Name: Donny Lee Yang Gender: (Male Age: 20 Appearance: [img][/img] Magic: None so far Weapon: A dagger, hatchet, and 50 feet with of thick rope. Personality: Donny likes to think of himself as a funny guy. Always makes jokes, a big flirt, doesn't take things too seriously. And why should he? Guy is a major slacker too. Too "busy" with his "work", which mostly involves just entertaining himself. While he can have a big drive to do amazing things, he also tends to forget about them in pursuit of something else that catches his eyes. One week he might dedicate himself to be the master, the next he might just want to build something from his imagination. It's hard for him to settle down for one thing. When it comes to people Donny is, once again, a big flirt. He'd like to make love to women and pretty men. He may even be willing to accompany some burlier men if they seem nice. But Donny doesn't really get emotionally attached to others. He stay friends with them for their bodies and skills, rarely because of "who" they are. Donny himself prefers this as he gets violent and clingy to people he gets emotionally attached to, and know that it's not good for his health if he gets too close to others. To people who are his enemies, Donny does his best to ignore them most of the time. But if you are his enemy you'll know soon, because he won't tolerate you living. Bio: Donny struggles to remember most of his past life. He knew he had family: a mother and father and at least three siblings. He remembered disappointment for some reason or another. His family stayed together, but it was suffering. Donny thinks this was because of some sort of emotional reason, as he remembered one of his parents or siblings hurting him, but he never ran away. He remembered happier times with complete strangers, playing with them, eating with them, enjoying their company. He doesn't know these people, but he knows they aren't his family and that Donny genuinely enjoyed being with them. A major event he is certain that happened was that he ran away from his family. Because he has no recent memories of any of them, the shadows he knows as his family. He only saw strangers he spent time with, the things they did and what he learned from them. But that all ended when one day, Donny saw a flash of bright light, and remembered being taken to a hospital... Other: Donny is good at using rope. From tying nearly unbreakable knots to quickly dismantling them, he also is good at throwing things. Combining these two skills together and he could use a lasso with deadly efficiency. He also has a rudimentary knowledge of mechanical engineering, but even he doesn't really know what that means. As far as he can tell though, it helps him remember how locks are made and how to put together things like guns and crossbows. Doesn't remember ever getting into fights before, but he still has the raw strength to swing his weapon really, really hard.