Ignoring the annoyed glance, Ada smiled at Delilah as she finally took her earbuds off. Eventually the smile flipped into a frown as the other girl was taking her sweet time doing it. Ada began to drum her fingers impatiently, but eventually Delilah said, [color=f7941d]“It's not like we have to do everything together, Ada. If you wanna get out there's plenty of opportunity.”[/color] Ada rolled her eyes, since the other girl wasn't looking at her. She put on a smile when Delilah finally decided to look at her, despite being a little annoyed about how difficult it was just to have a small conversation with her. Delilah continued, saying [color=f7941d]“Listen, I know work's been slow, but I've been working on something. Vito might have a job for us soon. I know he's not exactly given us the safest jobs but hey, they pay well, right? After one of his crazy schemes I'm sure we'll have plenty of surplus cash to pay for all your fancy clothes.”[/color] Keith walked in at that moment, and Delilah waved to him. Ada looked in his direction, and nodded. The two of them tended to have an amiable friendship, considering that together they provided the protection for their fellow Scroungers. His methods differed from hers, to be sure, but that only made them more formidable as bodyguards when they worked together. Beyond that, she didn't delve too deeply into his past--she didn't delve into anyone's past, really, because she didn't want to have to explain her own. She discovered long ago that most people in the Undercity tended to be extremely bitter toward her when they discovered she lived in New Denver for much of her life, regardless of the actual difficulty of that life. To the people down here, life was better in New Denver, no matter what. After Keith entered the room, she turned back to Delilah, and put a smile back on her face. She always tried to maintain friendships with all of her fellow Scroungers, even if their personalities didn't always make it easy. Of course, she never considered that her own personality might be annoying--that was inconceivable to her. The news of the job did brighten her spirits. [color=a187be]"That's good to hear, Delilah. You know I'm not worried about safety... Keith and I can handle any danger. Makes it more fun, anyway, don't you think? A little more... exciting. This place can get so very dull, you know. And, of course, I always love the extra cash--I am definitely in need of a new outfit, the ones I have are starting to fall apart. Man, I wish the tailors down here could get their hands on some better fabric..."[/color] She continued to ramble for a bit, and stopped herself when she noticed Delilah spacing out. Clearing her throat, she added, [color=a187be]"Anyway, when do you think you'll hear from Vito--"[/color] Just then, Sander walked into the room and also asked about the job. She turned to Delilah, waiting for more details.