Drevan worked his magic on the UGV's control rig, covering his squishy co workers as they got into their vehicle. He chattered rounds at the approaching fighters. "I can do my best to take out as many as I can, and draw off as many as I can too." He peppered a truck as it pulled up at the other end of the market with one hand, while he primed and prepped the onboard explosive charges with the other. He still had loads of time on the UGV, as it also had an auto counter to set the charges off, but the manual detonator was there as well. He looked up briefly from the UGV control rig and looked up at the connection to the UAV, he'd set it on course back and the backdoor he had put in should be running out shortly. He listened absently to the conversation that Martin was having, just as the signal dropped he made a gesture saying they were clear. He really felt sorry for the CIA, they had some good hackers and techies. But he is just so much better then them. He looked over at Martin as he came back into the room. Drevan tried his best to keep his smug grin out of his voice, "The CIA ought to try and make their passwords less easy to data mine out of their systems. All it takes is a little time and determination." Drevan focused back on the UGV. He powered the tracked beast up and over a stall, pattering rounds out at the vehicles the enemy were using as they approached. He waited as they pulled by and began to follow them all as the rest of the team pulled off in their truck. Drevan immediately hammered the rear units with nice heavy barks from the GMG. Several of the pursuing vehicles fliping on their sides or end over end as the rounds kicked into them. He laughed, "Liberty, Lancaster, Cavalier, I can lead maybe one or two of those off, they are going to want to get some idea of who made this thing. The rest are yours." He peeled the UGV off, and down a street, a pair of the remaining vehicles following him. Drevan grinned, making for Ahmedabad at top speed. He turned the turret and kicked rounds from the LMGs, trying to urge the vehicles closer. Radar pinged only a few civilians in the street, and none of them held guns, in fact most of them were running from the gun fire. Drevan pulled the UGV to a stop and steve-nashed his index finger and thumb, then flicked the manual detonator. The UGV gave a kick, drove forward on it;s own power, just far enough that the trucks followed close. Then the UGV went up in flames, sending shrapnel up in a high arch. Drevan laughed, "Big big boom! I have got to let the ordnance group know they did an awesome job with packing those explosives!" he laughed then pushed the UGV controller off to one side and worked to get the visuals from the team back onto the feeds, "I'm out people. You're on your own on the ground."