporally can use a mixture between their own slayer magic and enhanced with god slayer. -God slayer magic is by nature the strongest in strength wise compared to other slayers. -God slayer magic tends to be stronger when used against gods or any other god related matters such as god created items, weapons belonging to gods or even shrines and other god slayers (though people who are called gods dont count if its just a title or anything like that where they lack any god attributes) [hider=origins] Where God slayer magic originated is unknown. it was either taught by an evil god to tempt the humans to kill other gods or developed by humans someway to combat evil gods. Regardless, under normal situations a human can learn god slayer magic by reading a book detailing all the magic properties, though these books are so rare that there is only one copy of each type and all are hidden very well or lost in some other way. some books have even been destroyed or dropped in the family attic when they were in human hands as people dont see gods these days anymore, though they can be summoned using God summoning. [/hider] [hider=spell rules] A God slayer has 4 fixed spell type slots, 4 free slots, 2 secret slots. (more spell can be created later) -A God slayer base spells: God's Bellow (breathing out their respective element from their mouth) God's Earth (A kick enhanced with the respective element) God's Sword (A punch enhanced with the respective element) God's Heaven (wrapping both hands with the respective element where it spreads out like wings and charge at the target, knocking the target hard or cross the arms as wings) Note: the specifics of each attack changes by the element. -each God Slayer has (originally) 4 other spells, these can be off all kinds as long as they fit to the element. all of them are names by: god's -each God slayer has 2 secret arts they can only use after feeding their own element and drain more magic then normal these spells start with a fixed marker, which is directly connected in a name to the spell. example of a sky god slayer: Heavenly gathering of clouds Heavenly Gathering of love (Heavenly gathering would be the marker) -A God slayer can also possess a hidden art but these needs to be unlocked by harder trials, such as a secret code inside the book that only a full fletched God slayer of that element can realize when reading the book again or by somehow meeting a god of the same element that teaches it to the god slayer mage these spells always begin with God : (NOTE: this is added by your truly) [/hider] [hider=God element] God slayer magic possess a god element to it, the exact effect changes by slayer and not by element (meaning a flame god slayer with the effect of creating eternal burning flames, when teaching the magic to his child, the child would also have flame god slayer but could have an effect of sentient flames) often these effects break normal law, such as sentient or semi-living elemental creations, but can only be learned after the god slayer has fully mastered 6 basic spells and 2 secret ones, these effects tend to belong to secret arts though some weaker ones can be basic spells. (NOTE: this is added by your truly) [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Demon Slayer] Note: Demon slayers are rarer then Dragon slayers. There are no half demons, you can play as a demon if you wish but ask first as I dont want to many to be in the guild. Demons dont have to know the magic. Demon slayers, where a human can control dark magic capable to kill demons. Demon slayers possess elemental magic based on the origin they learned the magic from. its an ancient lost magic used and learned normally though ancient lost books and is made to kill Demons and Devils. -A Demon slayer is immune to its own element. -They can eat their respective element (though not their own created one) to restore energy and or increase their strength. -Demon slayer magic tends to be stronger when used against demons, devils or any other demon related matters such as demonic weapons -learning Demon slayer magic too quickly or using it too much will cause black marks to shape on the users body and grow the more the magic is used, Demon slayers can eventually learn to control these marks and cover their body with it or not at will -The black mark makes the user immune to curse magic on the covered area's and may possess other secret traits -Demon slayers can just by looking/ observing at a demon or devil acquire large amounts of information such as their magic, physical abilities and more. -Demon Slayer spells once created tend to have a resistance to Dragon slayers, example, a ice demon slayer's ice would not melt with Dragon slayer fire magic or lower class, further they are equal in strength. -Demon slayer element can be added to an other magic the user has that is of the same element. [hider=origins] Where Demon slayer magic originated is unknown. it was likely created by ancient mages in order to kill demons and devils alike.. a human or demon can learn Demon slayer magic by reading a book detailing all the magic properties, though these books are rare and there is only one copy of each type and all are hidden very well or lost in some other way. some books have even been destroyed or lost an other way due to various reasons. [/hider] [hider=spell rules] A Demon slayer has 4 fixed spell type slots, 4 free slots, 2 secret slots. (more spell can be created later) -A Demon slayer base spells: Demon Rage (breathing out their respective element from their mouth) Demon Wrath (A kick enhanced with the respective element) Demon Strike (A punch enhanced with the respective element) Demon vengeance (wrapping both hands with the respective element where it spreads out like wings and charge at the target, knocking the target hard or cross the arms as wings) Note: the specifics of each attack changes by the element. -each Demon slayer has (originally) 4 other spells, these can be off all kinds as long as they fit to the element. all of them are names by: Demon -each Demon slayer has 2 secret arts they can only use after feeding their own element and drain more magic then normal. these spells start with the same as the other spells but have a fixed center name (which is an demon name, such as those found in the so called 72 pillars or an number indication) followed by the specific spell. an example: Ice Demon's Zeroth Long bow (Zeroth is 0 in a series apparently) Water Demon's Sitri Dragon (Sitri is a demon of the 72 pillars) -A Demon slayer Can acquire a hidden spell as well but before this has to master the black mark and know various spells of an separate magic that is the same element has the demon slayer. However the Demon slayer must create a incarnation before calling out the marker (same rules as the secret arts but without the Demon's) The hidden art requires to incorporate the black mark into it someway. [/hider] [hider=Black mark] Demon Slayer will regardless acquire the black mark what will shield them from demon curses and possible other demon related magics. Once a demon slayer has the requirements for the hidden art the demon slayer can create such a spell by manipulating the black mark into the spell. how they incorporate the mark in the spell depends on the user, each individual has a natural affliction into a different way, something which has no connection to the element. some may use the mark as an shield, some may find a way to pull it off from his skin to add it to the spell or shape the spell from it, some may increase the size to cover the spell as it its part of the body, more options exist. [/hider] (NOTE: the workings of Demon Slayer spells may break away from canon due to a lack of info about the magic due to this I added quite a bit as well) [/hider] [hider=Angel Slayer] Note: Angel slayers are rarer then Dragon slayers. Please refrain from making Nephilim, though a rare few can be made if asked first as I dont want to many walking around. Nephilim always know a type of Angel slayers. Angel slayers, where a human can use the divine power of the angels to kill them. Angel slayers possess elemental magic based on the origin they learned the magic from. its an ancient lost magic used and learned normally though ancient lost books, though some still living angels may teach it to humans who would use it for good, and is able to kill Angels easily. -A Angel slayer element is always tinted white. -They can eat their respective element (though not their own created one) to restore energy and or increase their strength. -Angel slayer magic tends to be stronger when used against Angels. -Angel slayers have a fixed spell to create wings from their own element. -Angel Slayers tend to have at least one support spell but may possess more, the spell's abilities depends on the elements such as fire angel slayers can use warmth to restore fatigue or an water angel slayer can heal wounds and cleans poisons (2 spells in such a case). [hider=origins] Angel Slayer magic originally were angel exclusive magic, however it was first learn by humans from Nephilims who were angry at their parent. In time the Nephilim's died as far as known, but they did finished writing the magic in scrolls and creating Lacrima crystals with the magic. Due to this there are 3 ways to learn Angel slayer magic, however they are all rarer then the means to learn dragon slayer magic. Nephilim's are born with the magic but lack the Holy light trait and a Halo. regardless they have full access to the base, fixed and secret spells from birth and have easier access to create new ones at later times. Lacrima crystals can only truly grant Angel Slayer magic if the user has a magic type learned of the same element, the more mastery of the same element type magic, the more they can draw out the Lacrima they have implanted, however the Lacrima's dont show the element making it a large problem in knowing which one to learn. Lacrima Angel slayers also have the rule that they cannot learn any Angel slayer magic outside the limited slots for each 2 same element spells, they angel slayer can gain 1 of the fix or base spells, once the angel slayer has all 4 fixed and 6 base spells, they need 4 more same elements spells to unlock 1 secret spell. (it is said that the Lacrima's once implanted do not lose their power and remain even after the user has died) Ancient Scrolls are likely the main way to learn them but are hard to find. The scroll gives access to all spells and traits except the hidden spell (which has an additional requirement) and gives the ability to eventually create his/ her own angel slayer spells. (when using an angel slayer who learned it from a Scroll, you will have all spells allowed by slots) [/hider] [hider=spell rules] A Angel slayer has 6 fixed spell type slots, 5 free slots, 2 secret slots. (more spell can be created later unless your a Lacrima user) -A Angel slayer base spells: Angelic Judgment (breathing out their respective element from their mouth) Angelic Uprise (A kick enhanced with the respective element) Angelic Touch (A punch enhanced with the respective element) Angelic Blessing (wrapping both hands with the respective element where it spreads out like wings and charge at the target, knocking the target hard or cross the arms as wings) Angel wings (a spell to call on their own wings made from their respective element, some wings may possess other traits such as sky angel wings, they can create small wind blasts) Note: the specifics of each attack changes by the element. -each Angel Slayer has (originally) 5 other spells, these can be off all kinds as long as they fit to the element. However 1 at least must be a support spell. all of them are names by: Angelic -each Angel slayer has 2 secret arts they can only use after feeding their own element and drain more magic then normal these spells start with the same as the other spells but have a fixed center name (which is an Angel name, such as those found in the bible(including Fallen Angels) or an Roman symbo/ Alphabet indication) followed by the specific spell. an example: Sky Angel Omega Barrier (Omega is a Roman Alphabet) Flame Angel Gabriel's Burning sword (Gabriel is an Angel of the bible) -A Angel slayer can also possess a hidden art but these needs to be unlocked. An Nephilim and an Scroll learned both need to implement a Lacrima Crystal to gain access to the angel slayer hidden spell. It is not required to use an Lacrima crystal of the same element, though some elements may effect the hidden spell positive or negative depending on elemental alignment (flame Angel Slayer would gain a weaker hidden spell from an Water Angel slayer Lacrima, while it gets a boost from an Lightning Angel Slayer Lacrima and will gain a double boost from its own element) The spell will be created based on the Angel slayer's element and Lacrima element, due to this the spell nearly always differs as there are 5 options for each combo, with 1 more for perfect alignment (same Lacrima element als Slayer element): Slayer element only Lacrima element only Slayer element at 70% with supporting effect of the Lacrima element Perfect balance between Slayer and Lacrima element Lacrima element at 70% with supporting effect of the Slayer element [/hider] [hider=Angel Mode] Angel Mode is a special spell that all Angel Slayers know. Each one has to first eat their respective element and then say Angel Modes. Once activated the user will instantly create his/ her wings and, if they are not an Nephilim, A halo. The Halo will be made from light and resemble the Angel Slayers element in appearance. The Halo will give the Angel Slayer resistance to negative effects such as Paralyzed, the exact effect depends on the spell used, either the effects gets lessened or the time the effect stays in place is lessened. (important, if 2 spells can cause the exact same effect, each spell may have a different of the halo's resistance effect) The halo can by touch be given to an other person temporally. During Angel Mode the user gains access to Holy Light, this light can increase Support spell effects, heal wounds or poisons by touch and even keep someone alive with fatal wounds or have died in less then 10 minutes until an other healer can save the person. The light can also be used to damage demon's or angels when releasing it from the hand as a beam, but this will instantly disable angel mode for the rest of the day. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Spirit Slayer] Note: Spirit slayers are equal or slightly less rare as Dragon slayers. you can not play as a spirit, this is purely a magic type, though it will effect the user as other slayers by granting some more spirit like traits to the user (such as with dragon slayer) Spirit slayers, where a human can can Kill or remove spirits from their mids. Spirit slayers possess elemental magic based on the origin they learned the magic from. its an ancient lost magic used and learned normally though ancient lost books and is made to remove spirits. -A Spirit Slayer is immune to spirit attacks if they are of the same element and spirits made from magic or controlled by magic and used as a direct attack. -They can eat their respective element (though not their own created one) to restore energy and or increase their strength. -Spirit slayer magic tends to be stronger when used against summoned spirits (not counting Gods, angels and Spirit weapon), human spirits/ ghosts or spirits made by magic. -Spirits created by magic without a sentient mind will not be able to regenerate, be resummoned or return in any other way onces defeated by a spirit slayer for a day -Spirits with a sentient mind such as summoned spirits, gate key spirits and human ghosts will be forced back to their own realm/ where they came from (or in human ghost cases where they are bound to go to) for a day once defeated. -Spirit slayers can see and communicate with ghosts. -Spirit slayers can see who are users of summoning magics by their aura, the more colorful and larger the aura, the more contracts of various kinds they have, a summoning mage with no contracts will have a very weak and white aura, a mage who uses no summoning magic will have no aura. if a mage has a black aura that means he either used dark summoning magic and has been corrupted by it or that its a person who mistreats his contracted spirits. Size of the aura equals amount of contracts, color shows the types of contracts, Red is Yggdrasil, Blue is gate key, Green is God, Yellow is Spirit weapon, Purple is Custom summoning, Pink is Angel magic, colors can mix. [hider=origins] Spirit Slayer magic was born from exorcist after mixing it with Demon Slayer magic and since has been passed down often in monasteries to new exorcists. However those that learn it in a Monastery is bound to stay in it by rules, they can only help those that come to the monastery of their own actions (though some have escaped for various reasons such as wanting to help those that cannot come to them or to just be free) However there have also been books, writing by the first Spirit Slayers or those that escaped a Monastery to teach people in the outside world. Needless to say these books tend to be rare but more common then most slayer magic books regardless. [/hider] [hider=spell rules] A Spirit slayer has 4 fixed spell type slots, 6 free slots, 2 secret slots. (more spell can be created later) -A Spirit slayer base spells: Spirit's Haunting (breathing out their respective element from their mouth) Spirit's Rising (A kick enhanced with the respective element) Spirit's Push (A punch enhanced with the respective element) Spirit's embrace (wrapping both hands with the respective element where it spreads out like wings and charge at the target, knocking the target hard or cross the arms as wings) Note: the specifics of each attack changes by the element. -each Spirit slayer has (originally) 6 other spells, these can be off all kinds as long as they fit to the element. all of them are names by: Spirit's -each Spirit slayer has 2 secret arts they can only use after feeding their own element and drain more magic then normal. these spells need an incantation to be activated (and must be addressed with the Spirit slayers element) and then are called by the spells name (separating the incantation and spell name by ":") example: (flame Spirit slayer spell: Purgatory) Spirit of flames and virtue, I call upon thee to grant me this wish, take thine sword and purge this soul of its sin: Purgatory -A Spirit slayer Can acquire a hidden spell. In order to do so they must make a contract themself with a spirit that sports the same element as themself, they do not need to summon the spirit but instead use the spirit's magic energy to create the hidden spell. The spell often changes based on the Spirit that they made contract with. However a Spirit Slayer can only make a contract with 1 spirit, if they want to make a new one, they must cancel the old one. [/hider] [hider=Spirit Touch] A spirit Slayer can, and often without control, hear or sense the feelings and thoughts someone had last when touching a object. for example they can touch a pot and then hear and sense what the person who last touched the pot was thinking and feeling. After having sensed it they can then project it by touching the pot and looking at a wall so that others can hear and see it as well. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Beast Slayer] IMPORTANT: Beast slayer is a common magic and can be used as often as wanted, you can even use a fire beast slayer even if there is already one created. Please refrain from making half beast characters, if you really need one you can ask but I will be stern on this so dont get your hopes up too much! Beast slayers, where a human can harness the power of a animals, by changing their body's traits to that of a animal type of their respective element. Beast slayers possess elemental magic based on the origin they learned the magic from. Beast slayers are a common magic and created rather recently, like 5 years ago at longest, it is made to hunt beasts and monsters. Beast slayers come in different sized based on animals, a beginning beast slayer would only have 1 animal but more experienced users would gain traits from various animals as they grow (they have control on what animal traits they want to gain) -A Beast slayer has large resistance to their own element and have immunity to animals abilities such as snake poison or giant spider web stickiness and so on. -They can eat their respective element (though not their own created one) to restore energy and or increase their strength. -Beast Slayers possess a very strong sense of smell and hearing and vision. -Beast slayers are naturally better at many physical traits, though the exact value depends on the animal the slayer has based their magic around, such as a bird being more agile and a wolf being more fast. -Beast slayer magic tends to be stronger when used against a Animals and monsters that lack sentiences. [hider=origins] Beast slayers have been created around 5 years ago by humans. The basis has been taken from Dragon slayer and god slayer legends and created by hunters in order to more effectively hunt dangerous animals. The magic can be learned from many books or from hunters directly. [/hider] [hider=spell rules] A Beast slayer has 4 fixed spell type slots, 8 free slots -A Beast slayer base spells: beast Snarl (breathing out their respective element from their mouth) Beast Swipe (A kick enhanced with the respective element) Beast Rush (A punch enhanced with the respective element) beast Flare (wrapping both hands with the respective element where it spreads out like wings and charge at the target, knocking the target hard or cross the arms as wings) Note: the specifics of each attack changes by the element and beast traits used as the base to learn the magic (meaning if you start as a bird, then these 4 spells will always have their specifics attuned to the element and BIRD traits), regardless of the beast traits the user has learned later. -each Beast has (originally) 8 other spells, these can be off all kinds as long as they fit to the element. all of them are names by: Beast Beast slayers as a common magic lack Secret and hidden spells, though have the ability to gain more spells based on different animals depending on the users wishes[/hider] [hider=Beast out] Once beast Slayer has eaten an element that is the same as their they can enter a state called Beast out where they turn into a half human half beast, depending on the beast they wanted to transform into. However if the user has not master all the spells or traits of the beast (for example, if the user has not master a cat's night vision but has all the other traits master) the beast slayer loses control until his magical energy gets depleted when beasted out the user cannot access spells that belong to an other animal, however they gain a huge power boost in both physical and magical abilities such as a fire hound beast out being faster then the slayer normally is and has flames on its back and leaves a trail of flames in its wake. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Weapon Slayer] IMPORTANT: Weapon Slayers are rarer then Dragon slayer and maybe even rarer then God slayer. If you play with a weapon slayer there are important rules to follow: You character must NOT REMEMBER where he/ she came from or how and where he/ she learned the weapon slayer magic. if you wish to play with a weapon slayer and someone else already has picked the element-weapon combination, it is acceptable but I prefer you to pick a different combination. Weapon slayers, A mysterious magic where the user can change his/ her body into weapons. Weapon slayers are divided not just by elements but also by weapon type, a weapon slayer can be a sword slayer type or any other weapon type and also possess any element to it, such as a fire sword weapon slayer or an lightning spear weapon slayer. Weapon slayers can also come with a Null Element which has its own special rules. Weapon slayer magic is not an ancient or lost magic but more about it is not known. -A Weapon slayer has resistance against their own respective element and/or weapon type. -They can eat their respective weapon and/ or element (though not their own created ones) to restore energy and or increase their strength. -Weapon slayers have a tougher skin. -Weapon slayer magic tends to be stronger when used against a their respective weapon. -Weapon slayer who have an element have this element embedded in their weapon spells and cannot use it separately under normal settings (though some may gain the ability to break away from this later in the rp) [hider=origins] Weapon slayer origins are shrouded in complete mystery as all known users have complete holes in their memory regarding where they learned it from or where they are from, basically they only remember their name as first memory and some family background, but from the age of 10 they have a huge hole in their memory until some point where they find them self roaming some random place (estimated roaming time before they gained some insight about who and where they are: 1 month) this cannot be changed or discussed, though the estimated time can be increased or lessened to 1 week at least, but the memory gap MUST STAY! [/hider] [hider=spell rules] A Weapon slayer has 4 fixed spell type slots, 4 free slots, 2 secret slots. (more spells can be created later) -A Weapon slayer base spells: Vortex (breathing out their respective element from their mouth) Fury (A kick enhanced with the respective element) Stab (A punch enhanced with the respective element) Glide (wrapping both hands with the respective element where it spreads out like wings and charge at the target, knocking the target hard or cross the arms as wings) Note: the specifics of each attack changes by the element and weapon. Note: Null element will not have to add the , though this is optional. -each Weapon has (originally) 4 other spells, these can be off all kinds as long as they fit to the element. all of them are names by: -each Weapon Slayer has 2 secret arts they can only use after feeding their own element and drain more magic then normal these spells start with a fixed marker (changes from Weapon type). example: Sword Blades: Lance of the spinning blades (a spell for sword Weapon Slayers to create a lance made from spinning swords) [/hider] [hider=Null Element] Null Element can not eat element magic (though is they come across a element ethereal magic like flames that are not of the fire element, they can eat it for a stamina recovery only) Null Element's true value lies in eating weapons implanted with elements and other attributes, they can actually store the attributes in them self to be used whenever they want or need to, they can even do this with other Weapon slayers. for example, they can eat a fire sword (IF they are of the Sword weapon type) and once they meet a wood magic user decide to use the Fire attribute. These attributes can be stacked, have no limit on how long they can be stored or a max capacity in any way. If you play as A Null weapon slayer, you will need to add in the other section the attributes you may have eaten in due time.[/hider] [/hider] following the above knowledge, you are free to create your own slayer type [/hider] [hider=Summoning settings] People are free to add more types if they want, I will just list the rules and other matters here of already known ones. Note: most if not all summoning magics are ancient ones BUT do not fall under lost magics. [hider=Celestial Gate magic] Celestial Gate magic is a "Holder" type summoning magic where the user uses a Gate key to summon a Celestial Spirit. There are 4 types of gate keys, Silver general keys, golden Zodiac key's, Black Keys and Obsidian Key's. The Silver keys come in various rarities depending on the spirit, the rarer the less keys exists. The Golden Keys are rare and only have one key each. The Black keys are special keys that normally are only given by the spirit king himself or by the dark spirit itself (though that is rather unlikely), the spirits are prisoners from the spirit world and due to this once summoned have chains attached to their body that flows back to the key, beyond this they are normal spirits that are still bound by the rules. The Obsidian keys are the same as the black keys however much worse, these spirits have had their constellation erased by the spirit king after they rebelled to kill the king, they are considered dangerous and uncontrollable once they decide to act on their own will. They as well are bound by chains but feared to be able to find a way to break it when summoned. Celestial Spirits are immortal but can be defeated, only means to kill a celestial spirit is due to being exiled to the human world with no chance to return to the celestial spirit world and restore its magic and live energy. [hider=Rules] Unless its a dire situation, when a Celestial Wizard summons a spirit they possess the key of for the first time they must establish a contract where the Celestial Wizard must take note about which days they are allowed to summon the said spirit. When the summoner dies, gets arrested (in some cases) or releases the spirit themself the contract gets broken. Spirits also has rules to follow, they cannot directly or indirectly kill their summoners. To close a gate under normal situations both sides must agree. [/hider] [hider=Special spells and magics] Celestial Wizards can learn special spells belonging to this type of summoning magic: -Forced Gate closure (A spell only a handful Celestial Wizards can learn, forces the closure of a gate of one of their keys without the acceptance of the other spirit, though some Zodiac ones can ignore it if they care enough about their summoner) -Multiple Summon (Only A CW with a large amount of magic can open more then 1 gate at the same time, this is considered very rare) -Star Dress (A spell where the summoner can equip a magical outfit which is tailored after the spirit they have summoned, they also gain a temporal tattoo of the spirits celestial sign, this outfit incorporates the summoned spirit's power onto the summoner, such as Taurus immense strength or Aquarius Water element, A Celestial wizard however has to gain enough experience with summoning Celestial wizards to learn this spell) -Recompense Summoning (The last resort spell, when a CW has has the ability to summon 3 zodiac spirits at once, has immense trust with a spirit of the golden zodiac key, they can sacrifice the same golden zodiac key (which will then be broken and disintegrated), once these 3 conditions are met the CW will summon the Celestial Spirit King, however as the key breaks they will forever lose the ability to summon that spirit, so as said, last resort only) [/hider] [hider=Known Spirits and contracts] NOTE: this is not complete. For all info on specifics see character tab: [hider=Silver Key's] -Crux - The souther cross spirit - uncommon -Horologium - the clock spirit - uncommon - OWNED BY Lucas (Melkor) -Lyra - the Lyre spirit - common -Nikora - the canin minor spirit (lesser dog, you know Pluu) - very common -Caelum - The chisel spirit - rare -Pyxis - The compass spirit - very common -Polaris - the bear cup spirit - uncommon -Deneb - The swan spirit - rare - OWNED BY Lucas (Melkor) -Draco - The Dragon Spirit - Very rare - OWNED BY Lucas (Melkor) [/hider] [hider=Golden Key's] -Aquarius - The water bearer -Taurus - The bull -Pisces - The paired fish spirits - OWNED BY Lucas (Melkor) -Sagittarius - The archer spirit - OWNED BY Lucas (Melkor) -Cancer - The crab spirit -Virgo - The virgin maid spirit -Leo - the lion spirit -Gemini - the twin spirits -Aries - The lamb spirit -Scorpio - The scorpion spirit -Capricorn - The goat spirit -Libra - the balanced scales spirit [/hider] [hider=Black keys] -Ophiuchus - The snake charmer spirit -Orion - The hunter spirit -Cetus - The Sea Beast Spirit -Ursus Major - The Bear spirit (Polaris father) -Canis Major - The Dog Spirit (Nikora's Alpha) [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Angel magic] Angel magic is a "Holder" type summoning magic where the user uses Special coins to summon a Angels. In the canon, you can created the coins by shortening your own lifespan HOWEVER I want to change this where the coins can be acquired just as gate keys and have a mark on the head side to depict the angel. There are two coins, Silver and Gold Gold coins exist by 5 coins for each Angel and can be used to summoned named angels. Silver coins can be used to summon nameless angels who are white bullet shaped with feathers and a mouth. Angels are not immortal but have an amount of lives based on the number of coins, however they can only be killed by an Angel slayer. If an angel dies the coin will crack and become unusual. [hider=Rules] It is only possible to summon a gold angel once a day, silver ones have no limit. Angel magic lacks the need to make contracts but once a mage gets their hands on a coin, a connection is made in order to be able to summon. When an Angel dies or gets defeated normally (regardless of coin type) the summoner will feel the same pain. When the summoner dies, commits great sins or loses the coin the connection gets broken. When the connection gets broken due to committing a great sin it will become impossible to ever summon an angel again. when the connection gets broken due to losing the coin, the connection will be reset once the summoner gets his or her coin back or gets an other one. Angels also has rules to follow, they cannot directly or indirectly kill their summoners. They are bound to follow their summoners orders but They must do all they can to keep their summoners alive, even if they have to disobey. In rare cases an angel may break his/ her own coin, this is said that when they were given an order to save someone but had to ignore the order due to having to save the summoner, they will end up feeling they do not deserve to be summoned by the summoner, having to disobey and letting an other person die instead. [/hider] [hider=Special spells and magics] Angel Magic can grant grant special spell, but to do so the summoner must use the energy of a golden coin, becoming unable to summon that angel that day. Doing this however the summoner can do any of the various: -Divine - Create a holy barrier (the size is calculated by number of coins, one coin is one individual) -Restore - Heal all wounds (cannot regrow limbs) -Regenerate - Regrow limbs (cannot heal other wounds) -Cleans - Restore poisons, sicknesses and others of those kinds -Bless - Increase a targets magic and physical abilities [/hider] [hider=Known Spirits and contracts] NOTE: this is not complete. For all info on specifics see character tab: Silver coins do not need to be listed as each coin basically gives a specific function and is not as the ones with names. [hider=Gold Coins] -Michael -Gabriel -Azazel -Barakiel -Shamsiel -Raquel [/hider] Note: I request that we stay with the normal looking angels instead the canon weird ones (I have a personal interest in angels and I feel that those designs are kinda insulting) [/hider] [hider=Yggdrasill Summoning] Yggdrasill summoning magic is a "caster" type summoning magic where the user can create contracts with the Yggdrasill spirits in order to summon them.. This magic is very rare and ancient magic but is not considered lost as there are still users. Yggdrasill spirits are with many, there are different lines, having multiple returns of the same elements. -You have the main line, the starters of all of the Yggdrasill spirits and leaders of the entire series, they can be found in special altars scattered around the world, these altars are however hard to find and hard to reach as the temples that houses them are always secretly hidden and often have been made to prevent people from reaching the altar by having monsters and traps. -Child line are those directly born from the main line and are free roaming spirits, making them harder to find in general as they know how to stay out of sight from others and dont have a special place you can locate them. -The hulk Line are big, lack the intelligence found in the others but have a large increase of physical strength, they all have been sealed away, current locations are unknown but it is known that the seals can be recognized by large boulders with writing on it. More lines exist but are not listed down at this point. Though there are various lines, only a few differ in strength, such as the hulk line, all others are equal in strength, even the leaders. The key differences are the way they use their powers and the spell they grant. As said Yggdrasill spirits grant a special spell to their summoners, if the contract gets broken then the user cannot use the spell anymore either. The main and child line are immortal, but the other lines can be killed. if one member gets killed a new one will be born to take its place, the new born will always fit the open spot of the line but will possess different ways to use his/ her powers, different personality and granted spell. If a summoned has a Yggdrasill spirit of such a line and the spirit dies, the summoner will from then on summon the replacement. [hider=Rules] In order to make a contract with a Yggdrasill spirit, you need to find the spirit and battle it and win, then you must speak a vow, the basis for what the pact will be made upon, if you break this pact, you will break the contract. if you complete the pact you can still summon the spirit until an other summoner made a pact with the same spirit Each spirit can only make a contract with 1 person at a time. Yggdrasill spirits cost a lot of magic to summon (unless they summon themself), but the more pacts you have the less magic they cost to summon for some unknown reason. When a Yggdrasill spirit dies and gets replaced the new spirit will be summoned next time the summoner tries to summon the older spirit, however the newer one lacks the memories of the older one and thus has no idea on what the contract has been made, due to this the summoner needs to make a new vow with the replacement spirit (no battle is required unless the new spirit personality demands otherwise). Angels also has rules to follow, they cannot directly or indirectly kill their summoners. [/hider] [hider=Special spells and magics] A contract with a Yggdrasill spirit grants access to a spell of the same element, however these spells differ from spirit to spirit so it would be hard to list them all here. so see the character tab section for these bits of knowledge. [/hider] [hider=Known Spirits and contracts] NOTE: this is not complete. For all info on specifics see character tab: [hider=Main Line] -Efreet - Spirit of fire -Undine - Spirit of water -Sylph - Spirit of wind - OWNED BY Gaurman Ittelic (Drake Baku) -Aska - Spirit of light -Shadow - Spirit of darkness -Gnome - Spirit of earth -Celsius - Spirit of Ice -Volt - Spirit of Lightning -Orin - King of the Yggdrasill [/hider] [hider=Child Line] -Ferix - Child of Efreet -Verius - Child of Orin, Spirit of Heart more will come [/hider] [hider=Hulk Line] will come [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=CS] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] (your allowed to work it out in IC, just say so here, but if possible give some small remarks) [b]Appearance:[/b] (picture or description's are both allowed, for pictures your free to use any type, though if possible please keep to some kind of art, drawings, digitally made, manga/ anime, but that us just a simple request, your free to go any way regardless regardless of your way to describe the char, do add this: Height, body type, possible weight if you have a good idea, eye color, hair color. for female chars I ask if you are willing to add the cup size for when such a situation comes that makes it handy to know, adding a simple large, normal or small can also be done or putting a picture down where its somewhat visible to guess of it can be used as well, if you cant find a picture and or dont want to add it regardless, that is fine as well, just state so (to prevent me from asking in case you forgot) any other important features likes scars. [b]Emblem location: [/b](where is your guild seal magically tattooed to your skin?) [b]Magic level:[/b] (beginner or medium (for higher levels ask first after making the rest of the sheet)) [b]Type:[/b] (Holder or Caster type mage, holder means a mage using items for his/ her spells, Caster means, well the more known ones, able to make fireballs from their hands for example) [b]Specialization:[/b] (The magic the char is specialized in, example: Giant magic, Requipt or an slayer class magic) [b]Style:[/b] (dragon slayers tend to be more melee users while others act more like support, this is not a fixed remark but more a preferred manner of doing stuff and is optional to remark) [b]Physical mutation:[/b] (Optional: some magics may have an effect on the users body, like becoming more Dragon or demon in race, [u]only use this[/u] if your magic has effected your char's body in some way) [b]Spells:[/b] (include those not belonging to specializations if you have any, but do not go overboard with it, most wizards only have a few non specialization spells) [b]Equipment:[/b] (add holder type items and all other useful items and equipments, this will also list requipt and such) [b]Title:[/b] (Optional for those that are known one way or an other, such as Natsu being known as Salamander and Erza as Titania) [b]History:[/b] (can be worked out IC, though mention that here, if possible add some background anyway) [/hider] you can place a char sheet in the character tab but do report it in the OOC if you did as I still have to check in order to see if its accepted or not. off course your free to place your sheet in the OOC first or send it though PM (also report about that in the OOC please) because the rp is in a guild I want multiple chars to exist at the start, even a beginning guild has to have multiple members I will start with 4, 3 personal char's that go on missions and the 4e is the guild master so depending on how many join and who takes multiple chars this show can start soon or not on that note, those that wish to join, please say how many characters you wish to use for this rp any questions or suggestions to this post are welcome ^^ I may change this post if need arise for it, but generally I will report it in a new post, but I can forget to report it so please bare with me. I may change rules if something forces me to, but I hope that wont happen. I am pretty easy going i general, if people come with something I generally dont see possible I will try to discuss a solution so it can be made possible, though at times even I have to set my foot down, sorry for that. upside with Fairytail is that a lot is possible anyway so I doubt much problems will arise with it ;) [/hider] [hider=Player rooster] Drake Baku = [url=]Chizuru Oppai[/url] (Guildmaster) - [url=]Gaurman "Bolt" Ittalic[/url] - Twins: [url=]Volray[/url] and [url=]Lilith Zables[/url] [/hider] [hider=Slayer and summoning rooster] [b]Used Dragon slayer elements:[/b] -Crystal dragon slayer first Gen -Water dragon slayer first Gen -Aether Dragon slayer first gen [b]Summoning characters[/b] Gaurman Ittelic: God summoning, Spirit weapon, Yggdrasil summoning Grave Burnclade: Custom summoning Lucas Evan: Celestial wizzard [/hider] [hider=NPC lists] [url=]NPC's by Drake[/url] [/hider]