[center][h1][color=gold]Gwendolyn[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h2]Outsider Mage[/h2][/center] Wendy snatched one of the pouches and counted out the money inside.[i][color=gold]"Well, should be enough to last for a while,"[/color][/i] she thought. Then she put the pouch in her pocket and looked over the map, ready for everyone else to get on with this meeting. [i][color=gold]"Does he recognize me?"[/color][/i] She wondered to herself. [i][color=gold]"I could recognize the feeling of his aura anywhere, not exactly sure how but I can. I'm not the only one he rescued from that infernal city though. The faces probably blur with him. But I'll never forget him. I came here hoping to have a chance at becoming his apprentice. Maybe after finding this Weisstraugh place, then an opportunity will arise." [/color][/i] Then she looked at the others and she looked at herself and sighed. [i][color=gold]"If I make it."[/color][/i] Really, she wasn't sure exactly how she had made it here. She had carved herself a few rough arrows, but hadn't really been all that successful with hunting and mostly subsided on the few berries and other plants she found that she knew were edible. Her stomach growled a bit, really her money might be first spent getting a proper meal from the tavern. Everyone else definitely looked more capable of holding their own in a fight. And it seemed as of now that either she would look like an fool during their travels or she would get herself killed. [i][color=gold]"But there is no where else really for me to go, so I might as well go with them. Besides, maybe one of the others would be willing to teach me some real weapon skills or how to better wield my magic."[/color][/i] But as the meeting hadn't gotten along yet, tomorrow was tomorrow, and her stomach rumbled again, the golden-haired girl ordered meat stew from the proprietor and had to force herself to eat it slowly.