[hider=Feon Mayweather] Name: Feon Mayweather Age: 23 Gender: Female Personality: Feon is very upbeat to the point of being annoying. She does have a bit of a dark side though, as she has been known to lose control. She has no problem with killing others, sometimes she may even do it on “Accident”. Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/de92/th/pre/i/2015/100/2/3/eruna_ichinomiya_by_clo_7-d8p5n3o.jpg[/img] [/hider] Height: 5’4, Orange eyes, Orange Hair, Weight: 120 pounds Cup size: Washboard Magic level: Medium Type: Caster Specialization: Support/Enhancement Magic Style: Melee Physical mutation: Some the skin on her arms and legs as well as abdomen is rather tough due to her constant use of skin hardening magic. Spells: Shield magic, Speed enhancement magic, Strength enhancement, Weapon enhancement, Healing enhancement, Invisbility, Weight(works both ways) enhancement, Slow curse(only lasts for an hour or two), Damage Curse(Slowly damages the victim for about an hour), Weakening Curse Equipment: Two Daggers, each with what looks like a sapphire in the hilts. Title: Two faced Enchanter. History: Details will be revealed in IC. Feon was born into a rich family. She started to learn magic at around the age of 5 through some private tutoring. When she was 7 she was taken away from her family and held hostage for days. However her family never sent anyone for her, instead after awhile her kidnappers started to grow impatient and as such started to take it out on Feon. They started to beat her almost daily. After about a week of beatings Feon suddenly snapped. The moment she got her hands on a knife she started to go crazying stabbing each of her kidnappers multiple times. She came out of the kidnapping, to her parents who feigned excitement to see her back. Feon left her family at the age of 14 and started to travel the world. She started to see the brighter things in life on her travels. Thus she became a much brighter person. She eventually joined the Dragoon Guild at age 23 with much excitement, hoping that she would find even more adventures with the guild. [/hider] [hider=Linia/Paper] Name: Linia Edelweiss Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Linia is the more defensive of the two, and often does whatever she can to Protect Cinia. Linia is a bit more high strung and stuck up compared to Cinia. Appearance: Linia is in white [hider=Edelweiss Twins] [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/9c96/i/2009/014/e/e/oc__s___the_twins_by_melmoon.jpg[/img] [/hider] Location of emblem: Back of neck 5'1(height), 120(weight), Brown eyes, Brown Short Hair Cup-size: A Magic level: Medium Type: Caster Specialization: Paper Magic Style: Mostly she attacks ranged but isn’t afraid of getting in someone’s face toe Protect Cinia Physical mutation: None Spells: Paper Make- Sword: Creates a sword that is as sharp as steel made from paper. Paper Make- Golem: The golem comes in multiple forms Paper Make-Plane: makes a paper airplane to fly on, also makes parachutes Paper Make-Armor: Makes the paper as hard as steal that can’t be cut and used as either a shield or armor. Ultimate Seal: When combining her powers with Cinia she can make a large seal that is powerful enough to seal the powers of even a dragon slayer, however the target needs to be held down first in order for this to work. The seal lasts for about a day. Equipment: Any kind of Paper near her. She often carriers a Suitcase full of paper and sometimes books. Title: Paper History: Originally both Cinia and Linia came from a small island where they were worshiped as twin goddess for their magic skills, and their skills for singing and dancing. They started to learn magic from the previous goddesses at the age of 4. The island started to get attacked later by a large lizard like creature that later caused them and many of the island's inhabitants to flee the island. They are no longer seen as twin goddesses, however they have become quite renowned for being artists as of late. They eventually joined the Golden Dragoon at the age of 18 each. (Further Details will be revealed in IC) [/hider] [hider=Cinia/Ink] Name: Cinia Edelweiss Age: 18 Gender: Female Personality: Cinia is very close to Linia, the two are rarely ever separated. Cinia is far more excitable compared to Linia. Appearance: Cinia is in black [hider=Edelweiss Twins] [img]http://img06.deviantart.net/9c96/i/2009/014/e/e/oc__s___the_twins_by_melmoon.jpg[/img] [/hider] Location of Emblem: Back of neck 5'1(height), 120(weight), Brown eyes, long brown hair Cupsize: A Magic level: Just below Medium Type: Holder Specialization: Ink Magic Style: Support and Ranged Physical mutation: None Spells: Ink Teleport: Can teleport form one source of Ink to another, this includes ink she hasn’t used herself. Enchanting Enhancment: Cinia can increase the effectiveness of any spell if she can write an incantation on something related to the spell. Form of Inkling: Cinia can change her form into that of a creature far more suited to go through ink and spread the ink. In this form she can rapid fire her enhancements and also move much faster. She can also turn into a squid in this form to swim through the ink while also being invisible. However in this form she is very weak to water as it acts like acid to her burning away her body. [hider=Inkling Form] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/7195/f/2015/173/e/9/callie_by_furin94-d8ybtqi.jpg[/img] [/hider] Ultimate Seal: When combining her powers with Linia she can make a large seal that is powerful enough to seal the powers of even a dragon slayer, however the target needs to be held down first in order for this to work. The seal lasts for about a day. Equipment: Fountain Pens: Cinia uses multiple of these to write her spells or even throw her ink. Ink Bombs: These are basically water balloons full of ink that have a much farther range than her fountain pens. She uses these to spread her ink so she can teleport to them. Title: Ink History: Originally both Cinia and Linia came from a small island where they were worshiped as twin goddess for their magic skills, and their skills for singing and dancing. They started to learn magic from the previous goddesses at the age of 4. The island started to get attacked later by a large lizard like creature that later caused them and many of the island's inhabitants to flee the island. They are no longer seen as twin goddesses, however they have become quite renowned for being artists as of late. They eventually joined the Golden Dragoon at the age of 18 each. (Further Details will be revealed in IC) [/hider]