[quote=@Ryver et Rhine] Haha oooh that was my bad. Sneakily reading in office. :P Thanks ♡ (shall I call you Mikael or Rumpelstiltskin?) [/quote] I'll respond to either, but Rumpy/Rumple will do, dearie. Mika/Mikael is tantamount to my real name. [quote=@shylarah] I agree about the undercover identities. And I think a char's past will always have an effect on their future. ^.^ I like mimimalist casts too. It's so much more fun to see how you can make a big change with just a little power. <3 By the way, what happened to your spoilers?[/quote] Sorry, still waking up, tbh. But um, spoilers? About what exactly, just so I'm clear?