"How fascinating," Korrigan remarked as he looked over the 'Pokedex', as Carl had called it. He pointed the device at Jet, curious to see what it would say. After taking a moment to scan the pokemon, a robotic voice spoke up. [i]"Froakie: the Bubble Frog Pokemon. It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back, which reduce any damage it would otherwise take from an attack."[/i] "Huh, I always thought they were just for decoration. The more you know." Korrey pocketed the Pokedex, reminding himself to check Fidget and Regina later, before turning his attention back to Carl. Before he could respond to his greeting, however, another boy asked for assistance with registering his Squirtle. The sight caused Korrey to chuckle a little bit at how silly the situation looked. "Such a willful spirit, I'm sure training him will be quite the trial. Ah, but where are my manners, I've yet to introduce myself." He reached up to lower his hood, revealing his red/black hair and rather intimidating eyes. He introduced himself with a bow, giving the other trainers a warm, gentle smile that contrasred greatly with his rather fearful appearance. "My name is Korrigan, a Priest of the Church of Yveltal, and this is my companion, Jet. The other two are pokemon I've just adopted from this sanctuary, Fidget and Regina." Korrigan had made sure to gesture to each pokemon as he named them, and each one responded in a different way. Jet simply looked down on them from his place on Korrigan's shoulder, looking rather unimpressed with the people his trainer had chosen to associate with. Fidget, who had been flying around aimlessly, landed on his new Trainer's head and gave out an excited squek of delight. Regina was hidden behind him, and when gestured to, simply growled warningly at them. She was still hesitant around her own trainer, so anyone else should expect a rough reception from her. [@AbysmalDemon] [@McHaggis]