The year is 5032 and Humanity has expanded it's reaches into the universe. In it's search for new planets to colonize, it has set its eyes on a tiny planet in the Neros Galaxy. This planet is known as Planet Leto and its special to Humanity because it has life. Normally, for Humans to colonize a planet, they would have to fertilize and planet vegetation on the said planet to create a stable biosphere. This can take decades if not millenniums to achieve. That is why a planet already inhabited by its own native life is very important to Humanity. Humanity at this point is no stranger to Alien lifeforms. In fact it has already colonized five planets and has cultivated its native inhabitants. They say that Humanity has "adopted" the native lifeforms, taking care of them as they evolve. This has been heavily criticized by a number of people. Their main point is that any alien inhabiting a native's home might bring a myriad number of dangers, such as diseases and what-not. Humans although, have taken this into consideration, planning for every scenario that might play out. The debates still ensue as to the nature of Humanity's "adoption" of alien species. On planet Leto however, Humanity was met with something it did not expect, Intelligent alien life or to be more specific, an intelligent alien species that has built a society for itself. Upon closer observation, this lifeforms are insects in nature and their societies seem to mimic those of our own during the 20th century. They were fragmented and their forms of government were at odds with each other. It was as if Humanity was looking through a window through its past and its present. But this was not the center of attention for people who observed the planet. It was the planet's plant life which acted the same way it did on Earth. This was perfect for those who wanted to colonize the planet, as it was ready for the colonization process to begin with. With small robots almost invisible to the naked eye, Humans made numerous test on the planet to ensure its safety for us and for them if we did become our exploits. Once it was clear that neither had anything to fear from the other, Humanity was left with one question, What do we do with the native lifeforms? The answer would come from the governments of Humanity. Each and every colony are sovereign. All those sovereign powers are grouped based on what galaxy they are located. All of the leaders of each sovereign powers in a galaxy create a council to guide the actions of all who inhabit the said galaxy. Each galaxies that mankind has colonized are named "sectors" and the councils they form are could "Sector senates". The Neros galaxy is the newest galaxy to be colonized by humanity. It has a senate whose members are 53 in total, where as other galactic senates number in the thousands if not millions. Out of the 53 colonies in the Neros galaxy, on 5 were planet-based. The rest are space platform colonies. Planetary real estates agencies, planetary construction firms and other companies who would make a lot of money from the colonization of a planet lobbied hard with the senate to approve the colonization of it. A debate was to be had with the senate. News of this however got to the other sectors, where other senates got involved. Soon a new resolution was made that the 9 sector senates would vote upon whether Humanity would colonize or leave alone the planet of Leto. Out of the 9 sectors, 4 voted against the colonization and 5 voted for. Soon a wormhole gateway, Humanity's highway through the cosmos, was opened up in their solar system and Human ships entered the quadrant. The alien species, now unofficially named by Human's as the '[i]Bogs[/i]', where thrown into disarray by the realization that they were not alone in the galaxy. Their whole civilization came to a stand still as the first human ship, the S8 BDD7 Class Madrid Nova orbited their planet. Through mathematical codes, Humans sent messages to the aliens that they wished to live on the planet among with them and in return they would teach the natives all we knew. The messages we received back told us that they want to be left alone. In spite of this, several construction firm companies descended on the planet, beginning their plans to create homes for Humans. They were attacked by the natives and they fought back, causing a full blown inter species war. Humans were driven back to our ships and the Bogs kept a close eye on us. Because of this, the sector senates were then forced to pass a new resolution, the planetary invasion of Leto. This sent a shock wave of disapproval for the actions that Humanity was taking towards the alien species. Despite of this, the sector senates are determined to conquer the planet or die trying. Welcome to Operation: Crimson Titan, where Humanity tries to conquer an entire species that leads to a guerrilla war and the lost of the battle for us Humans. Rules are pretty basic enough, its the all the usual. In this rp, you would be playing as one of the servicemen and women who would dedicate themselves to the complete conquest of the Bog alien species. (WORK IN PROGRESS, PLEASE DO NOT POST)