Appearance: [hider=normal] [img=] [/hider] Jessica has an athletic build, bold hair and blue eyes. She stands about 5 foot 10 and wears a black top, jeans, boots and a belt which has her badge and holster clipped to it. [hider=costumed] [img=] [/hider] Aether's costume is black mask, black leather jacket, black leather pants, gloves, boots and black top. Strapped to her belt is another holster which contains another pistol and her toolkit. Name: Jessica Reid Alias: Aether Age: 25 Gender: Female Power(s): Energy metabloization Limits/Weaknesses: The energy that she absorbs dissipates over time and if she absorb too much she will lose consciousness. She has difficultly absorbing electrical energy and exposure to rain will cause her to lose whatever energy she has built up. Equipment: 9mm Pistol & Holster, toolkit Personality: Jessica grew up in a military family and moved around a lot as a child and as quickly learned how to make friends quickly. She is friendly, approachable and dedicated to both her career in the FBI and her friends and family. As Aether she views the citizens of whatever city she is in as something she will do anything and is extremely efficient when dealing with criminals and villians. History: Jessica grew up in a military family and moved around both the US and Europe. She competed in various sports at school and particularly excelled in soccer where her powers helped her greatly.. It was at the age of sixteen where she first discovered her powers, during a fight at school she discovered that every blow made her feel stronger. She then spent the next two years developing her understanding of her abilities and training in various martial arts. At eighteen she returned to the states to enter college and about a year later developed her secret identity of Aether. After graduating she joined the FBI and is currently working in the Narcotics division.